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I can't make a start

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    I can't make a start

    I joined here at my lowest of lows but still can't seem to get a plan... a AF plan that is?
    Had the worst weekend, put on a show for some clients and actually behaved myself by sticking with the beer and went to bed before everyone else including my partner. I was woken by him at some crazy hour and asked where I had been?? BED - he then became annoyed as I was already sleeping.
    Next morning I apparently had an affair with "someone" SO unfair, he asked why I wasn't the last one up "licking the bottom of the esky" I responed with I kept my composure as it was business related.... Yay for me - not him.. spent the rest of the day grovelling to him.
    thats it.
    Soo over it..

    I can't make a start

    Hi kusyidi,

    Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
    Have you read the MWO book yet? If not you can download it right from the Health Store. It is full of good info for you to help you get started. You also need to make your plan. Take a look in the for good ideas.

    Please feel free to join us in the Newbies Nest thread too. Lots of people there just getting started as well.
    It's time for you to take back control of your life. You'll never be sorry you did

    Wishing you the best on your journey!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I can't make a start

      Hi K

      Welcome aboard. Sounds to me like you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. Does your husband know you are looking to resolve your issues with AL? Maybe then he would not be so careless in what he says. My hubby and I drank far more than was good for our health and bank balance. I at the mo am going for 30 days abstinence and he is happy just to cut back. Support is a great thing and you will get plenty of that here. Read the book and keep dropping in here.

      Good luck

      Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


        I can't make a start

        Yeah, that's hard. It's also hard to get used to socialising without alcohol and without going to bed.
        Try one day AF to start, then see if you can do 2. It feels more achievable as you go along.


          I can't make a start

          Does you husband drink heavily?I've had boyfriends accuse me of allsorts when all I was doing was training at the pool (had the ticket to prove it), being polite by chatting to someone putting up a tent nearby, just being there with him.......result of drink paranoia plus occasionally cannabis for them.

          Of course suddenly changing your behaviour can alert a spouse and have them barking up the wrong tree.


            I can't make a start

            Hi Kuysldi, welcome to myo. I am sorry to hear about your bummer weekend. As far as a plan goes, I think everyone of us if different, and may need their own plan. All I can do for you, is tell you what has worked for me.

            Once I finally, really hit rock bottom, I went cold turkey. It was very scary, especially since alcohol was such a part of so many habits I had. The withdrawal were manageable, headaches were my biggest issue and being cranky. I made a goal of one week, than two, than 30 days. Fighting the urges was the most tough thing, especially as weekend approached. When I was in this process, I couldn't worry about what other people thought too much, because it is a lot of mental work to stay sober. My wife did know what I was doing, although I chose not to talk to much to her about what I was going through. I did lots of writing and reading here. Hope this helps.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              I can't make a start

              kusyldi;844650 wrote: I joined here at my lowest of lows but still can't seem to get a plan... a AF plan that is?
              Had the worst weekend, put on a show for some clients and actually behaved myself by sticking with the beer and went to bed before everyone else including my partner. I was woken by him at some crazy hour and asked where I had been?? BED - he then became annoyed as I was already sleeping.
              Next morning I apparently had an affair with "someone" SO unfair, he asked why I wasn't the last one up "licking the bottom of the esky" I responed with I kept my composure as it was business related.... Yay for me - not him.. spent the rest of the day grovelling to him.
              thats it.
              Soo over it..

              Day 1 is absolutely the worst b/c you have no idea how you could possibly
              get through it. Getting through the first day is really just a matter of passing the time until you can go safely to bed! That's all day 1 is - filling up the hours without AL until you can go to sleep. With Day 1 under your belt, you know it is totally achievable to go without AL - after all, it didn't KILL you the first time, right? You carry on from there... adding information, ammunition and strength from there. Go for it!


                I can't make a start

                Hi and Welcome,

                It sounds like you need to have a talk with your partner.. and explain how things are with you and AL.. you need support from him! We are here too.. read and post often.. maybe join us in the pool for the 30 day challenge? the more the merrier!
                Katie xx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  I can't make a start

                  Welcome K, you've come to the right place, keep reading, keep posting and don't give up.
                  AF since April 19, 2010
                  NF since Nov 10, 2000

                  "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                  -Lady Nancy Astor


                    I can't make a start

                    Welcome K,

                    I can tell you I was at the end of my rope until I came here...I never thought I would be able to stop. But I have, and you can, too. I am on Day 2 now and have not had any cravings, but what has helped me tremendously is L-Glutamine. You can order it through the MWO Health Store.

                    Read all the posts, and if you click on the titles for the Forums, you can read all the previous posts, too. We are all here for you!!


                      I can't make a start

                      Hi K and Welcome Onboard

                      Thanks for sharing your story. Sounds tough to me, your partner.

                      This is a great place to get help, ideas and support as everyone is open and honest, and so kind.

                      I am on Day 13 AF and have completely changed my attitude to AL from reading this site and also being able to help others with some positive encouragement.

                      You can do it, join in the fun.
                      Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended

