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News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

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    News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

    Well, I just had to go and do it. I gave in to what I've been fighting for the past week or so. Was feeling really really down yesterday to the point of almost tears. Deliberately stopped at the packie on my way home and bought a small bottle of PG. I had no delusions that I wouldn't drink the whole thing(about 4 glasses). Binged on my drinking food, chips and dip (and Ice cream when I was done). Got the nice mellow buzz for a few hours but didn't even make it to the end of The Biggest Loser and almost didn't feed the furkids. Fell into bed and had a horrible night's sleep. Up every couple of hours, cotton mouth, upset tummy, stuffy nose, the works. Finally got up at 7 and actually didn't feel too hungover but the memory of that horrible sleep or lack thereof was still there thank god. I'm a little tired of course today and I do have to work late tonite but too bad for me. So my curiousity has been satisfied. AL is Poison!!
    Now time to get serious about diet and exercise and snap out of this funk. :b&d:
    Sitting out on the deck would have been just as nice with ice tea.
    :stop: the insanity!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

    Well....your little experiment provided you the data you needed....and you are is still poison.....
    we still love you....
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

      At least you are smart enough to realize that it's poison. I'm a slow learner. Take care of yourself today. Drink lots of water. :l:l
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!


        Iced tea on a warm summer eveing here in England sounds great. The weather is forcast good all over the weekend (makes a change from rain) - so stock up on that iced tea. Hubby is going to start our decking tomorrow so I will soon join you out there.

        Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


          News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

          Papmom... maybe that is what it took for you to reach your destiny...
          sending you lots of peace... and we all are here, if you need us!!!

          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


            News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

            I caved to the poison too


            boy do I hear you. I gave in to the poison too. I think I am at an all time hatred for AL.

            My excuse last night - it was a beautiful hot day and a friend came over. I think my visit would have been just as nice (or better) had I reached for the ice tea too.

            Now I have another beautiful day but instead of enjoying it, my stomach is in knots and I'm seriously depressed.

            I picked up my supplements and waiting for the CD's and Kuczu to arrive.

            I HATE Alcohol. damn it why does it have such a hold. I had 3 days AF and caved because I "rewarded myself" on a hot day. Stupid. :no:

            Plan, plan plan. I feel like such a broken record. I'm so sick of this cycle. :upset:

            Let's begin AF1 today. :h


              News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

              Come on guys...quit beating yourself didn;t commit a gave in to the "Hungry Ghost"......that's why we are give each other help and support to stop.....
              we can do it together...
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                Gawd, don't you hate that!! Well, now you know. What will you do differently next time you feel that down? (cause you need a plan, you know...)
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                  Insanity indeed! As much as I wouldn't wish it upon anybody, I sort of think that relapse is part of the process for most of us. I don't think I would have been able to stay continuously sober without "seeing if I was fixed." I was NOT fixed and I will never BE fixed and I hope that one horrible 8 month long relapse was enough evidence to prove it to myself!


                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                    This is the thread I needed to read. I'm on Day 14 AF. I'm craving AL. I keep asking myself "Why?" Is it the taste? Is it the buzz? I want the taste. Right now I'm drinking a glass of orange juice. Hopefully soon, I'll get the little bitty itty shitty committee out of my head. I think I'm going to bake a cake now. I've got to keep myself busy.
                    September 23, 2011


                      News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                      We're all here for you Meech!! The process of identifying triggers is SO important-that's when we can really put the plan in motion. Now you know 1 maybe 2 triggers so you can plan for them. Me, I'm stopping on the way home tonite to pick up more of this awesome organic ice tea I found at Ocean State Job Lots: Green tea with blueberry and pomegranite!! I'm almost out so I want lots on hand to help me with the "nice day I'll sit on the deck with a drink" trigger.
                      Keep posting-we'll "get it" very soon I just know we will!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                        Thank you everyone for your wonderful replies!! I feel so blessed I found you all. Nope MB, I'm not beating myself up at all. I made a deliberate decision and I take full responsibility for it. If I make that decision again, then I'll kick my ass from here to kingdom come for being utterly stupid. And you all can take turns kicking :H !!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                          little bitty shitty committee...sounds like the peeps I work with!!!
                 the that your place...can I come hide there for a few weeks??
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                            HANG IN THERE, REGROUP AND KEEP FIGHTING!!!


                              News Flash!!! AL is STILL Poison!!

                              Hey Papmom. At least you know now.....
                              Learn from this and next time I will be first in line to kick that arse to kingdom come! (you were doing so well).
                              Nemed xxxx

