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OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

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    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

    ouuucch!!!! katie.. dont jump on the duck for cover... im a delicate wee thing
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

      LOL spuddle, sorry about that.. done a few laps now, feeling much better... - you are doing amazing, on to your 3rd month! :cheering:

      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

        Mama is in the pool this morning....sleepy but swimming....Day 4 for me!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

          Just dipping my big toe in the water, seems ok. Mama bear dont be sleepy in the pool, someone may have to jump in and rescue you.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

            I didn't bring my togs so I am just going to wade knee deep by the side and drink a coke.
            Mama bear did you know you snore?
            A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

              OverIt2007;847313 wrote: Happy Sunday from Florida!

              It is HOT here today, over 90 degrees, but loving it.

              Ringing, glad you had a fun AF night out, you deserve some fun! Good job on keeping your committment to stay sober!

              Just got home from Church, it was a glorious service. I like feeling part of the community, and my church is very warm and welcoming. God is good!!

              Im very committed to an AF May!!! Day 2 here!
              Morning OverIt--I usually read through from the last time I posted then try to post a catch all, but it seems like too much work this am. Love 90 degress. Heaven! I would've been driving top down all day. Had it down for a bit yesterday. Just love it. Glad you have a nice welcoming church family. I was churched at 35. I left the first after 5 years when I left my husband. Found another more liberal group but left them after 5 years when I decided to live with my boyfriend at the time. I even taught Sunday school at that one. Challenging but so much fun too. I told my girlfriend there were too many hypocrites. She said her pastor said "what's one more?" Haha. I stll never went back.....

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi


                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                chillgirl;847333 wrote:

                Hey Guys its getting a little crowded in here!! :H
                Chillgirl--are your friends coming back today?? I hope KT made it out alive.

                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                St. Francis of Assisi


                  OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                  Flippin hope they dont come back, I got my snorkel bent yesterday....:upset:
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                    KatieB;847565 wrote: and ringing cedars - what the heck does "tripping the night fandango" mean?? :H:H:H
                    Haha...I messed that up I think. Should be trippin the light fandango. Not sure what it really means, but to me it meant staying up late dancing and having a party--which I did without alcohol.

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                      Happy Monday! Rise and Shine!

                      Mondays are perfect days to renew and committ for a successful week. I know some people hate Mondays, but look at it as a new start for today!

                      I am currently working on two goals. Main one being AF May, but other one is losing the last 10 pounds I have left to go! I have currently lost about 15 pounds in two months. I have been working at it pretty hard! Oh, by the way. Weight loss and booze, um really dont mix too well for me! Booze gotta go!!

                      So..... hopefully at the end of May, Overit WILL be in that sexy bikini hanging out at the pool!!!!!

                      Enjoy the day in the pool!!! Only ice tea and soda's allowed today or I call the Asians back to deal with you!!!

                      Day 3

                      KTAB, they bent your snorkel??? Do we need to go kick some butt?? They are NOT allowed back at our pool, until they apologize!
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                        Ha ha. I don't want them back....please everyone!!!
                        Glad to see you made it out alive KT.
                        Nora, Katie, Sunshine, Mama, Welcome Ziv, Spuddleduck stay safe--get a bg floater or bouay (however they are spelled).
                        LiverBirdy LiverBirdy?? Come Back Please..
                        Have an awesome day all!!! -WAVES- )

                        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                        St. Francis of Assisi


                          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                          One more to Hippy Chick. You haven't offended me. Maybe you could PM the person you are feeling out of sorts with and clarify the sitiation. )

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                            You are a funny many levels huh? ;o)

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                              I hope there is enough room in that pool for a few more. Overit sounds like you are making room for everyone - 15 pounds that's great. Well done. I was hoping to drop a few kilos after stopping drinking however I replaced wine with chocolate/lollies/ice cream/biscuits so I dont suppose it is any surprise that the kilos are still not budging.
                              Think I might have to take up wine again to stop me eating so much junk!!! I never ate that stuff when I was drinking......
                              Have fun in the pool today and dont forget the sunblock if it gets too hot (sound like my mother dont I?)
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                                KTAB;846828 wrote: Ok I am back, swimsuit sorted.
                                Hey - that's just like mine!

