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ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

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    ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

    Hey all,

    So far so good this week.. nearly Day 6 for me! I've managed since Monday without cigarettes too.. which is the longest ive gone since taking up the filthy habit 18 months ago!
    I've mainly just kept myself busy with my son and having lots of fun with him..
    Hello to all that follow,

    Katie x
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

    Hi Katie and all to follow

    Well done Katie on being both AF and NF. I believe giving up nicotine is harder than giving up heroin.

    Another beautiful day so off to spend some time in the garden.



      ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

      Hi All,

      Not much to report today. It's possible the Topa Dopa is going but I've only had 10 hours sleep in the last two days and I am tired. I think it's real tired instead of drug tired. Just hopping around a bit until it's late enough to go to bed.

      My son is getting big - boo hoo. He is going into middle school next year - year 7! The information evenings are starting already. He used to hop into bed with me for a cuddle every morning before school but he's told me he's too big to do that now. Luckily, I still get my after dinner cuddles.

      Not sure what's on the agenda for the weekend but hubby is already bouncing around like an excited puppy asking what we're doing.

      G'Day to all who come along.

      Spam xx


        ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

        Morning Family....
        My boys are growing up too fast too.....I hate it.....but such is life...
        I am sleepy this morning too
        Sitting here with Papa drinking coffee and watching the's so depressing.....people hurting and killing kids, oil rig leaks,etc.......why do we watch it??
        oh to shower and get to work for Satan....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010


          I try not to watch the news too much as it IS depressing.. a nurse here in Syd got killed 2 days ago.. someone slashed her neck! how awful!!- the police are thinking it was pre-meditated by a patient she annoyed! jeez.. im so glad i dont work in the hospitals anymore.. so yep, no more watching the news for me! i dont want my son seeing the violent images either..
          My son is getting to be a total tyke.. though I keep telling myself to "make the most of it" whilst he's young, but its hard at times when he's having temper tanty's! :H
          Katie x
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

            Morning Katie, Mama, Rustop, Spam!

            Like almost every morning, I am running late for everything. I am NOT an on time type of person!

            Katie, so good to see you at 5 days. Yes, that last slip was a big one I know. Seems that was enough to scare ya straight.

            Did you know the story behind me getting my 30 days? My family was visiting from Michigan. They dont even know I drink. Well guess who got falling down drunk and embarressed myself like never before? Sometimes we have to fall down hard to get back up.

            I love how you guys have gotton into the pool theme, its alot of fun! Shit, guess whos gonna be late for work again!

            Bye for now friends!!!


              ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010

              You guys are the peeps I feel the closest I have to confess I was bad last night and I feel like shit this morning......Satan's company is being taken over by the bank that holds the none of us know what that means for us.....
              it's weird....I was very calm about the whole thing and I suspected it was coming.....but that psychological monster got hold of me....I have no physical cravings at all....but the mind is a hard one to ignore sometimes......
              DAMN IT ALL.....I am NOT going to give up......
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                ODAT Thursday 29th April 2010


                Hi Katie and gang, I seem to be late (I guess the Pacific time) but I figure checking in at some time helps me more than not, that is for sure. Glad to hear you are doing good Katie. Do you have a plan for this weekend? I have to come up with one too as sunny weather, bbq's and white wine have always just been a natural given. Time to adjust that combo a is very sunny.

                My baby boy is now 30!! Yes, thanks to AL I became a teenage Mom. No regrets though cause my big guy tells me he loves me all the time and has done rehab and AA himself so he is my biggest family fan right now and that feels good.

                My (ex?) boyfriend came over yesterday and told me how proud he is of me and he even knew what day AF I was on. This was the first time he's acknowledged it since I quit. Right now though my number one and only priority is my sobriety so I will have to figure that relationship out later.

                Well, feel like a chatty cathy here now, so I'll end and get outside for some good air, excercise and clear mind. Have a great day all
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor

