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OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

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    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

    Hi OverIt. How was your day?

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

      Hi Ringing!

      I am doing ok, I suppose. I am not totally AF, but really trying to get there. For the month of May, I have 5 drinking days. I keep track of everytime I drink. I suppose that is an "improvement" but I would like it to be less of none of course.

      How are things with you???


        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

        Hi Overit!
        Taking the Antabuse was the best decision I ever made. Yes, it is very scary at first, but now I don't even think about it, I just pop it every day at 3:00pm and that's THAT! I worried and fretted about interactions, etc, etc, but I haven't had any ill effects so far, and I am on day 49, so it's probably safe to assume there wont be any. I was like you also, I had the bottle in my cabinet for a whole year before I just DID IT. I actually made it to the gym last night if I can just keep that up! All in all, things are going great, and thank you for asking How are you doing? You mentioned a slip last week...that's ok, just dust yourself off and get going again, you CAN do it.
        Hope everyone else is doing well! Happy Thursday
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

          Hi K9 and OverIt!

          I think taking Antibuse shows tremendous commitment and courage! Good for you K9! And thanks for the compliment. I feel great both in body and spirit.

          OverIt you are on your way to success with your goals. So happy for you!!

          I have decided I will finish my challenge, long weekend and all. Then one day at a time as they say.

          Full moon coming up. Watch out for the werewolves!!

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

            Hey All
            Overit, re. the Antabuse, unlike K9 I didn't continuously take it but at the beginning I took it for about 10 days and it was a brilliant kick-start, alcohol was completely taken out of the equation and by the time I stopped taking it the cravings had eased a lot. When I cocked-up I also took it for a couple of days afterwards, bearing in mind it stays in your system up to 2 weeks after you stop taking it so it kickstarted me again and now am back on the road again. If you do take it remember you need the alcohol out of your system 48 hours before you start tho.
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

              Thank you for the replies regarding Antabuse. All I have heard from most people is very positive things about it, I dont know why the pill has not gone in my mouth except maybe I am stubborn (?) or I still think I can do this myself. I have proven over and over that I cannot do it myself. There is also a fear element involved like K-9 said. I have this crazy thought that I might drink on it and die, but I suppose that would be really really stupid of me to do. I dont think I would do that.

              Im so glad to hear of all the success of those of you who take it. Its re assuring to know that it was the best decision to make. Its very possible I will be joining you soon, your positive feedback leans me more and more to join you.

              Oh, and K-9... With you alcohol free, then getting to the gym to get fit. Whoa watch out! You will be ready to take on the world.
              Have a great Friday guys


                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                Day 50 here! Wow, I can't believe how fast time has gone. The longest I had ever gone in the past was 40 days, so I'm feeling really good this time. I've also made it to the gym twice so far this week, so that makes me feel even better. Looking forward to my weekend with my daughter. We have lots of activities planned. Mall on Saturday, then church and a softball game on Sunday. Life is good!
                Hope everyone is having a great day.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                  ringing, im so pleased you're going for the full challange, that is just fantastic. im sure you will still have a great weekend. as you say, see how you feel after that. i had a major mess up with vodka on wednesday and feel totally crap about it. it would have been 90 days AF today. anyhow its done now, i know i cant safely drink so back to the happy sober life for me
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                    Damn...I lost my post.

                    Hey Spuddle or what do you prefer to be called?? Please call me RC. Thanks you for sharing your pleasure and pain. This life is not exempt from either. I read about your slip, your reason why, your lesson learned and your re-dedication for the future. I respect and commend you for your honesty with yourself and others. So I say walk on dear duck...or waddle as the case may be. )

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                      And yes I am a lurker much of the time. Sorry if that upsets some here.

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                        Hey Spudser, great to see you back! After major glums for me when I screwed up I took the positive out of it that 100% anything less than a bottle of vodka in a sitting is not possible for me - therefore, no more little thoughts (just a couple etc.) and you sound positive as well. The 90 days didn't go away you know!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                          An AF Tip for Wine Drinkers

                          I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work yesterday and cut through the wine section to get to the meat counter. On my way through, I glanced at all the bottles, floor to practically ceiling on both sides of me. My first thought was sort of melancholy - "Look at all the lovely bottles and I can't have one..." but my second thought was rather shocking - "I have probably personally consummed more bottles of wine than are currently surrounding me."

                          Yikes! I am doing my liver and the environment SO much good by being AF.


                            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                            K-9... Your doing amazing, and are an inspiration to us all. You and your daughter have a lovely weekend, good to see that you go to church, I do too, Every Sunday, and I LOVE it.

                            Hey Spuds, sorry to hear of your slip, but you know the drill. Dont beat yourself up too much, an almost 90 days is a HUGE accomplishment too!!!

                            Hey R.C. Good to see you as always! Hope your doing great,

                            And Coco-Nut. Yes the best way to get through the grocery store is to just rush past the wine isle before one of those little suckers end up in your shopping cart! little bastards, LOL!

                            Hey Mollyka! Hope your doing good too!!
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                              Yikes! I am doing my liver and the environment SO much good by being AF.
                              Way to go Coco!! Your liver and the environment thanks you!!:goodjob:

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                                Hope everyone's having a good Saturday!!! Gorgeous weekend so far. Can't wait to get out there. soon...

                                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                                St. Francis of Assisi

