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    Hi, I was in this site last year as Northwoods. I had a great summer AL free. Then in Oct. my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. I Know it was no excuse but my first reaction was to go to the liquor store and buy some rum. Now here it is a year later and I am back where I started. My wife is doing fine after treatment, although it will be with us forever. Quarterly checkups and lot's of expense. That being said, I have really immersed myself in AL. I am sick of it and from it. I am ready for another free run. It sucks waking up feeling crappy and having it last until mid-day. I ordered the book and it arrived today. Tomorrow it will be read. I have some KUDZU and will get some L-Glutimaine tomorrow. Last time I was here there was lot's of support and I appreciated it. Then I thought I was on my way to better things. I need to get back on track!!! I want to get back on track!!! So anyone ? let me know your thoughts and support, I definetely need it. Know that I am not so oriented with this site, so I hope it all is very self explanatory.
    Looking for support.


    MTman, welcome back. I am glad to hear that your wife is doing well after treatment. I agree with you about not wanting to wake up feeling like crap and wasting so many days, not to mention wasting our own health. I think you will find the site pretty user friendly. All the best MTman, you can do it, one day at a time.
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



      I can totally relate to feeling like crap until mid-day. It sounds like you're really ready to be sober again. That's great. Hope to see you around the site!! Have a great day. I'm glad your wife is doing good. How scary that would be.



        You can do it. Glad your wife is doing well, you will get through this. I'm new here myself, but as you know the people here are awesome, this site is awesome. I'm waiting for the book to arrive so haven't read it yet, but look forward to it.
        Hope today is a good day for you



          Welcome back

          Pleased to here your wife is doing well that is great. She is battling her illness and you have come back here to battle yours. You did it once and you can do it again.

          Good luck and look forward to hearing how both of you are doing.

          Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment



            Congrats on making the decision to get AF again. I too was sober for a long period of time and then started drinking again. It took me about 7 months of drinking to get to the point where you are and I wanted my life back. This site has been a great help, I ordered and read the book, take the supplements and listen to the hypnotherapy CDs and I'm feeling like my old sober self again. Congrats on your wife's success with her treatment and you'll be able to be more support for her. Take it easy, be good to yourself, and I find posting really helps me, I can also go back and look at what I wrote, which helps as well. There is alot of action going on in the chat room at around 7:00 pm and the "toolbox" has alot of really great information that helped me as well. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing!
            You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.



              Welcome back Mtman,you have done it before you can do it again,learn from your past,keep posting & reading,glad your wife is feeling better and getting successful treatment,now its your turn, go for it.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



                Welcome Back.
                I am a breast cancer survivor myself.
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem



                  Thanks everyone for the welcom. I am ready to begin. And I will be using this forum for support, it really does help. Read most of the book down to the program side. I have used Kudzu in the past, don't know if it really helped me. Amino acids did I think reduce craving. I have one Hypnotherapy CD that I really like. I am wodering if I should purchase one of the packages offered from the store? Any input from those that have tried them would be helpful.



                    Questions on packets

                    :thanks:I am thinking about purchasing one of the starter packets from the health store. Anyone have any incite or thoughts that might help me decide?

