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    Please Help

    my first time here

    Hello ~
    This is my first time here. I stumbled accross this site by accident. I was looking on the internet for meds to help quit drinking and I found this site. Maybe this is my lucky day.

    Iam 50 yrs old. I have been drinking for awhile now and I seem to be getting worse. I drink eveynite when I get home from work. I love my beer. i drink at least 4-5 tall ones everynite. I buy my beer by the 6 pack,because everyday I tell myself this is gonna be the last time I drink. I have tried to quit on my own,can't seem to do that. I tried the AA meeting,but that also made me depressed,and i could never get up and talk to anyone,becasue for one im shy and really didn't know how to communicate,and sometimes I snuck a drink or two before going,so that was pointless. I can't afford to not go to work and commit myself to a hospital. So here Iam. I need help in a bad way. I need to know what I can take to help me.
    I started drinking first of all because I lost my niece yrs ago that I was very close too, and it just went from there, every excuse I could come up with to drink. I have two wonderful kids and three grandbabies,I love them very much, my daughter has asked me to quit drinking so I could be around to watch my grandbabies grow. My oldest granddaughter(5 yrs) has asked me to quit. I really want to, cause like MSPRYSS69, i too feel like crap when I get up in the mornings. I stay up late just to drink then the next day Im paying for it, cause you know when you hit my age,sleep is good! but once I start drinking I cant stop unitl I feel like I have had my fill. I sure hope this site can help me, I know now Im not alone,I too can feel the effects of drinking on my body and just the way I feel period. I feel like Im killing myself and that is VERY STUPID,there are people out there that get cancer and everything else, and here Iam doing it to myself.....Im sorry for this long letter,but I have so much inside me and I need doctor will not prescribe anything for me, cause she says she does not know enough about these drugs to help fight the addition....what do I need to do? Please someone help me.....Thank you


      Please Help


      You've made a huge step today by just reaching out for help.

      Click on the link below to give you some ideas of how to get a plan together.

      No huge advice for now, just keep reading, keep posting.

      Wishing you all the luck in the world at the start of your journey.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Please Help

        Well done MSP keep up the good work.

        Noname, welcome to MWO. I think it might be your lucky day because it was when I found this site. I too was an everyday drinker for many years and somedays were very bad. It effects every aspect of our lives negatively. The good news is you recognise the problem and as Jackie said you have made a huge step by posting. Everyone here has suffered with the constant cycle of abuse and nobody judges, we just try and support, help and advise.
        May I suggest by downloading the WMO book and read it. It helped me put a plan in place.
        Keep safe
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Please Help

          noname;844315 wrote: Hello ~
          This is my first time here. I stumbled accross this site by accident. I was looking on the internet for meds to help quit drinking and I found this site. Maybe this is my lucky day.

          Iam 50 yrs old. I have been drinking for awhile now and I seem to be getting worse. I drink eveynite when I get home from work. I love my beer. i drink at least 4-5 tall ones everynite. I buy my beer by the 6 pack,because everyday I tell myself this is gonna be the last time I drink. I have tried to quit on my own,can't seem to do that. I tried the AA meeting,but that also made me depressed,and i could never get up and talk to anyone,becasue for one im shy and really didn't know how to communicate,and sometimes I snuck a drink or two before going,so that was pointless. I can't afford to not go to work and commit myself to a hospital. So here Iam. I need help in a bad way. I need to know what I can take to help me.
          I started drinking first of all because I lost my niece yrs ago that I was very close too, and it just went from there, every excuse I could come up with to drink. I have two wonderful kids and three grandbabies,I love them very much, my daughter has asked me to quit drinking so I could be around to watch my grandbabies grow. My oldest granddaughter(5 yrs) has asked me to quit. I really want to, cause like MSPRYSS69, i too feel like crap when I get up in the mornings. I stay up late just to drink then the next day Im paying for it, cause you know when you hit my age,sleep is good! but once I start drinking I cant stop unitl I feel like I have had my fill. I sure hope this site can help me, I know now Im not alone,I too can feel the effects of drinking on my body and just the way I feel period. I feel like Im killing myself and that is VERY STUPID,there are people out there that get cancer and everything else, and here Iam doing it to myself.....Im sorry for this long letter,but I have so much inside me and I need doctor will not prescribe anything for me, cause she says she does not know enough about these drugs to help fight the addition....what do I need to do? Please someone help me.....Thank you
          :welcome: noname as jackie says keep reading & posting ,you are not alone as this is a great community with lots of good support & advice,hope you stick around:welcome:

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Please Help


            Im glad I found this place, I will make a plan for me. I think with all the good people on here,its gonna help. Im good at writing what I feel,but not good with sitting around in a room.
            Im gonna try not to drink tonite,but its what im used too. I have a routine...and im gonna have to change it for me and my family, I know my husband will be glad to see me quit. He has been good about this whole thing,he doesn't say anything,but I know he dont like it. I have been married to him for 30 yrs this May. Iam what I think a functioning Alcoholic. We have a decent home,decent cars,my kids turned out great,they have their own families,jobs. We are very close,My husband owns his own trucking co. my son is co-owner and operator,I see my grandkids almost everyday,i keep them on the weekends(cause when i keep them i dont drink till they go to sleep around 10 or so) i can go that long without drinking but i have to have it to put me to sleep(or at least i think so).
            I work everyday(even though if it werent for my husband, i would problaby be unemployed.
            i love to cook(and drink while i do that). have dinners every sunday for the family. Im sorry for going on,but I feel like I need to talk to soneone about how it is for me....i love my family and they love me,but Im just getting tired,tired of being drunk every nite, tired of losing my memory, tired of killing my body...thank you all for listening to me, im very excited to see how im gonna do!


              Please Help

              Please Help

              msprs you are not alone,,I have struggled with drinking all of my life. I have had some good years, and actually having children really straightened my ass oout until they got old enough to drink. My youngest is 25 and she is way in control of her drinking. Thank God! My drinking kind of comes along with the seasons, or stress. My husband makes his own beer and is very in control. He only drinks on Saturday night, sometimes Friday nights, but just has two beers. I on the other hand, have been way off the chart, and then I real myself back in. I had just done about 6 really good weeks, and actually went on a high protein diet. two protein meals, and then a decent evening meal eating only for one hour, it is the old carbohydrate addict diet. I got so into it that all my cravings for alcohol totally went away. I couldn't drink much in my hour of power, because I just didn't want to head for the bottle. Long story short, I went off the diet and yes went on a binge a short time later. I am now trying my damdest to get back on that diet, although I haven't been able to do it yet. I drank Sat, Sun, and Mon because I felt so ill, so it is a vicious cycle..I have been taking the kudzu yesterday and today, and feel like I am close to getting back in control. I do not want to live in fear anymore,, fear of hurting someone, or the fear of what I am doing to my own body.. I still think there is a real connection between eating carbs, and eating protein. It is hard to do because you have to get some fiber in there, so I am trying to cut out the bad carbs and eat allot of protein to help stave off the cravings. I will be praying for you for strength. Once you are free for awhile, you can not believe that you were ever so out of control, and then down you go.. I hope this has helped you a little to know that there are allot of people with this problem, and just by talking with someone can really give you the courage that you need to start making some changes..Love to All
              Shine On


                Please Help

                Hello again Noname, make sure you come back tomorrow and post. We will help, every journey begins with a single step.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Please Help

                  Welcome Noname and good job for taking the first step in wanting to "change" your old routine to a new healthy one. You will find a plan that works for you, your days of being alcohol free (AF) will get easier. I too, was not a fan of AA and found that MWO was much more suitable to my needs in dealing with my issues with alcohol.

                  Anywho, just wanted to welcome you and please feel free to write all you want and oh you have to visit the chat room as well, it's really a great way to get alot of support as well.

                  Keep us posted....lots of hugs...
                  AF Since May 2nd 2012


                    Please Help

                    noname;844315 wrote: Hello ~
                    This is my first time here. I stumbled accross this site by accident. I was looking on the internet for meds to help quit drinking and I found this site. Maybe this is my lucky day.

                    Iam 50 yrs old. I have been drinking for awhile now and I seem to be getting worse. I drink eveynite when I get home from work. I love my beer. i drink at least 4-5 tall ones everynite. I buy my beer by the 6 pack,because everyday I tell myself this is gonna be the last time I drink. I have tried to quit on my own,can't seem to do that. I tried the AA meeting,but that also made me depressed,and i could never get up and talk to anyone,becasue for one im shy and really didn't know how to communicate,and sometimes I snuck a drink or two before going,so that was pointless. I can't afford to not go to work and commit myself to a hospital. So here Iam. I need help in a bad way. I need to know what I can take to help me.
                    I started drinking first of all because I lost my niece yrs ago that I was very close too, and it just went from there, every excuse I could come up with to drink. I have two wonderful kids and three grandbabies,I love them very much, my daughter has asked me to quit drinking so I could be around to watch my grandbabies grow. My oldest granddaughter(5 yrs) has asked me to quit. I really want to, cause like MSPRYSS69, i too feel like crap when I get up in the mornings. I stay up late just to drink then the next day Im paying for it, cause you know when you hit my age,sleep is good! but once I start drinking I cant stop unitl I feel like I have had my fill. I sure hope this site can help me, I know now Im not alone,I too can feel the effects of drinking on my body and just the way I feel period. I feel like Im killing myself and that is VERY STUPID,there are people out there that get cancer and everything else, and here Iam doing it to myself.....Im sorry for this long letter,but I have so much inside me and I need doctor will not prescribe anything for me, cause she says she does not know enough about these drugs to help fight the addition....what do I need to do? Please someone help me.....Thank you
                    Welcome. You sound a lot like me. I went to my dr and he prescribed baclofen. It has saved my life and I dont drink anymore nor do I want to to. Feel free to read some of my posts or PM me and I can give you more details. Its worth talking to your doctor about and it is not a new drug


                      Please Help

                      yes noname me too I have been through much of the doctor too has been willing to prescribe Baclofen for your age too and its hard on our body/spirits even more so...I think the best thing is to write it out here is a great start...I found AA for me did not work for many reasons and I went for many months...I think there is more help out there now today and never one way for us all....hope things improve for you!!!


                        Please Help

                        I keep reading posts about other people taking Baclofen and now I am curious. I read about it and it's for back pain. Is it a muscle relaxer? How does it apply to your drinking? Does it work as a "relaxer" for anxiety when you are trying not drink?

                        I was just curious...thanks. Noname...keep us posted and thanks for your honesty.
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Please Help

                          blinder;843967 wrote: Hi msp! When I read your post I couldn't believe how similar your story sounded to mine. I also recently fell off the wagon, however I do feel that each time I fall I gain greater strength to beat this problem. I have even started to talk to people/friends about it which has been comforting, as some of them can relate to my situation and actually support in my decision to make some very important life changes. Although my goal is to go 30 days AF, I am starting with 7 days and will hopefully will be able to extend the time that I can achieve. Visit here regularly as it is a great place for support, strength and inspiration. Best wishes!

                          I feel relieved that im not the only one feeling the way I do. This board has really helped me let out some of my feelings I had pinned up inside. I never discussed them with anyone because I didn't want to be judged. Tomorrow will be day 7 for me and im so proud of myself. The longest i've been able to go AF was 2 days. I even went out to dinner tonight & everone ordered alcoholic beverages and I had a VIRGIN strawberrty daquiri. No one that I was with knows about my struggle with alcohol they were my classmates so they teased me about not drinking and I just told them I had a headache & took aome tylenol before I came & didn't want to mix it with alcohol. Hang in there you can do it. If I can make it this long so can you. I passed so many of my regular liquor stores these last few days & haven't even had the urge to stop. You just have to take it one day at a time, which im learning & thats the method im following best of luck to you :l


                            Please Help

                            daybyday;843976 wrote: Good for you msp on Day 3, you should pat yourself on the back and give yourself a big hug too. Hang in there and keep posting on here. There are so many great people here to support you.
                            Thank you I like you user name. Thats what we gotta do here take it one day at a time


                              Please Help

                              noname;844315 wrote: Hello ~
                              This is my first time here. I stumbled accross this site by accident. I was looking on the internet for meds to help quit drinking and I found this site. Maybe this is my lucky day.

                              Iam 50 yrs old. I have been drinking for awhile now and I seem to be getting worse. I drink eveynite when I get home from work. I love my beer. i drink at least 4-5 tall ones everynite. I buy my beer by the 6 pack,because everyday I tell myself this is gonna be the last time I drink. I have tried to quit on my own,can't seem to do that. I tried the AA meeting,but that also made me depressed,and i could never get up and talk to anyone,becasue for one im shy and really didn't know how to communicate,and sometimes I snuck a drink or two before going,so that was pointless. I can't afford to not go to work and commit myself to a hospital. So here Iam. I need help in a bad way. I need to know what I can take to help me.
                              I started drinking first of all because I lost my niece yrs ago that I was very close too, and it just went from there, every excuse I could come up with to drink. I have two wonderful kids and three grandbabies,I love them very much, my daughter has asked me to quit drinking so I could be around to watch my grandbabies grow. My oldest granddaughter(5 yrs) has asked me to quit. I really want to, cause like MSPRYSS69, i too feel like crap when I get up in the mornings. I stay up late just to drink then the next day Im paying for it, cause you know when you hit my age,sleep is good! but once I start drinking I cant stop unitl I feel like I have had my fill. I sure hope this site can help me, I know now Im not alone,I too can feel the effects of drinking on my body and just the way I feel period. I feel like Im killing myself and that is VERY STUPID,there are people out there that get cancer and everything else, and here Iam doing it to myself.....Im sorry for this long letter,but I have so much inside me and I need doctor will not prescribe anything for me, cause she says she does not know enough about these drugs to help fight the addition....what do I need to do? Please someone help me.....Thank you

                              I think everyone will agree that the most important part is coming to terms with the fact that you have a problem which I know is a big step because it is for me. My primary Dr gave me the pill form of naltrexone with much encouragement. Im a nurse so I used that as leverage to get her to write a script for it but she would only do it once. Then I stumbled across a site that mentioned a monthly injection of the drug that helped with alcoholism and went to that site VIVITROL: Welcome to VIVITROL.COM and did a search for a provider in my area. It has to be administered by a psychiatrist and there was only one in the entire Buffalo area that did it and it was a coincidence that I was a pt of his before because he did my psych consult for my bariatric surgery. So I made an appointment with him asap which was months away so I started researching herbs that may help with cravings and found a website about Kudzu and found some at my local vitamin store and used that. As far as the Dr prescribing meds he started me out on campral first which did nothing for me and when I read that it was just really a placebo that really made me not want to have anything to do with it. So I told him it wasn't working and he suggested the vivitrol and one criteria for the insurance to pay for the injections ($700 a pop) you have to have failed on campral at least for my insurance. So to make a long story short to get the med part of it started I suggest you see someone in mental health not your general practicioner. Hope that helps. I wish you luck. I can honestly say in the last few days that I have been on here I have felt much better so keep on coming back I know I will

