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help me

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    help me

    i don't drink but my boyfriend does i really love him and don't want to leave him but it's destroying me and my kids i don't know what to do will someone please help me

    help me

    Hi "unregistered"
    Has your boyfriend expressed any interest in getting help? You say there aer children involved? How old are they? Are they witnessing the drinking firsthand? Is there any violence etc.?
    Hon, you need to understand that drinking is a progressive thing that will only get worst unless he wants to get better. Your children are top priority and so are you. Perhaps you could should show him this site and we will help him.....actually, show him this site anyways - cant hurt....If there is violence involved, get you and your children to safety immediately.
    Tell is some more ok, - you sound a little desperate sweety,
    Over 4 months AF :h


      help me

      I am new to this site and struggle with the demon myself but I know many friends and clients who were and still are in this type of relationship. How much does he drink .....well it really doesn't matter if it is causing problems. Have you stated your concern without being judgemental? It does concern me when you say kids. I am a mother of two and drink around them occassionally but not to the point of drunkness. How much time do you and your kids have invested in this relationship?

