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Strange ?

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    Strange ?

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. About day 10 I started to have memories come back. Not bad memories just odd memories of little moments. The other thing isn't as good. While drinking I don't recall having dreams. Now I do but they're nightmares. I don't remember them once I wake up. I just know they were bad.
    This happened once before when I tried to quit on my own. I only lasted 14 days then. Is this a normal side effect?
    Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

    Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
    No more bad future-Skull Skates

    Strange ?

    Hi there

    I'm a relative newbie and haven't plucked up the determination to go more than 8 days yet, but lots of people have trouble sleeping when they go AF, and many of us have weird dreams for a while. The fact that memories are coming back suggests that maybe some of those booze soaked synapses in your brain are working again. I wonder if the dreaming is something like this too. Take it as a positive thing. It sounds like it goes away soon. I also get flu-like symptoms after a few days. If dreams and flu-like symptoms are all you have to deal with as withdrawl symptoms, it's not that bad.


      Strange ?

      Hey Sk8punk, good work on being sober since April 8th, you should be proud. I have noticed the memories "thing" during waking hours as well. Dancingon makes a good point. In addition, I used to spend a certain amount of mental energy worrying about my drinking, or dumb things I did, or future drinking - so perhaps that mental space is now available for memory work. Certainly I am sleeping differently as well, lots of dreams. I think our sleep will return to what it is supposed to be, after we are sober for a while. Sleeping after alcohol is not nearly as restorative as normal sleep. Keep up the great work,
      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


        Strange ?

        I don't know the answer. But I know the night after I've been sober I would have terrible dreams about my kids or husband. I hate how real the emotions are for dreams like that. But they are only dreams. I know I show more love to my kiddos or husband after these dreams. Makes me super appreciate them. I hope these stop for you or you start having good ones. As for memories, I've been blessed to really not remember lots of things from my childhood. It really irritates my sister who remembers EVERYTHING!!! Ok, now I'm rambling,..I hope you have a great AF day. Stay strong!


          Strange ?

          Al affects nerves, synapses and is of course a very psychoactive drug. Yes had the dreams and odd memories but they do pass. If giving up was without these effects it wouldn't be a problem.


            Strange ?

            Sk8, I've been going thru the same thing - with the memories. And I agree, the AL just pushed them down deep and now they are beginning to surface. Not a bad thing, because I figure I was dealing with them anyway on a subconscious level before (in a very destructive way). The sleeping gets better and the nightmares too. Stay strong and congrats on Day 10!


              Strange ?

              Hi Sk8,
              When I was drinking I never really had dreams, probably because I wasn't really sleeping, I was technically unconscious. Since I've been AF, my dreams are more vivid, and weird! And yes, the longer you are AF, the more that memories and emotions start to surface, I guess it's all part of our brain trying to come back to life. Eventually it will all even out. Keep us posted on your progress, you are doing great!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

