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Not sure where to start!

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    Not sure where to start!

    This is a bit scary only just registered. Got the book about 6 months ago & felt so positive, at last there maybe help out there for people like me! I'm british & live in the UK & am not sure whether i will be able to get the the drugs that i need here. I know that i can order the cd's & supplements not sure how much they will be in sterling, not sure if i can afford to do this but am so desperate for help. I don't want to stop drinking completley i just would like to not open a bottle of wine every night & feel like i have to drink the lot.
    Are there any other members that live outside of the US?

    Not sure where to start!

    Hello UK drinker, I live in Northamptonshire and joined this forum just over 2 weeks ago. My one regret is that I didn't find it sooner. I don't mean to sound negative but I don't think you will get the topamax from your doctor. I had such a deadloss doctor who gave me the phone number for AA and that was about all that I decided to go it alone but also with the help of people here. You can buy topamax on-line but I haven't, bit scared of all the side affects. What I have done though is to put together my own plan of survival. I am going for abstinence and have found Kudzu very effect in cutting the cravings for a drink. You can buy it from any chinese herbalist shop but I think they call it GE GENG. I also bought amino acids, evening primrose, milk thistle ( for the liver ) multi vitamins and st johns wort ( helps fight depression but takes few weeks to really kick in ). Don't just rely on the supplements though. Take regular exercise, I go for at least an hours walk nearly every day, I also do lots of little things to distract my mind from thinking about drinking for example I am a jigsaw fanatic so I have about three on the go, I also do logic puzzles and I read a lot. Every little helps and we all have to find our own way, I wish you all the best in finding yours but now that you have found us please stay with it and don.t give up.

    Irish xx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Not sure where to start!

      Hi I am English as well in the North. Came on here about 2 weeks ago. what a salvation to find a place like this after 30 years ruined by drinking. I have brought everything online meds sups book and cds. whole lot cost about ?200. have been on it for 3 days feel great. Had a half bottle of wine in the kitchen for a few days not touched it not had the desire to !!!! not me at all. talking to a girl in canada who told her doctor she has migrains to get the meds and got a prescription going to try that myslef tomorrow know its not honest but feel the end justify the means. Have also found out you can get the sups much cheaper if you shop around so it does not have to be that expensive. Have really enjoyed the cds but then other people tonight have said they cannot get on with them so it down to the individual. I find the exercise really good a bit of a women on a mission when i am out walking but makes me feel tons better and coming on here is a good way to distract yourself. chat to poeple read their stories it will really give you hope and encouragement ( well it has for me and i hope it will do the same for you). I also private message a few people which i find good you can share personal stuff that you may not want to tell everybody . The biggest thing for me has been the realistation that it can really work i think and i know it can so as Irish say hang in there

      Flo x


        Not sure where to start!

        uk drinker wrote: This is a bit scary only just registered. Got the book about 6 months ago & felt so positive, at last there maybe help out there for people like me! I'm british & live in the UK & am not sure whether i will be able to get the the drugs that i need here. I know that i can order the cd's & supplements not sure how much they will be in sterling, not sure if i can afford to do this but am so desperate for help. I don't want to stop drinking completley i just would like to not open a bottle of wine every night & feel like i have to drink the lot.
        Are there any other members that live outside of the US?
        Hi, I'm a Uk girl too..joined this about 2 weeks ago but haven't really used it alot since...leaves me feeling a bit uncomfortable, not sure..prob because I'm admitting I drink..too much! I do read the other posts though, they really help. I've managed to stop opening the wine every night but if I have a bad day and its the first thing I reach for, guess it'll never go away but I feel great about being able to put the cork back in the bottle after 1 -2 glasses..its actually easier to do than you think. I have lapses but have learnt to stop beating myself up about it...I'll start again tomorrow. Good luck. x


          Not sure where to start!


          Hi i am new to this site. I also live in the UK. Like you I find it difficult to stop drinking. I leve on my own, work full time and enjoy that. My problem is when I get home. I plan my drinking to start about the same time each evening. I hve been to a treatment centr and AA and stopped drinking for 2 yrs. Then my relationship broke up and i have been livnig on my for 4 years. I stated drinking again at that time. I feel incredibly lonely at times yet I dont want to go To AA. I think it does work for many people thouugh. Si I am still looking for the way and the right time to stop drinking excessively. So i understan your situation. Take care.


            Not sure where to start!

            Hi I'm also new to the site, this is my first post. I would absolutely love to be like other people and drink moderately, my problem is once I start I cannot stop, Its awful because I have a new baby and hangovers are just not fair on him ... I don't drink every night at all, probably twice a week but those nights I just cannot stop, I even started hiding drinks from my husband now theres a sign I have a problem if I ever needed one. I don't think I'd ever be able to cut it out completely as every occasion is centred around alcohol where I live in Ireland but I would love to be able to open a bottle of wine, have a glass or 2 then go to bed, sounds simple but its really not. I look forward to chatting over the coming weeks x


              Not sure where to start!


              I'm from the midlands in the Uk. My problem is red wine, I just love it. Nothing better than having a huge glass after a long day at the office. My problem is that I cannot stop at just one and very often that means I can't just stop at one bottle either.

              Just gone 3 days alchohol free.


              :h Cheeks:h


                Not sure where to start!

                Well done cheeks! 3 days is good! My problem too is wine and I find it very hard to stop at 1 bottle, I then end up getting hammered as wine is so bloody strong .. its awful as quite often I don't remember bits from the night before and my Hisband gives me the lecture again .. I can't blame him, I need to get to the bottom of why as a 35 year old Mother,I feel the need to drink myself stupid at least twice a week.



                  Not sure where to start!


                  I am also a UK resident - I didn't realise so many from around these parts used this site!

                  About the meds uk drinker, I went to my doctor to get something for my withdrawl and she gave me something called Chlordiazepoxide. I still havn't figured out how to pronounce it. The idea is your not supposed to drink AT ALL while taking them - the course lasts about a week. Unfortuneately I only started taking them today so I can't tell you what they're like. I think they're related to valium and might be making me feel a bit spacey....

                  After this course the doc was talking about putting me on this other type of tablet that is supposed to help with withdrawl...but she was very keen on the idea of me never drinking again. Perhaps all British doctors would be quite like that, I don't know.

                  Anyways hope your all well. If anyone has any experience of that particular drug could you let me know? I'm also going to post on the meds board and ask there.

                  take care,


                    Not sure where to start!

                    UK resident

                    Hi, I joined today, live in Manchester UK. I can't believe there are people writing posts that I feel I could have written myself, almost word for word.

                    I live a relatively healthy life style, the odd take-away, but usually pasta, smoothies, nuts etc.But I do have aweakness for red wine, (although, if there is only white in, I'll have that) Tend to drink Stella if I'm out with friends.

                    I'm married, happy, like my work and have two kids. Why do I drink? I don't know, I gave up smoking three years ago, and I don't do any drugs, so I guess it just a nice way to unwind after a days work and the kids are in bed.

                    I guess I found it acceptable to drink red wine at home because it had an air of sophistication about it -mad I know- which made it seem acceptable. I usually do a bottle every night, although can and sometimes do, more.

                    I don't want to go to AA because I don't want to have to say I will never have another drink. After all, I enjoy it, I just need some way of moderating it.

                    I have enjoyed a bottle on and off, most nights now for about ten years. I've had a gamm function test which put me at 60. I'm told by my GP ( who isn't aware of my problem) that this is quite high. Obviously, this concerns me and I need to know if this can be adjusted. I read somewhere that the liver can heal itself.

                    Good luck to everyone



                      Not sure where to start!

                      Hang in there Steve

                      Steve, your on the right track...hang on mate.


                        Not sure where to start!

                        Hi uk drinker ...I am an oz yes there are others that live out side the us.

                        Like you I got the book some time ago...have the perscription ready to fill out ( so if we can get the drugs down under you should do fine ) and I have just ordered the cd and supplements on line. I figure if I stop opening that bottle of wine every night that I NEED to finish..I will have the money to do this program...and lots of other stuff.

                        I am off to buy a personal cd player (or try and steal my sons) so I can tackel this properly..I like the stuff in the book about the need to be prepared. It will take a week or so for the mailperson to hit my doorstep with cd so plan to start in about 10 days...let me know how you go...and I will do the same.

                        Tis Sunday morning down here and I am somewhat hazey from last nights vino...not really hungover... but I am so over not feeling clear and vibrant in the mornings.

                        Cheers Mothermary (and no I am not a nun...a mother called Mary)


                          Not sure where to start!

                          Hello Iris lady.
                          I think i'm responding to you! Not sure how to use this site, have just read quite a few messages from people in the Uk . What do click on if you want to respond to one one particular person? Is it reply with quote or quick reply? What do click on if you want to just put a message on for everyone to read? Sorry so many questions but find the site so useful don't feel so alone with this problem when i read other peoples experiences. How's it going? I can see how the jigsaw puzzles work i am also a fan.


                            Not sure where to start!

                            Hi Mothermary

                            Thanks for the message, not too sure how to respond to messages so hope that you receive this! I havn't ordered anything yet or been to the doctor, feel quite good today as managed to stick with one bottle of wine last night instead of having to open a second even if it was for just one more glass! Finding this site so helpful but do need to get started, bit scary! Would like to know how you are getting on. Good luck!


                              Not sure where to start!

                              Hi Auntie Flo

                              Thanks for your message. Not sure if i'm using this site properly, maybe you could let me know whether or not you receive this. Did you have any luck with the doc? Have heard that the side effects of topamax is not too good? Can't beleive this plan actually works but would be great if it did, after years of feeling guilty i could actually start feeling good about myself!

