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Low Willpower

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    Low Willpower

    Hello. I'm here because I'm not an alcoholic and don't need AA or drugs to quit (or cut back). I just have little willpower. I just need some more help than myself to quit. I think it's important to tell someone, but don't want to disappoint my parents, so I won't tell them I'm strugging and it's hard to talk to my husband, because he quit 4, 5, or 6 years ago and he's very strong willed. He just say....STOP ALREADY!

    I drink just about every night. Even if I don't feel like having any or it's late, I can't help but open up a bottle of wine & drink. I'm just tired of it all.....Even though I like the taste and how it makes me feel while drinking, I can't stand the side effects.... baggy eyes, headaches, hangover, night munchies, morning munchies, tired, unhealthy, argumentative. I have gained so much weight I can't stand it!!!!!

    For years before my son was born I didn't drink. Just got "tired" of it all. I absolutely loved not drinking!!!! I felt so clear headed, smart, aware. I lost a ton of weight & at 5 foot 6 inches, I weight less than 110 lbs & was wearing size 6 & sometimes 4!!!! When people commented on how great I looked, I told them I did a lot of walking my Jack Russell in the hills where I lived and I cut out SUGAR. (i.e. wine, alcohol). I was loving the way I looked in clothes and loving life. I even stopped bitting my nails (something, that I unfortunately started to do again) and told my husband I was "perfect" except for the fact that we wanted to have a baby and were trying in vain to get pregnant. With some help of my GYN, we conveived and now have an amazing 6 year old son!!!! yeah!

    While pregnant, because I didn't have to give up drinking for pregnancy, I thought I would lose the baby weight & get right back to my size 6. I did lose all the weight quickly, but little did I know that I was suffering from pretty sever post-partum depression. I cried all the time, and was very confused about the baby.... I didn't know how..... I am somewhat obessive compulsive... I like to count, and have things in their specific places, etc, etc.. I read the directions off a Band Aid when Andy came along, I just couldn't handle being up, nursing at 2 in the morning..... Life was extremely hard for me, my son, my husband, my mother for months..... I went back to a glass of wine three months or so after he was born just to relax. literally.

    I'm back drinking again, every night, but would very much like to get back to no drinking or controlled (say only on weekends). My husband has since stopped drinking (like 5 years ago), but he's extremely strong willed. He does drink champane on occassion but that's all. He's a chef & cater with a tv cooking show, and trying to get on the food network. He's extremely active in the community and is either working or at meeting durning the week. That leaves me home, faithfully, with Andy. I do all for him. The only things I have for me, Julie, is I get my hair cut & colored and I drink my wine.....

    I just hung up with my husband, who's going back on LA Weightloss and I am going to do it with him! I pray every day and I can get my drinking & munchies eating under control. I don't have to be 105, but I'd like to be clear headed with a flat stomach. (ha, ha!)

    I'm 39 years old, who's so in love with my six year old son, truly in love with my best friend husband, have a beautiful home, great job, both my parents are living & married, is it so much for me to want to look great too??? The only way I know how is to cut back on the drinking, which will cut back on the food intake, which will help me lose weight. I have so many positives in my life, I'm tired of feeling yucky in the a.m. from the alcohol in the p.m.

    Maybe if I stay here & get some extra support from all you wonderful people, I'll be on the road to hotness!!! (I'm so funny, hahaha) Take care and thanks for listening.


    Low Willpower

    Sounds like you are on your way. I too suffer from the wine stuff. Wine is my demon. My husband is a psychologist and I am bored most of the time. I have two children from a previous marriage. However, they are 12 and 16. My drinking never was bad until they did not need me as reading a bandaide label at 2 in the morning.Stay on track you sound like you have it together.

    Best of luck,


      Low Willpower


      Hang in there, you are not alone! Strength and will power comes along eventually...

      Glad you're here at MWO.



        Low Willpower

        Hi Julie
        Looks like a lot of us ladies are alike. Just approaching or just hitting 40 and realizing we spend most of our time hung over and struggling to keep in shape because the wine consumption is taking control. Why don't you start by not drinking on a certain night. I try to keep Mondays for the day I always do not drink. Some weeks it doesn't work but most it does. This week, I managed to not drink mon, tues and wed. woo hoo for me. Tonight. I am on glass #2 and right now I don't feel guilty about it.
        You will find your way. Hopefully, I will too.

