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OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

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    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

    Hi Overit. Well maybe someone will post a June challenge thread. I'd like to get to know you better as well. I gained a ton of respect for you when you posted about Katies scumbag ex and his abusing her. He wouldn't do that to me the piece of feces. Anyhow on a lighter note have a lovely evening overit...john
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

      thanks Techie...can't wait til they make acai wine!! lol JK really. I know all about the top antioxidant berries. One of the things that keep me so healthy is a berry blend of 17 top fruits-acai being the second ingredient. I read Carlos Castaneda books many years ago. He got his insights from peyote, didn't he??
      Hey Overit...I agree with you...seems one day at a time is the way is the game of the day. Just that we both went well over our 1 glass on Friday night and I haven't had any since. Kinda felt like it tonight but didn't bother.
      Hey Nora I'm sure alot of people felt the same as you. I'm sorry it worked that way, but as I said I think the pool analogy works well for keeping this thread alive and checking in with each other.
      I know it's been the one place where I've felt comfortable and safe to keep posting anyways.
      So I'm doing some laps tonight and hitting the hay sober tonight. Hope you all are meeting your goals tonight too!! )

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

        Hi Techie (John)

        How are you doing with your sobriety goals? Are you trying to moderate or quit competely?

        I am an episodic binge drinker (what my doctor called me lol). My normal pattern is to drink every two or three days. I have actually gotton "better" meaning for the past two months I have 8 drinking days each month, but it is not good enough for me. I drink wayyyyyy too much and have no control. I black out almost always and it scares me. alot! The day after drinking I am a total mess mentally. Panic attacks, depression, its BAD, almost to the point of non functioning.

        Its like this... I NEVER intend for my drinking to end up in disaster. It always STARTS as a good intention, Oh just a couple, you know, a nice, fun buzz! BUT my drinking almost ALWAYS ends up disaster and out of control. My brain gets programmed and I cannot stop and shut it off.

        This site has helped me alot in many aspects on so many levels. I remember the amazement I felt when I discovered, OH You mean there are really OTHERS who do this???
        Or Others who actually understand?? WOW!

        I have a couple of plans to set into action with my drinking. I am determined to not let my life be ruined by drinking. If I cannot manage this, I am literally taking the control away from myself with medication. Im giving myself one last chance before I go that route.

        So... how are you doin???

        Hi Ringing, Sorry I missed your post, gonna go back and read it now.


          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

          Overit I will write in more length tomorrow as I need to p/u my niece in 15mins. I drank exactly the way you did. My smoking followed my drinking. If I wasn't drinking I couldn't stand being near a smoke. I HAVE to be AF. Tried to mod but led to getting blotto...three days latter blotto again...etc.
          more to follow....John
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

            surfing? That is summery. You know, ride the waves, sharks in the water, get back on the board..That appeal to anyone? I don't surf so someone else will have to flesh it out if anyone is interested.


              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

              I'm in if someone wants to start the 30 day challenge for June!
              Only day 3 here, but what started out as a couple of wines on Friday night ended in a completely disastrous evening. My brother came over and somehow we wound up at a pub...and on it went. Was already way too drunk to be leaving the house. Can't believe I am still allowing myself to be lead astray by him and I'm 38 now and he's 41...DH was not happy with either of us and it caused loads of dramas. Just soooo not worth it...Started as a little relaxer to help me cope with the 3 kids.

              So June I am aiming for AF, but will need to take it one day at a time, one problem at a time, one situation at a time.....


                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                Hi Gertrude,

                Nice to meet cha! Day 3 is a great start!!


                  OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                  Hi Gertrude - It great to see you making a start here. BEST OF LUCK. I'm with you for June & I'll post the challenge thread tonight...techie
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                    techie, will be looking forward to it. I am in. prancy


                      OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                      Hi Overit re: your post last night

                      Hi Overit,

                      I hope you?re well today. It?s Memorial Day and the first time I?ve been truly 100% respectful to our fallen men and women. By not drinking I can focus on the true purpose of today to remember, not an excuse to abuse alcohol.

                      I too was much like you in my drinking behavior. After work I would stop for a few with the intention of just that. Never worked, I always got hammered. I never drank to relieve the hangovers, because that was it, I was done with drinking. Three days later right back to the same thing. The pattern went on for years.

                      I smoked cigarettes too. Oddly enough, the same pattern with these followed the alcohol. When I was drinking I would smoke like a wood stove. Next day, I couldn?t stand to be near anyone smoking. On that day when I new the beast would be unleashed I would pick up a pack on my way to work. Insane.

                      Anyhow, I tried AA and lasted three or four meetings. I knew it was clearly not the right path to sobriety for me. I had recently been promoted at my job and didn?t have the time to commit to AA. I needed something much more flexible and that brought me here.

                      I?m doing well here. I love the support and caring nature of the community. It is also a great source of knowledge. I look forward to continued success, and I wish you well on your journey to recovery Overit. John
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                        Mama home after a long weekend at our lake house..and Yes, I drank, but not to extreme...just relaxed and laid in the sun....
                        What if we do a weekly June challenge? I agree with Over it that 30 days seems incomprehnesible......
                        Tucking in for the night with a good book and some aloe for sunburn
                        Love you all
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                          Hi Everyone!
                          Checking in after 3 days away from the computer! Enjoyed the long weekend...spent some time at the gym, went to a great picnic, went to church, and laid around on the couch....just what I needed. I see I have a lot of posts to catch up on. Hope everyone is well. I am day 60 and going strong...........
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                            Day 60? YOU GO K9 that is so GREAT!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                              K9, that is so fabulous. Congratulations. Your weekend sounds just right! Isn't it nice to lie around on the couch because you WANT to and not because when you get up you are dizzy? Way to go!


                                OverIt2007's 30-day Challenge - EVERYONE INTO THE POOL!!!

                                Hi Prancy, Mama, John and K-9,

                                Mama, I have missed you, and K-9 I knew you were doing good, but yes, we missed hearing from you! Prancy hope you stick around with this crazy bunch, we have fun and would love to have you with us. That goes for you too Techie John. Thank you for replying. Funny our drinking patterns are the same huh. Same insanity! This is a good place to be. You are never alone, and you will discover we are pretty much all on the same mission as far as the drinking thing goes. We do not want it to ruin our lives.
                                I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

