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New Here and glad I found this site.

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    New Here and glad I found this site.

    :new: I have been a social drinker for years. I've never had a problem putting alcohol down. After 16 years of marriage that ended I still did well. I am remarried and happy. I have found myself needing to drink wine on the weekends especially. I need wine on the weekend just to survive. My " psychologist husband" recommended I go three months without wine. I am in my third week and I've done well except for the past two days which have been hell!!!!!! This I can not figure out because it is the middle of the week. I feel defiant today and feel like I am an adult and if I want a glass of wine I can have one. The three month drink free recommendation sounded good at the time because honestly I don't need to drink a bottle of wine by myself. I might add this is the large ones not the small ones. I really can't seek treatment because of my husbands status and my line of work. I live in a small town and everybody knows what everyone else is doing. If I forget what I am doing I just ask someone and they can tell me!!!!! I do feel my need for alcohol especially on the weekend is a stress reliever. I hate that I feel the need to have a drink and I guess that confirms my initial fears of being alcohol dependant. Well, thanks for listening.

    New Here and glad I found this site.

    Weekends are the worst for me as well...I think I probably do it as much for boredom as anything, but I still drink on weekdays too. I am doing better, but still not even close to where I want to be. Good luck to you !!



      New Here and glad I found this site.

      Thanks for your reply. Are you totally drink free or just tappering off? Are you on any meds? I am on Clonazepam .05 and it seems to depress me mostly. On this site I am reading about Topamax which I am familiar with but not with alcohol addiction. Do you know anything?



        New Here and glad I found this site.

        I am just trying to get it under control. With my job and my social life, I find it kind of unrealistic to be totally AF. I am very reluctant of using one drug to stop another. I never go to the doctor or ever take any medication sof any kind. I did get some milk thistle and B-complex...can't say that I take them regularly...but then again I am still drinking more than I want too. I have a slight hangover today....took clients golfing yesterday and had about 4-5 wiskey and cokes. maybe meds would help, but I am steering clear of them right now. Let me know what you decide and if they work !!



          New Here and glad I found this site.

          Hi Tkg, you might want to consider the supplements; the L-glutamine and Kudzu root. A lot of people have had success with taking just those to squelch the cravings. You have done over two weeks, that is impressive. Maybe you just a little extra help. THis is a good place. Glad you found us. Oh, and excuse my avatar, I will be changing it soon......
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            New Here and glad I found this site.

            Wel Iam with you.

            My gut told me going on the CLONAZEAM would only be one substitution for another.I really do not want to take the stuff. Actually, I do not want to take any of the stuff my clients or as we call them members take. But I do know that I need to do something, I am coming out of my skin not having a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon is killing me.My husband kicked the demon 6 months ago but I do see a trend with presciption meds with him. I have discussed this with him and he states he is control but I am not. True, as this may be I still put in 60 hours a week at work, raise two kids, and coordinate all family functions. Sometimes I just want to know what I am doing soooooo wrong.
            Thanks for lettting me vent!



              New Here and glad I found this site.

              Thanks for your reply. You are talking about the supplements on this site right? I may try them. Natural supplements I do not mind. I already take Milk Thistle and all the B vitamins. Thanks for your encouragenment. Life sucks at times but maybe we should blow in return.



                New Here and glad I found this site.

                2 new 2 know

                I just found this site. I am so lost, I hae been in a fog for several years. My wife has been gettting mad at me thesesde recent weeks. I neeed to stop drinking beforee its to late for me ,I dont want to lose my girls

