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AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

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    AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

    Well, the *worst* happened over the weekend--and now I KNOW it has to be over. I fell for the second time since starting drinking last year and bruised my foot--again. Only this time my daughter found me blacked out on the floor and had to call my father. Never again. I am just thankful that she never saw me like this and didn't call 911. I've apologized to her, explained my problem and why things have changed so much over the past year, and now we are ready to move on.

    Since last yer, I've been buying the large bottle of vodka and spending the entire weekend sipping away until I would blackout at night. And then it got worse. Wake up and do it all over again to take away the morning shakes. THE MORNING DRINK. Waking up drenched in perspiration all night. Waking up at 4:00 am and not being able to sleep again...unless. And then spending a day or two taking klonopin and feeling SO much better. And then back to another few days of hard drinking only at night. To be honest, I've been pretty hard drinking 5 out of 7 days for almost the last three months. Before it wasn't so bad. I used to be that I wouldn't start until the afternoon ever; then it became only on weekdays...but the weekends started to become lost. And then I'm a wreck.

    I can't believe I ever became this. I've changed so dramatically in the last year of regular drinking. I'm one of those who started drinking later in life...after some trauma, divorce, you name it. Then I move to a place where I can't find a decent job (I'm a professional)...but my daughter is so happy here.

    So I went off drinking last fall by taking benzos in high doses to get over the first withdrawl. It was HORRIBLE as I'd developed quite a tolerance to benzos in addition to alcohol.

    On the advice of others, did the AA Thing, which just didn't work for me. Sure, they took me a convert...but I started to feel pressure to do "service work" and feel what just wasn't there. Sure, I didn't lose my license, my job, my I could drive people to meetings--specifically women who left/lost their kids to keep in AA. Only I had to get back to take care of my child--I had responsibilities that kept me from making every meeting--the 90/90. And it was like a giant, where you're supposed to hook up with another reformed alcoholic. So much of the time, it just didn't compute. And the AA member who was taking money from the meetings. How reformed is that? Sure, there were many good people there...but, in my mind, lots who simply discussed their relationship with "Our Father" and said the same things over and over.

    I was addicted to the benzos, which exacerbated my depression. Tapered off the benzos only to find that I was in a terrible relatiionship and still really lonely and feeling depressed. Sound familiar?? And tired of AA meetings. It MADE me want to drink.

    End of relationship, finally. So I go on this bender to end all benders.

    Knew it was the end. Got another rx for benzos and spent two hellish days of withdrawl with the sweats, panic, a benzo every six hours. Realized today that perhaps, rather than getting hooked on the benzos again, there was another way.

    Like many of you, I did the search for "tapering off of alcohol" and here I am because I stopped drinking a few weeks ago by doing the beer thing for a few days. My eyes were sparkling again. Out and about. Exercising.

    And then I "felt so good" it started all over again. This time, though, I really want to stop the hard drinking.

    So I finally figured that I'd just do the tapering with beer. It was SO great to find a place where "rehab" or "finding the strength of a higher power" wasn't in the picture (please don't be offended--I'm spiritual...just have some real problems with some things). And the very real idea of going to rehab being on a permanent record. SERIOUSLY.

    So I made it 24 hours without alcohol...feeling really crappy. I had to take a benzo early this morning after a terrible night of waking up in a sweat every hour or so. And taking a benzo every six hours yesterday.

    Decided to buy a few beers this morning after taking my daughter to school (how embarrassing---really--buying beer at 9:00 am). But instead of getting all panicky and downing another benzo, I just had a *bit* of beer, which I don't really like. And then proceeded to clean house, do laundry, etc. instead of staying in bed another day with the panic attacks and perspiration and fear of the doorbell ringing. I'm not drunk by any means, yet the bodily issues and racing thoughts, pulse, are gone.

    So, it may take an extra week or two, but it's the price I'm willing to pay so that I don't up my benzo intake and run out before I'm due. In my experience, benzos are terrible: depression, rebound insomnia, shakes. Just like alcohol--maybe even worse. I'll keep them for an as needed.

    I want to thank the people who made this alternative to AA/rehab possible. It went along with my whole theory. I'm going to keep reading the boards for inspiration.

    So THANK YOU and hello.


    AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

    hi there,

    i know exactly where you're coming from about AA and, being a professional myself, understand the fear of REHAB going onto medical records. any effort to cut down/ cut out is good, so well done! i'm only 41 hours dry myself and have found great inspiration and welcoming within this forum. love and best wishes on your journey, no matter how YOU decide to do it xxxx

    lets fight this thing together xx

    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


      AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

      :welcome: gkit,
      Just wanted to add my hellos.
      No huge advice for now. Just make yourself comfortable here. Keep reading,keep posting. Stay close to the boards.

      Be kind to yourself, you've made a huge decision today by reaching out for help.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

        hi & welcome,dont be get to hanged up on what dident work for you,get working on what will,Its down to yourself to make the changes,down to yourself to stop drinking,there aint no miricles out there for it,it takes hard work by yourself with some help from others,you dont like AA fine,theres lots more help out there,if you really want it.


          AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

          Welcome to mwo,read as many posts and threads as you can, there is lots of experience and help here,you are certainly not alone,share your thoughts & feelings,hope you stick around.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

            Hello Godknowsimtrying and welcome. This place has been a life saver for many of us and there is so much non judgemental support and advice here. I started out by downloading the book reading it and putting a plan in place that I thought would work. Then I read and posted and asked questions. I hope you stick around and find your way out.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

              Just wanted to tell you hi! I tried to do the 90/90 too, but with my kids schedules... I couldn't live up to the expectations. I really liked the people though. I'm on day 2 and feeling a lot better. I want to be a better wife and mother. I definitely don't want to look back on my life and wish I didn't waste all this precious time. Keep reading and posting!! See ya around the board.


                AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down


                You found a good place here. Just stay close and you will realise MWO is made up of lots of wonderful people who do not look down on you but understand you.
                Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                  AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down


                  Thank you ALL for you response and support. It made me kind of tear up.

                  It just feels so much better today. A full 24 hours with no drinking then a bit of beer---I was able to do everything I needed to do this morning without another benzo, sweating, or panicky/omg feeling. Sunday night my pulse was racing for a bit. Not a good feeling.

                  Being a single parent of a tween is the endless "we have to [go to so-and-so's house, buy a birthday present, get me new shampoo...and on and on, ha]. If I drove drunk with my daughter, it is a felony. If I lost my license, goodbye profession. Is there such a thing as a very careful drunk? I'm it.

                  As for the AA thing, I really want to reiterate that if it works/worked for you, then great. I met some very wonderful people, but I see a pdoc and so don't have quite the need for a sponsor, etc. To be honest, what really freaked me out was when I ended my not-so-good relationship, an AA friend was all about hooking me up with another AA. I mean, everyone I met was with/dating or married to another AA member.

                  I have to say, though, that AA cartoon link is HILARIOUS in many ways.

                  I recently joined a book club in my area to start socializing. I'm honestly thinking that moving to a new place and feeling isolated had me fall into the alcohol pit. I think, though, the socializing thing is another thread.

                  Again, I feel honored to be a part of this community. Now, off to read...everything.


                    AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

                    Welcome and I am glad you are having a better day! Might I say, you sound like you have a really good head on your shoulders and I am sure you'll beat this thing!

                    As to the 90/90, I think it's a recent fabrication. Certainly the founders never said this. AA has become an institution, a machine. Best to not take too much of it to heart.


                      AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

                      KTAB;840177 wrote: Hello Godknowsimtrying and welcome. This place has been a life saver for many of us and there is so much non judgemental support and advice here. I started out by downloading the book reading it and putting a plan in place that I thought would work.
                      I'm getting ready to download the book now. How cool is that? You know I have to love instant gratification.



                        AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down


                        hi there, just wanted to say hello and your not alone, best wishes and hang in there!


                          AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

                          Wow. I downloaded and read the entire book tonight.

                          I have to add more to my response about what comes first/the relationship between depression/uncontrolled drinking? I failed to add that my mother had problems with AL at a later age...and there are other addiction issues in my family.

                          *sigh* I was supposed to be the survivor.

                          But hey, I'm not sipping from my cup tonight. Progress.


                            AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

                            Hi Gkit,

                            Nice to meet you and welcome.. this is a fantastic place to get support with your drinking issues.. some of us have tried AA, others havent.. its not for everyone from the sounds of things.. but we are all here to help each on this site..
                            Do you have a plan in place? It's a good idea to know how you are going to tackle this..
                            Take care and I look forward to sharing your journey with you,
                            Katie xx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              AA didn't do it/I'm tired of falling down

                              Welcome Gkit,
                              AA is not for me either, I know it helps lots of people, though. I think there are many ways to get and remain AF. Keep posting and reading, the knowledge and support here is so helpful.

                              This AF journey is hard, ups and downs, but you already know that. Just keep trying and you will get it.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus

