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    Find it very hard to reach out to others for help but reading the posts the past two days has helped me realize how much help I need.
    Been drinking since age 13 and about to turn 47 soon. Tired of the depression and the shame after blackouts.
    Have been drinking at least a bottle of wine a night for years now after work and sometimes more. Still active and hike and bike lots but can tell my health won't continue to hold out at this rate.
    Evenings are the worst for me as I've used the bottle to keep me company for years. Then stupidly latched onto and have dated a raging alcoholic for the past 4 years. Of course totally Mr charming to the outside world. Same type of father I grew up with.

    I am on day two of being Alcohol free and really needed someone to talk to.

    New to this

    Hi dayby day,

    Welcome to the site.. you are amongst friends here who have been there before.. I was also a big wine drinker.. it's good that you are now reaching out for help, we are here to help provide non-judemental support and advice,
    Sorry to hear about the partner you are with.. I just came out of an abusive relationship myself.. Well done on your 2 days AF, that's fantastic! feel free to pop over to the Newbies Nest where us newbies hang out, and anyone is welcome..
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      New to this

      Thank you KatieB for the encouraging words, they mean the world right now.


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        Hi daybyday

        Good for you for wanting to do something about your problem. Although our backgrounds might be different we are all struggling with the same problem - some with more success than others. Take time to read through some threads, download the book and start taking some supplements to help your body cope with the abuse. There will be other along to encourage you soon, I'm sure. :goodjob:


          New to this

          Welcome Day by Day,

          Stick around and get comfy. This is a great place to be. Hop around and read lots. Ask as many questions as you want.

          Have you made a plan yet? Have you decided how to tackle alcohol?

          This place is just the best.

          Spam xx


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            Hi Daybyday, and welcome. Congrats on your two days af. Also, it is excellent that you realize that it is time to make a healthy change, you can do it.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


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              Thank you all for the encouraging words. Waking up sober felt good again today. A little groggy from restless sleep.
              As for a plan, I am trying to go really easy on myself right now. Lots of hikes and reading and quiet time. It all works ok in the day but it is the evenings I always crave the drink. Having MWO to turn to helps to have somewhere new to turn at that time of day.
              AF: 2 days!!
              AF since April 19, 2010
              NF since Nov 10, 2000

              "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
              -Lady Nancy Astor


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                Don't forget MWO is just a switch and a click on a keyboard away. I do find sitting here if only for 1/2 an hour does help.

                Well done on 2 days AF.
                Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


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                  Sitting here reading and posting has now got me through an awful lot of AF evenings. The time just goes by so easily.


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                    Hi Day by Day and :welcome:!

                    I ditto the suggestions about making a plan. I love that your are going easy on yourself - I think that is a good idea. I had to go easy on myself too in the early sober days.

                    My story sounds a lot like yours. I started drinking as a teen and I suppose you could say I was a "high functioning alcoholic" until I got into my 40's when the "functioning" started to seriously decline and I was mainly left with the "alcoholic" part. I was 49 when I first came to My Way Out and had been drinking wine and vodka daily for many years. Don't tell anyone I'm over 49 because around here, we are all 29. So are you if you want to be. :H

                    Anyway...if I can stop the madness and get sober, then I know you can do it too. It wasn't easy but it has been so worth it. Staying sober is my #1 priority each and every day. And because of that, I now have a full and active life instead of the depressed and suicidal prison of AL I used to live each day. You can too. I hope you will work on YOU and then later sort out the relationship issue. If you find your way to a happy and sober YOU then I think the rest will work itself out however it is supposed to.

                    There are lots of great threads where people check in daily. Pick one or pick them all. Whatever it takes!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      New to this

                      Thanks all so much

                      :thanks:Just got back from a 3 hour hike with my best girl, my dog. She will probably love the sober me more than anyone as she'll get more walks in without her Mom too hungover to go out.

                      My only sober years were as a child & I loved being on adventures with dogs back then too, so this is probably a very good starting place. Go back and try this life over again without the AL.

                      I've tried the moderate drinking and this has never been successful for me.

                      I ordered the MWO book today to work on that as part of the plan. Have tried to quit many times before but always have focused on how my partner "was" the problem but I know with honesty this is my own problem to take care of somehow.

                      Thank you again for todays support, sure is helping get through these first days. :l
                      AF since April 19, 2010
                      NF since Nov 10, 2000

                      "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                      -Lady Nancy Astor


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                          New to this

                          Hi Day By Day!
                          Glad to hear you and your girl had a great walk! I'm sure she can't wait to keep the adventures coming!
                          Personally, I know I can't moderate so I don't even try. Good for you for going completely AF. Focus on yourself and what you need. Stick close around this site, there's lots of love and care here. I'm looking forward to learning more about you as you continue on your journey!
                          Woof, Woof!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            New to this

                            Welcome day by day

                            I am new here too. I have found it so much easier this time to go AF with the use of these forums. I am day 8 AF today. I love(d) wine too, but could never stop at 1 bottle. I find in the late afternoon when I want to go and get a bottle to "help me cope" with cooking tea and witching hour, I remember the people on this forum who have all been there and so many that have turned their life around by going AF. Thats what I want to do too... Start living more...Fulfilling goals and dreams.

                            Welcome and good luck with the journey


                              New to this

                              :thanks:again! It sure makes it easier hearing from friends that have been AF 8 days and since April 1. :goodjob:and thanks for helping a newbie along the end of day 3!
                              AF since April 19, 2010
                              NF since Nov 10, 2000

                              "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                              -Lady Nancy Astor

