I am one of the unfortunate one's who remember most things after drinking, which is probably why this is hitting me harder than others, you all know my story by now, for those who don't well I will summarize it by saying drinking made me lose my wife, home, child, gave me severe debts, got me in a lot of trouble - never with the police but most recently the law which barred me from my own house for violent and abusive behavior - drink related but thats no excuse.
So what I am going to do, whenever I remember them, is write down all the things I done while UTI which shame me now, hopefully some of you will join in as you remember some of yours. I am going to write 20 a day. They are not necessary in any order, neither is my life come to think of it

Each of these times I was either off my rocker or wanting to be.
Weekend in London, drinking in my hotel room till 6am and going to the shop for cigarettes, only to get lost coming back and spending 100 pounds to a taxi to help me find my hotel.
Buying little bottles of whiskey at the airport and drinking them in the toilet of the plane.
Calling my wife at 10pm saying I had a meeting with the minister.
Joining the gym, but not go and use the time to drink in the pub.
Getting drunk and slapping my wife on the face cause she told me to stop (this one got me the barrring order).
Going on holiday, telling my wife I hated the sun and needed to find some shade, instead I would go to a pub for 2 hours and drink 6 large liters of beer as quickly as possible.
Call an all-in with 72 off and losing a lot of money (poker players only).
Putting beer in my cola can pretending to my wife it was cola. Till she drank some one day cause she was thirsty and I told her to get out of my life

(gosh this is harder than I thought it would be)
Pretending I was sick to my wife, but I wanted to nurse my hangover and lie in bed all day while she wanted to go swimming.
(oh gosh this is tough)
Send my wife out dancing cause I wanted to drink cans at home.
Throw my wife's new dancing shoes out of the window of the car in the middle of the city.
Throw my pizza at my wife cause she said it smells.
(dear god!)
Drive my wife home on Christmas night with the child only for me to return to the party and not come home till 9am the following day. (f*ck me!) Only to find her friend there trying to console her, still I didn't get it!
Getting sick before getting in my car to drive it home, oh and once or twice in the car WHILE driving home.
Not wanting to go swimming with my lovely family, instead staying in the pub.
For YEARS going to the pub on the way home from work leaving my wife alone at home waiting for me, cooking for me.
Urinating against my own wall at home while smoking cause I was too lazy to go upstairs or even in the downstairs bathroom!
Not wanting my wife to come with me somewhere cause I wouldn't be allowed to drink.
Begging the bar man for a drink, when he refused I would book into the hotel so he would serve me!
Shouting into a street cone to women passing by on the street.
I am going to take a break now for a while.
Ha and I told the judge I was not an alcoholic... my wife put up with this for years!
Ok.. enough for now.. back in a wee while.