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OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

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    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

    Jumpin' in and doggy-paddling around for a bit, after 3 days "unplugged"...back to the Pool.
    Hope all is well.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

      I am in here K9, got my water wings on, still floating which is good. You are doing great hon.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

        How's it guys and girls. It's been a while since i was here. Sorry to hear some of you are strugglin so. Just keep up the fight. I am on day 15 and i never believed i could do it. So you can all make it. Must go. Chat soon. Love and Peace and strength.
        Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
        AF since 04th May 2010
        Fell overboard on the 8th July!
        My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

          Hi Dizi thanks for popping in and for offering your support.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

            Oh and well done on your 15 days of course
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

              Jumping in for some evening laps. Mama, OverIt and Kt glad you keep coming back to master the waters. I wish I had a magic wand to make everything alright for everyone. K9 you're going so great and good for you for unplugging for 3 days too. I didn't have cable or satellite for 10 years until last winter. Such a dinosaur I am. And Dizi you jumped right in and stayed afloat! Well done! 23 days down for me....since I have a new camera I've been taking a pic every few days and I have to say I like what I see. Clearer eyes, smoother skin and shinier, thicker hair. Nice perks added to the feeling of self control. A little weight to boot I did a big shop tonight for lots of fresh veggies to start juicing again so that should take care of that.

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi


                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                Hey Ringing! Thats a great new pic of you! I agree, I think pictures are great motivation to get to your goal. As women, especially, we want to look good! (We got to get in that bikini for KTAB, LOL)
                Good to see you doing so good, and being positive. I think there are some serious positive vibes going around, Im feeling it too! Good for us, and lets keep it going.


                  OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                  :biglaughmonkey::biglaughmonkey: Hi Overit, I read your last post to quick and saw 'we have got to get that bikini for KTAB' :shockedmonkey::shockedmonkey:
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                    You know it

                    Hope it made your day!


                      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                      We can never have to many lighter moments to brighten our day, this is tough going for all of us at times.
                      How about last night on another post when I called myself a 'bother' instead of a 'brother' doh.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                        I, as well, get lots of smiles and chuckles from this website too. I also get alot of comfort and support in knowing that we have each other to share the things we do with.

                        I get huge satisfaction to feel like I have ever helped someone else out as well. I would rather help someone else out, than to help myself sometimes. There really is a nice sense of peace to know you brightened someone elses day that might have needed it :h
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                            Way to go on 23 days Ringing! Your picture looks great...keep up your good work!
                            And also great job on 15 days Dizi....way to go!

                            Hope everyone is doing well! I am at work and not feeling much motivation today...oh well, things will pick up. My next challenge is going to be getting to the gym....been puttin' that one off for a while.

                            You all are doing great, keep at it!

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                              Hows things in your world beautiful K9?

                              Are you still taking the antabuse? Last week when I had a really bad slip I was ready to go for it, and take the antabuse. I still might, not sure. I have a full bottle in my cupboard unopened.

                              I have HUGE admiration for those of you who actually took the pill. I think that is one of the bravest things anyone can do. Honestly! Would love to hear more about how your experience with it has been.

                              Its so good to see you doing so well, and good luck on getting to the gym. Just do it
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                      [/video]]YouTube - Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun

                                Some music for chillin by the pool. )

                                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                                St. Francis of Assisi

