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Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

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    Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

    Sorry, me again!! (it's a rainy day and my son is asleep.. so i have lots of spare time on my hands today!)
    The government are increasing the price of cigarettes in Australia by 25% next week! (I gave up at just the right time..)
    People are now rushing to buy them whilst they are still "cheap".. though why don't they use this tax as a great reason to give up too? Cig's in Aus are getting more and more out-casted.. which is a great thing since it causes so many health problems..
    It's a shame the same thing can't be said for AL.. if they upped the price heaps and made it less "social" or "normal", then there wouldn't be as many problems with AL either? What does everyone think..?
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

    Hi KatieB
    In NZ cigarettes went up 10% overnight, with 2 more 10% increases over the next 2 years. A packet of cigs will cost around $18. Pretty steep if you are having trouble quitting.

    The government talked about raising AL taxes but because some people can drink moderately they don't want to penalise these people.

    Frankly I'm not sure on this issue. Maybe if we didn't choose AL we would turn to something else, like drugs. A much worse way to deal with life's issues. Dont know...???

    For me, they can raise the price to a guzillion, I don't care. I'm not buying the poison anymore.

    Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


      Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

      Well, it's never worked it the UK. The Government makes SO much money out of tobacco and AL tax over there.

      I know smoking and alcohol abuse cost a lot of money in medical terms but can governments afford for people not to drink and smoke? Where else are they going to get that kind of tax from? Apart from petrol that is...

      Even if everyone gave up drinking and smoking tomorrow, it would still be YEARS before the medical problems filtered through the system.

      However, that's just opinion and not a researched answer.


        Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

        Katie - this is interesting as the NZ government announced a rise of a similar magnitude this week too (only ours came in overnight).

        Suspect there was a lot of cooperation between the 2 government to avoid the prospect of "unofficial exporting".

        We have just had a Law Commission report also calling for a rise in the drinking age (from 18 to 20) and also recommending fairly stiff increases in excise taxes ... and several MPs (including a couple of Maori MPs who are very vocal on public health issues) have been very vocal in their support.
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

          Actually this subject really bugs me.

          The other thing that just got passed in Oz is that from 2011 all cigarettes will be packaged in plain 'Generic' packaging.
          I have no problem with that, I do not smoke.

          My 'niggle' is the advertising standards here in Oz.

          Cigarette advertising is banned, no more.
          Not on TV, magazines, radio even on the bunting around sporting grounds is taboo.

          However everynite on my drive home from work there are Liquor AD's on the radio.

          At the moment there is a really appealing ad for Bailey's Irish cream and Thirsty Camel bottle shops are on all the time advertising their specials

          I find myself mentally drinking a 'Bailey's' that's how descriptive their ad is.


          There I've vented,
          thank you for allowing me to get that off my chest.

          Happy to be back


            Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

            JACQRABBIT;845713 wrote:

            The other thing that just got passed in Oz is that from 2011 all cigarettes will be packaged in plain 'Generic' packaging.
            I have no problem with that, I do not smoke.
            I just saw that - wow, no cigarette branding!!

            A whole lot of health economists have done decades of work on the income generated from taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, vs the public health costs associated with dealing with the consequences (not just the direct effects like lung cancer, alcoholism, diabetes etc but also the cost of falls, car accidents, emergency admissions, depression etc.) The long and the short is that is we want a well functioning public health system, it has to be paid for some how, and excise duties dont go anywhere near covering the costs.

            I'm with you on the advertising stuff Jacq. I tend to avoid advertising completely - I dont watch TV and only listen to National Radio. But driving home I often see these huge sized bill boards. And quite honestly, sometimes in NZ you are made to feel down right unpatriotic if you cant tell a sauvignon blanc from pinot gris; or a merlot from a pinot noir.

            I'm feeling a bit grumpy about it today as I went to a function last night where there was a choice of 8 different types of (very good) wine and a (crap) (orange) juice. I hate orange juice.
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

              I'm not sure how effective raising prices will be either. I have never smoked, but I guess if you're addicted you're still going to buy them and just suck up (literally) the cost - same with alcohol.
              Cigarette advertising has been banned in NZ for years, and you can't smoke in any buildings now. But actually I can't remember the last time I saw an ad for alcohol on TV either. I'm don't think it's banned, but you certainly don't see it much anymore. There are lots of ads about not drinking and driving, especially in the weekends, so I guess it would be counter productive to intersperse them with ads for alcohol. There are probably billboards, but I haven't noticed.


                Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                I saw on a show last week, how a man (some "expert") said that cigarette smoking will end up being a "boutique" habit.. i.e rich people having a few at the odd cocktail party, but not the masses smoking.. the problem with eventually outlawing any substance I guess, is the rise in the "black market".. with a few "kingpins" controlling the people that would go to any lengths to get the substance they want.. such as heroin users stealing, commiting crimes, prostitution etc to fund their habit.. only if all the AL and other substances were blasted off to space would the problem be gone! Once you have tried something that makes you happy/relaxed etc thats when it becomes addictive.. if we never had these substances in the first place we would know no different..
                Katie x
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                  Hi Katie
                  Love your points...especially "if all the AL and other substances were blasted off to space..."
                  Great line, good thread
                  Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


                    Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                    Hi Katie, in Ontario, Canada, the government has already done that. What they did was create a monopoly, so the only place you can buy booze, is through a licensed Ontario government store. There is one in every small town, and of course many in large cities. They charge huge. I wish I would have saved all the cash I wasted on beer. Oh well. Have a great weekend,
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                      That is just how it is here in Norway....the 'vinmonopolet' is open from 10am till 6pm mon-fri 10-15 saturday....very very strict......and very expensive...but hey does not stop the ones determined to drink..........
                      I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


                        Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                        hillsidetime;846411 wrote: Hi Katie, in Ontario, Canada, the government has already done that. What they did was create a monopoly, so the only place you can buy booze, is through a licensed Ontario government store. There is one in every small town, and of course many in large cities. They charge huge. I wish I would have saved all the cash I wasted on beer. Oh well. Have a great weekend,
                        Wow.. I never knew that.. I learn something new every day on here!
                        What a great idea.. I wonder if Oz is going to follow suite.. as AL causes so many problems here.. in particular drink driving related deaths and assaults every weekend outside bars/pubs..
                        I'm thinking they should also educate kids at school about the dangers of AL - its not just illegal drugs, but AL that can cause such a slippery slope, as we all know on here.. maybe I will have to e-mail Julia Gillard LOL (Oz education minister),
                        Katie xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                          Liverbirdy;846418 wrote: That is just how it is here in Norway....the 'vinmonopolet' is open from 10am till 6pm mon-fri 10-15 saturday....very very strict......and very expensive...but hey does not stop the ones determined to drink..........
                          It's not like that at all here in Sydney - you can get AL 24 hours most places.. pretty shocking really..

                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?

                            KatieB, I admire you soooooo much for getting rid of the cancer sticks!!
                            What is your secret or weapon to be NF?

                            Thnx, love MZ


                              Big rising of taxing cigarettes.. is alcohol next?


                              Nicorette gum.. though I hardly chew any and have actually just forgotten to do so most the time! Once the first 3 days are over, its easy to just forget that you ever smoked at all.. however I did only smoke for 18 months so I wasn't a "lifetime" smoker.. I imagine it would be a lot harder if I had smoked for years.. maybe you could try the patches and gradually wean yourself off them like they tell you how to? It's definately worth it.. i am so much happier knowing I am not inhaling 1,000's + chemicals in my body all day long..
                              Take care,
                              Katie x
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


