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    just starting out. been drinking off and on for years. been in and out of AA. personally, i don't care for AA. this forum seems to make sense using meds, kudzu, etc. if you bring up diet/med info in AA meetings you get shot down most of the time.

    i live in the southeast usa and have kudzu close to my house. do you consume the leaves, roots both? i have gel caps & can dry the stuff & fill caps.

    i found this site last night in a stupor and desperate. tired of what drinking is doing to my mind, body, soul, marriage . . . it's my dirty little secret i keep from my family.

    how does kudzu help? does it make booze unappealing???:thanks:


    Welcome beaudica; You will find lots of help and support here
    New here myself so can't answer your question but feel confident someone will help you
    Have a look at Newbies Nest post....... really good on starting out
    You have taken a great step in joining MWO - well that's how I feel anyways
    Good luck



      Hi Beaudicia

      Here's the link for the kudzu on this site: Quit drinking today the easy way!. The type seems to be fairly important, and there have been reports by other members that it makes a difference to how well it works.

      Welcome to MWO!
      "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday



        Welcome Beaudica!

        Glad you stumbled upon this wonderfully supportive community
        Wishing you well....
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013



          Beaudica, :welcome: That is one of the many good things about this site... now it doesn't have to be a secret Keep posting and asking questions. I wish you the best!

          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)




            thanks for the supportive words and info. guys - and i wish you well too.

            trying to quit drinking is really a beeeautch.

            my husband is the funniest guy in the world. he said that somebody told him that if he used lard on his johnson that it would make it bigger; but he said he got confused and used shortening instead. love the man.



              Baudica, I'd not worry too much over one supp over another.

              I'd worry about drying your own both because its a big experiment.

              What worked for me, sadly, was just to stop drinking. It took me many tries, many slips and nearly a year. I tried many supplements, and many techniques. As you observed it was a beach. In the end, my efforts to stop simply exceeded my number of slips. I've concluded that supplements were mostly a distraction.

              Alcohol forms a chemical bond with part of your brain. The process of de-bonding involves symptom relief and disengagement. Kudzu can help some with symptom relief. But ultimately it is your own will to stop that will do the job.

              People on this forum are ready to help, and IMO a better resource than any pill or program.



                Welcome Beaudica,

                Keep reading the threads, post lots yourself and you'll get lots out of this site. The people are great!
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor

