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not sure what to say!

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    not sure what to say!

    Hi everyone

    I just found this site... as although I never thought I had a problem with al... I know deep down I do.

    I last had a drink on Saturday and I really don't want to drink anymore. I did not think I was that bad, but then I did not realise I was drinking a bottle or two of red wine every day. I did not realise how bad I am, but I was desperate, I was craving a drink! Yesterday I just really really really wanted a drink! I did not get one as the bottle shop was not open (live in Perth, Australia - Sunday trading very rare). It made me realise that I do actually have a problem. I need to stop.

    I am pleased I found this site. Any tips for a newbie who has just realised she DOES have a problem??:new::thanks:

    not sure what to say!

    Hi Cat!
    Welcome to MWO, glad you found us! You've made the first step, and that is addressing the fact that you have a problem (or feel like you do anyway). This is a great site, with many caring, supportive people. We have ALL been where you are at. How are you doing right now with your attempt to not drink? The first few days are tough. Please keep us posted on how you are. I look forward to getting to know you!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      not sure what to say!

      Hi catlover and welcome! You might start by reading the MWO book. You can download it from the Health Store (top of this page) for a reasonable amount. It wil help you understand some important aspects to the issues we share and give you some solid ideas relative to formulating a plan. Great job on looking for help! Drink a LOT of water and eat well!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        not sure what to say!

        Thanks for the messages. I woke up today and knew I had to do something about it!


          not sure what to say!

          Hi! Welcome Cat Lover!! Yes, you want to find your way out of a drinking problem, you have come to the right place! I agree with Greenie, downloading the book is a great place to start! Read posts and post yourself! I will look forward to seeing you around here!

          Best Wishes,
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            not sure what to say!

            Hi Cat-Lover!

            Most of us here are in the same boat as you.. it took me awhile to realise that I had a problem with AL too.. I just assumed depression was my problem.. but I know AL is too..
            This site is a great support to help you with your drinking issues.. In the past 2 months since joining, I have improved heaps.. just read and post often.. life is so much better without AL..
            Katie xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              not sure what to say!

              Cat_Lover, when I came here a little over 2 months ago, I never dreamed I would make so many wonderful, compassionate, encouraging friends and because of that, I have been able to quit drinking. Go look under "Just starting out" and find "Start Here" by RubyWillow and "You can do this" by me. Read and write down everything. We are all on a journey together to get and stay sober. There are so many people here who are just dying to help you and share our experiences with. We all Love and Welcome You! Vicki
              I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
              but I'm sure not who I used to be!

              There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                not sure what to say!


                hi cat, welcome, im new here too! the people here are very welcoming and helpful. check in often it will help.


                  not sure what to say!

                  Cat! Welcome to a wonderful place and congratulations on making a wonderful first step. Read, post, pray (if you are a pray-er) and repeat. This place works wonders and the people here are super!

                  Strength and love.......
                  :h getting better every day


                    not sure what to say!

                    Cat. Welcome aboard. The best advice I can give is take things one day at a time. DEFINATELY, do not have any alcohol in the house! Tell yourself that if you get through today, you can have a drink tomorrow. Just get through this one day.

                    Keep telling yourself that, and before you know it, you will be on the way to a happy, sober life. Seriously, I can tell you that it is great and I was a wine drinker of over 2 litres a day. I have fallen by the wayside along the way, but I always eventually pick myself up and start again, because it is so worth the good feeling you have about yourself.


                      not sure what to say!

                      Welcome Cat
                      That 'good feeling' that Pan mentions should be bottled and sold for a million$!! It is wonderful and happens quite early in sobriety - sometimes as early as 3 days, it is a wonderful reward for effort, and it is an effort but worth every single bit.
                      On a lighter note, I reckon if you found yourself with no wine and no bottle shop open you are probably nipping things in the bud. I would have crawled over dead bodies the day before to make sure I had a bottle (or six ) for the day the shop would be closed.
                      Stick around here, we all slip up and mess up and the trick is to keep coming back, this lot will pull you up by your braces if needs be!!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        not sure what to say!

                        Hi Cat, and welcome. I echo the sentiments written above, we are here for you. Read lots, write lots, and ask questions when you have them. The fact that you know it is time, is a wonderful start to your battle. You can do it.
                        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                          not sure what to say!

                          hi cat

                          i too am a newbie, lets draw strength from each other and the wonderful advice on MWO. lets stay sober today eh?
                          The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                            not sure what to say!

                            Hi Cat
                            Ditto all the above and welcome!!!!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem

