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    HELLO ALL, well its day 9 of af life,i feel good! imade it thru the weekend af. i find myself with cravings at times but battle thru it with water or diet pepsi. So i have a question, how can someone who has been drinking 30 plus years,6beers or more,wine,hard stuff, almost nightly just go cold turkey,am i an alcoholic, i know i am an alcohol abuser, i dont need a label im just curious. i know others have a much harder time with it,please do not take this as gloating. Will i have side effects in a week or later??? Do i need to see my doctor and have things checked out? I am greatful for this site and all involved! i read alot of everyones threads. maybe after30 days af i will have more confidence to reply more. thankx for listening and best wishes to all B.B.


    Hi Buddy,

    I have none of the answers you seek
    Wish I did...
    I too am at about the same place you are, except the beer.
    My poison was always wine and usually a bottle a nite.

    However I am also finding this time it's not difficult, wonder if it's 'cos my head space is different,which I attribute completely to this site.

    I also wonder what will the next 2 weeks look like.

    Having said that I did have a blood test this morning to check on what damage I may have done.

    Really looking forward to hearing how your going.

    All the best, keep going.:goodjob:

    Happy to be back



      Side effects or withdrawal generally subsides after 5-7 days although some do have shakes that last for several months. If you haven't any sides right now then you aren't likely to develop any more unless you have something like severe liver damage.

      Well done on 9 days. You say you battle cravings with water or Pepsi, do you mean you have that instead of the beer?There are other things you can do to deal with cravings that don't involve having a glass in your hand. I post on here, watch iplayer programmes, have a hot mug of skimmed milk, take a nap. I'm always wary of replacing the drinking action itself.



        Hey Buddy, congrats on the 9 days, that is awesome. Keep up the great work, and keep adding those days up. The second weekend was a real tough one for me - chat on this site helped me through.

        I had similar drinking habits to you, and I think that I would label us both as functioning alcholics. If you continue with responsibilities and function in society but drink way to much. I was slowly starting to mess up big time when drunk though, and it was affecting my marriage etc. Regardless, someone who drinks that daily like you quote, would be considering an alcoholic I think, as opposed to an abuser.

        You may not receive more symptoms of withdrawal, and I hope you don't. Some of the urges that you will have to work through, and the social parties/dinners etc that you will have to start working your way through, without alcohol, may provide you with some difficulty. I am only 10 weeks af, I am still in the closet accept my family, in regards to being dry. So I am working through these social things, it can be tough.

        Hang in there,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



          Way to go on the 9 days!!! I'm on day 2 and am feeling really good. I need to constantly remind myself how serious taking a drink is for me though. I get to feeling so good and forget how bad AL makes me feel the next day. As for the abuser or alcoholic thing..I don't know? Just know that AL makes me feel less than human..Have a great day 9!!!!



            STRESSED OUT

            Sometimes things just suck, my mood is stressed but have not reached for the alcohol crutch.venting thru typing which i also suck at. thankx hillside for the support, aswell uk,jackrabbitt and montana mom. wishing you all a great day! its been 10 ten days, feel good,no physical cravings, sometimes a few mental ones though. I think it comes from the old habits, get a paper -get a beer, mow the lawn -have a beer, wash the car- you get my drift. Heres one for all, do smells trigger your cravings,barbequeing or sitting around a campfire, have not done that sober in too many years to count! that will be a test! ok done, a little wordy today, good luck to all !!!



              Hey Buddy,glad you did not reach for booze. I, like you, used to grab a beer when painting, working in the shop, after hockey, after work...yes for me sounds trigger urges, commercials, smells, locations etc. I did find that after a few months, the edge to these triggers starts to get worn off, and I think about them less - so don't give in to them. You can ride these urges like a wave, and they will pass. Keep up the good work. I have kept a huge selection of cold pop on hand, and I crack one often - it helps me. (mostly club soda, no sugar and no aspartame etc)
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                SURVIVED THE WEEKEND

                Hi Buddy,

                you sound like your very much at a similar place to myself.

                I too am at day 11, and it's been 15 days since the Binge that made me look hard at myself.

                I am also waiting to 'hit the wall' cos I've not found it hard so far and don't seem to be suffering withdrawals or massive cravings.

                Interestingly in your last post you raised a concern about familiar activities that can trigger the drink reaction.
                This is also something that has concerned me all week as this weekend my husband and I are going camping, an activity that typically revolves around waiting for a respectable time to crack a Jim Beam can, mellowing over a couple of these before opening a bottle of wine (for dinner of course)and falling unconscious into bed.

                This is particularly scary because we go very remote and if we don't take it with us we can't get it, for some reason I take comfort when I'm at home in knowing that downstairs is a very well stocked wine cellar.

                Keep going you inspire me
                Happy to be back

