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Day 2 AF

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    Day 2 AF

    Well, I have been lurking for a year. Went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago (the first time in ten years) and asked for Topamax and much to my surprise he gave it to me even though he was not familiar with this use. I have to report in to him next week on my progress and so far my progress has been that I have a positive attitude, I am taking all of the supplements and exercising but still drinking. I move up to 100 mgs. of Topamax tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I have been doing the hypno cd's. More over the past 5 days (time commitment is tough especially when you are drinking). So yesterday I started a week of abstinence with a commitment to make my first post today in order to begin to enjoy the support of the online community. That has been one of the scariest steps for me.

    By the way, I run a surgery practice and the first thing the new doctor said was oh what great doctors. Imagine his surprise when I said oh yes and I have a drinking problem.

    Lucky Lynn

    Day 2 AF

    Holy moly, Lynn!! Lurking for a YEAR?? I'm so glad you decided to join us here on the board.
    Congrats on day 2 AF and best of everything to you this week. You obviously are in a good "head space" to do it right now and must know the ups and downs after having been around for a while.
    The topa at 100mg should be helping... I'm at 125 and will be going up too, right along with you next week. Keep adding as many of the aspects of the program as possible, and post more often, Lynn. We would love to get to know you better!
    :welcome: to the journey.


      Day 2 AF

      Thanks, guys! Off to get a little work done before some exercise!


        Day 2 AF

        Lynn S,
        Thank you for the inspiration. My husband is a psychologist and I am a Psychosocial Rehab Specialist. I am afraid to go to my doctor about the drinking problem because we live in a small town and because of his professional status. You have inspired me to the point I may consider going to the Doc. Live in a small town but I guess being clean and sober should be the most important.I would love to have something that would make it easier...My first step was this site. Thanks again and good luck!!!!



          Day 2 AF

          Go for it tkgcan


          I say go for it! This is day 3 AF for me. I was looking back in my journal at my last attempt 5 months ago at day 3 AF using some of the supplements and kind of using the hypno tapes and this is what I found "Day 3: didn't sleep last night, aching joints, sweats, feverish...sitting at the dining room table and looked up to see my grandmother's painting of the lilacs and find myself sobbing uncontrollably at 5:00 am. I am bereft." This morning I wrote, Day 3 AF - " I feel great! Can't wait to move up to 100 mgs today. I can't believe I feel so well." I have tried to quit drinking for 5 years on my own, using various self help books, and over the past year components of mwo. This time I am doing my way out by the book, Topamax, supplements (current recommended), hypno and exercise.

          To be honest with you, I still can't believe I had the courage to tell the doctor. I practiced saying it over and over and I downgraded my problem on the medical history, but was more honest verbally. The other advantage I had was that I have a history of migraines and I need to lose about 25 lbs. This physician was familiar with the off label use of Topamax for migraines and weightloss. And, he actually said, "I imagine you would prefer not to have alcohol dependence on your record, so I will write this for an indicaiton of migraines and obesity." I took the Lancet article and the book with me and he copied the dosing for my chart. I probably shocked the doctor into helping me. But, I am going to be so successful that he will be convinced that this is a good program that it can help others. But, I still feel very lucky. He could have said no. He could have been judgemental.

          But, based on my medling with the program over the past year, I think you will find the most success doing the whole thing.

          Lucky Lynn

