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i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

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    i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

    hi friends,

    friday, 7:30 am here and im waking up with a clear head again thanks to everyone at MWO.:l
    I never imagined i'd find support and wisdom like this. any other websites that i've encountered force AA and rehab onto folk, which is not for me.... YET? i need to find my own way.

    i dont feel condemned or judged here, just understood and well advised. thankyou each and everyone! your wise words saved me from losing another day of my life yesterday.

    i haven't had a weekend sober in years, especially when the weathers hot, but if i kicked al's ass yesterday, hopefully, i can kick it's ass today, and tomorrow, and the next day!

    here's to making it to bed at the end of day 5 sober. and thanks again. good luck for today peeps!

    gw xxx
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

    Hi Girly
    Just wanted to say congratulations on Day 5. Great effort, keep up the good work.

    I'm on Day6 and its Friday evening and I am not going to drink. I have discovered, through this site that AL is poison and I don't need it. I can have a wonderful life without it, no more headaches or dehydration or watching the clock until I can drink. I feel great and I have also lost 2.5kgs in a week of not drinking.

    Onwards and upwards
    Happy day
    Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


      i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

      fantastic h! i hope i can say the same tomorrow xxxx:goodjob:
      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

        Thats great girlywirly & hazeleyes, have you a plan for the weekend ?,its good to have one in place for when them triggers and cravings hit you,keep up the great work and keep sharing your thoughts & feelings as you are not alone,we have all been/are there.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

          well done girly, and hazeleyes - you both have some great AF time under your belts.. i'm on Day 3 myself.. and planning to keep busy this weekend so I am not tempted..
          This place is fantastic.. i didnt want to go to rehab either (it was being forced upon me by a previous therapist last year.. but i felt it would just make me depressed..) - i also wanted to find my own way - hence the name of this site really sums up this place! you work out your triggers.. then work out a way to get around them.. as AL is so not worth it in the end.. life is so much better AF! I may have slipped up a couple of times since coming here, but those moments are few and far between now.. and I have learnt that now I am aware of what I am doing, AL does not hold any enjoyment over me anymore.. it just makes me feel like crap basically.. congrats again,
          Katie xx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

            Girly, Hazeleyes and KatieB - fab job: you sound really strong and I'm sure you will feel stronger each day you remain AF ! Well done. Go for the next day AF, you can do it!


              i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

              no mario, i don't have a plan for the weekend... YET!

              i'm wondering if it's because i don't really want one? so i have an excuse not to stick to one? telling myself again, same as yesterday, f..k it, it's the weekend. but yesterday what got me through was reading and posting here. thats the only plan i have, to keep coming back for inspiration xx

              i feel a tad stronger than i did yesterday though but as you all know, the willpower/ strength can change in a matter of a heartbeat xx i'm ok at the mo, but come 6pm it might be a whole different ball game!

              stay strong today everyone and i'll be aiming for the very same.

              can i really live a life without alcohol?

              i doubt it, but i wish i could and i'm trying.
              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                Great stuff Girly but remember it was YOU who chose not to pick up that first drink last night. You can do this, you know deep down that you can and you are not alone in this.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                  Yes you can do it. If I can you can.

                  I'm taking supplements but nothing else. Not sure if this is helping me but it can't hurt. My cravings have gone and now I feel mad that I let AL have so much control of my daily existance for so long. It robbed me of so much normal happy times. I wish it was banned so you couldn't buy it. I do think about alcohol still but in a different non craving way. I cant work out how I got to being so very dependant on it, and I told my husband it is not coming back into our house.

                  Anyway a bit strong but I just want to encourage you all to keep reading and taking supplements and we will all kick this thing together.

                  Friday drinking for me. First time in about 2 years!!!
                  Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


                    i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                    well done girly, knew you could do it. you can do the weekend too. be strong. dont think about not drinking ever, just one day/one hour at a time. just think how good you feel this morning. wouldnt it be great to feel that on monday morning. keep busy and be kind to yourself, you can do this
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                      :goodjob: You will make it through the weekend fine too. I think you're right - no plans or loose plans are easier to get out of if you need to.

                      About lunch time at work today I started thinking - what am I going to do after work on a Friday night if I can't drink? I was a bit sick last Friday night so didn't feel like drinking, but other than that I can not remember a Friday I haven't rewarded/relaxed/destressed myself with a drink.

                      Anyway its day 9 AF for me today, and I can't remember ever making it past day 9, ever, so that is my motivation. Tomorrow will be day 10 AF, new ground for me.


                        i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                        great getrude (love the name!)

                        keep going you are doing fab xx
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                          gertrude, its great hitting new ground. mine was 5 days. never thought i could do it but i did, and so can you. in fact i was more determined for that 5th day than ever, i havent looked back since. AL is NOT a reward its a KILLER!!! we know that, that is why we are here.
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                            well done girls keep it up.Iam on day 3 and feeling confident,I plan on doing something fun this weekend instead of drinking myself into a stupor.we can beat this,so keep posting to keep up the confidance.


                              i made it to day 5! thanks to you lot!

                              girly wirly;841667 wrote: no mario, i don't have a plan for the weekend... YET!

                              i'm wondering if it's because i don't really want one? so i have an excuse not to stick to one? telling myself again, same as yesterday, f..k it, it's the weekend. but yesterday what got me through was reading and posting here. thats the only plan i have, to keep coming back for inspiration xx

                              i feel a tad stronger than i did yesterday though but as you all know, the willpower/ strength can change in a matter of a heartbeat xx i'm ok at the mo, but come 6pm it might be a whole different ball game!

                              stay strong today everyone and i'll be aiming for the very same.

                              can i really live a life without alcohol?

                              i doubt it, but i wish i could and i'm trying.
                              Take it from me, I too said I cant have a happy life without AL in it but here I stand 10 weeks without it and I am telling you, this life is sooo much better. So it's no "F#$@ it, it's the weekend" it's keep going on the AF days. Dont worry about "never" drinking again; just concentrate on a goal of either 2 weeks or 30 days AF. when you get that far, your outlook on the "need" for AL in your life will be different.
                              Stay strong Girly.

