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OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

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    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

    mama here...but sad
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

      koki - that's the spirit!!
      I am back to Day 3, but determined again to go 30 days..
      MamaB.. it is very sad.. but please make sure you look after yourself.. xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

        I am fine Katie....just makes you think about what is really important in life.....your family, your kids, NOT ALCOHOL....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

          I am very sad to hear of this awful news as well. Mama Bear is right, life is a precious gift, and we have to remember that. I did not know of all of Mary Anns issues, did she have other problems besides alcohol? Im keeping her and her family in my prayers today.


            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

            I was in such a great mood this morning, and I couldn't wait to jump on this thread this morning, but when I logged on, I saw the devastating news about cowgal. So so sad.....makes you take a step back and think about your own life.

            I had a great night last night. Cycle class with my son, quick dinner, with a delicious non-alcoholic beverage. Couple of hours of good TV. Then when everyone was in bed.....I jumped back in the pool, looking for pool boy....but he was no where to be found. Oh well, he was too young for me anyway....but real nice to look at.

            Note to R.C. I sure wish I had 29 days....just maybe you can see in the future.....nice !

            Take care everyone.
            Miss October :blinkylove:


              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

              How many days are you at M.O? You sounds great, with the exception of hearing the sad news. I agree, we should all take time to think about her, but also think about our own lives, and what could be possible for any one of us. So tragic indeed.

              My AF May has one blip on it from Tuesday. I can still finish out this month in great form if I get my butt on it now. Ok! My butt is officially on it now!

              Yes, where is that pool boy? Oh heck, we can settle for KTAB. He probably gives a better massage anyways, and He could be right about that other pool boy playing for both teams, if ya get my drift..


                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                from what little I know she had ALOT of issues besides alcohol and this did not come as a surprise to those that knew her well.....
                We will ALL be fine, but let's take care of each other and take this as a wake up call, if needed.....
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                  I still KTAB is sexier!!!!!!
                  Plus we know starnger sex needed here thank you!!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                    Absolutly Mama. We all need to be grateful that we are here, and can help one another.

                    It has to be a sad and lonely feeling to think that ending it all is the only answer. I cannot even imagine to be at that level of despair. I wish she would have held out hope, but I cannot ever know her mind, and perhaps this is what she really wanted. It is just so sad for those you leave behind. Poor Mary Ann. I really hope she is happy now and at peace.

                    Oh KTAB!!! We need some a rub down to make us feel better. Here Boy!!


                      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                      Poor cowgal had depression too, and of course we all know AL makes it worse. Drugs and alcohol DO NOT MIX. My heart goes out to her so sad....

                      Overit, this month I only have the one day, last night. I feel good, so therefore, that makes me happy. I need to remember come this weekend how good I feel when I wake up from a sober evening. This weekend I already plan on jumping on MWO for much needed inspiration and tough love
                      Miss October :blinkylove:


                        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                        You CAN DO IT Miss October! I KNOW you can.

                        Its baffling to me how I got my 30 days, and I did it quite easy. I wonder now... How did I do that???

                        But, its proof. It can be done, and I DID IT, and so Can YOU! I just have to figure out how again, LOL.

                        Overall, I am doing better in the big picture, meaning I have wayyy Non drinking days as compared to drinking days. I have to gage that as progress, but I want my progress to be better.

                        Just keep trying!! DONT drink today, OK????
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                          Good morning ALL. Feeling strong. 11 laps is my goal today.

                          I wish I was able to offer more support of some kind to help keep everyone afloat. I am mostly going on sheer will power and determination. I also am working longer hours to avoid the emptiness when home. I am a strong believer in the nutritional component of the this journey. As the body heals it begins to crave the healthier choices. 2 cents today

                          OverIt - We can do this! MWO book has great advice on diet. Eat often but right choices. Your metabolism will kick in. I liken it to stoking a fire. You can't stoke it once a day and expect it to burn(calories) all day.

                          Welcome Koki, "Yellow Sun" (?), and anyone else. 30 laps is tough going...good on you for trying!...All the best..

                          Hey Katie - 3 laps is no prob for you!!

                          Mama - I read the sad news. So sorry. Cry, Get Angry, Scream, Be Quiet...whatever you feel...feel it...I wish you strength to stay AF.

                          Miss O - I look forward to saying 29 for you too--for real! Please keep that pitcher of ice tea coming. We is thirsty swimmers.

                          Mr. KT - it seems you are willing to be companion swimmer, flasher, pool boy AND masseuse. You're a dream come true!

                          Wishing ALL an AF lap ....


                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                            I can't remember who mentioned radical forgiveness and acceptance...just before entering this site I went on a radical acceptance weekend retreat.....holy crap...intense it was....but heaps of healing went on with me and others. worth checking out imho

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                              Ok - I am back. I am ready to do some serious swimming here. I did it in February. I can do it again. I need to stop feeling guilty here. This is the one place I can come where people actually understand how hard this is and will support me. So just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
                              Especially now that I have KTAB.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                                Nora C. If you feel like you are tired and going under, remember, there are many hands here that are happy to help pull you back to safety. :l

                                Ringing, Im glad to see your doing so well. Good for you. I am feeling positive energy today as well, and back on board. Only got one blip on my calendar for May, so the potential of a good month is still there!!!

                                Ohhh, I know how us girls love gossip. I am one of those internet daters like Katie as well. I have not had a date in a very long time though.

                                Well, I have connected with someone for a date on Friday, and I am very excited because from his profile, I just got that kind of a good feeling.

                                Best part of all. He is a NON drinker, and a Christian, like me, who loves God. Bonus and Bonus. Wont be no drinking on this date. Thats a great thing.

                                Will keep ya all posted, I know you love the juicy stuff.

                                Dont worry KTAB. There is always room in my life for our special pool boy :h
                                I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

