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The times we prefer to forget

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    The times we prefer to forget

    This thread is for me to remember why I want to quit drinking and to remind myself that I was indeed an alcoholic, I will come back to this thread when I feel like drinking, who knows it might be of benefit to you, something you can relate to.
    I am one of the unfortunate one's who remember most things after drinking, which is probably why this is hitting me harder than others, you all know my story by now, for those who don't well I will summarize it by saying drinking made me lose my wife, home, child, gave me severe debts, got me in a lot of trouble - never with the police but most recently the law which barred me from my own house for violent and abusive behavior - drink related but thats no excuse.
    So what I am going to do, whenever I remember them, is write down all the things I done while UTI which shame me now, hopefully some of you will join in as you remember some of yours. I am going to write 20 a day. They are not necessary in any order, neither is my life come to think of it , some of them are so bad I don't have the courage yet to tell you.

    Each of these times I was either off my rocker or wanting to be.

    Weekend in London, drinking in my hotel room till 6am and going to the shop for cigarettes, only to get lost coming back and spending 100 pounds to a taxi to help me find my hotel.
    Buying little bottles of whiskey at the airport and drinking them in the toilet of the plane.
    Calling my wife at 10pm saying I had a meeting with the minister.
    Joining the gym, but not go and use the time to drink in the pub.
    Getting drunk and slapping my wife on the face cause she told me to stop (this one got me the barrring order).
    Going on holiday, telling my wife I hated the sun and needed to find some shade, instead I would go to a pub for 2 hours and drink 6 large liters of beer as quickly as possible.
    Call an all-in with 72 off and losing a lot of money (poker players only).
    Putting beer in my cola can pretending to my wife it was cola. Till she drank some one day cause she was thirsty and I told her to get out of my life
    (gosh this is harder than I thought it would be)
    Pretending I was sick to my wife, but I wanted to nurse my hangover and lie in bed all day while she wanted to go swimming.
    (oh gosh this is tough)
    Send my wife out dancing cause I wanted to drink cans at home.
    Throw my wife's new dancing shoes out of the window of the car in the middle of the city.
    Throw my pizza at my wife cause she said it smells.
    (dear god!)
    Drive my wife home on Christmas night with the child only for me to return to the party and not come home till 9am the following day. (f*ck me!) Only to find her friend there trying to console her, still I didn't get it!
    Getting sick before getting in my car to drive it home, oh and once or twice in the car WHILE driving home.
    Not wanting to go swimming with my lovely family, instead staying in the pub.
    For YEARS going to the pub on the way home from work leaving my wife alone at home waiting for me, cooking for me.
    Urinating against my own wall at home while smoking cause I was too lazy to go upstairs or even in the downstairs bathroom!
    Not wanting my wife to come with me somewhere cause I wouldn't be allowed to drink.
    Begging the bar man for a drink, when he refused I would book into the hotel so he would serve me!
    Shouting into a street cone to women passing by on the street.

    I am going to take a break now for a while.
    Ha and I told the judge I was not an alcoholic... my wife put up with this for years!
    Ok.. enough for now.. back in a wee while.
    A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair

    The times we prefer to forget

    Thank you for your honest and open post, Ijustrealized

    And thank you for coming back, I wish you luck.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      The times we prefer to forget

      Hi ijr Being honest with oneself is a great step forward in tackling this beast,disease,problem,addiction,keep posting as believe me an awful lot us can relate to what your saying,i am glad you decided to come back,:-)

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        The times we prefer to forget

        We dont judge here, we encourage you to let it out and we offer advice and help. Alcohol caused these things, not you. You need to get you back. We are all here for you, dont ever give up on you. Your child needs you - your family needs you.


          The times we prefer to forget

          Hi Ijust
          Thats a pretty long list. Must have been hard to face it.
          Could we have a list of what you are now doing sharing your story, coming to MWO, recognising your problem and wanting a better life.
          Just a thought
          Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


            The times we prefer to forget

            I love the honesty in your post. Facing up to what alcoholism has brought us too is a very important step. I don't think we can successfully face the challenges of recovery until we truly stare in the face of what we are trying to recover from.

            Your description of throwing the pizza in your wife's face because she said it smelled brought back a cringe worthy memory for me. My husband's sense of smell is always more sensitive than mine, but when I was drinking I could have been near a burning building and not noticed the smell. One night he nagged me because a sponge in the sink was stinky. That angered me (why???? who knows...) and I grabbed the sponge and went up to him and rubbed it in his face.

            He later told me that was the only time in his life he almost struck a woman. (he is very gentle - I was THAT outrageously out of control)

            The good news is that you are not alone in the rotten things you have done. I would venture a guess that nearly everyone hear has done things that are embarrassing and difficult to share, and worse. WE CAN RECOVER. That is the best news of all.

            The firs step is recognizing that we are addicted to alcohol and because of that, cannot safely drink. Not without consequences that could be very severe. Once I accepted that, then the rest of my journey to sober living became possible. You can do it too.

            Strength and hope,
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              The times we prefer to forget

              Hi I just!

              I want to tell you one of my guilty I've only just admitted to myself.....

              For awhile there I was going on a bender, then would go to my Mum's the next day..say that I was sick or that the kids had kept me up all night, which is why I was SO tired,and ask her to watch them while I went for a nap for a few hours!

              The sad thing is, she is over 70 years old and would never have even suspected that her daughter was an alcholic and was using her SO badly! I find that very hard to forgive in myself. It may not sound like a dramatic thing, but I think it is worse in some ways, because I consciously used a loved one to 'enable' me to keep drinking!A loved one who would bend over backwards for me and still does..what a tosspot I have been!
              How unfair and selfish an act can you get!!


                The times we prefer to forget


                What a fantastic stage in your journey - coming out of denial and facing the truth is the hardest part.. (it was for me too..) - thank you for being honest.. it really does help to get it all out there - now you can move onwards and upwards! However, don't let the past hold you back- use it as a way to improve your life.. AL does not define who you are.. being AF is who you really are.. AL turns the best of us into selfish, mean people - I have done some terrible things.. but at least we are at the stage where we can improve and make our lives better.. for ourselves first, and then for those who love us..
                well done again, and keep referring to that list whenever you feel tempted to go back, that's what I do.. being AF is not a perfect life, but it is a damn site better than a life with AL in it, especially when like us, we cannot control our intake.. all the best to you and your journey,
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  The times we prefer to forget

                  Hi IJR,
                  I certainly did unforgivable things. Drinving with my children in the car so drunk that I had to consentrate on the white line in the middle of the road ( Ok GOD, thank you, thank you I never had an accident.
                  Driving around the block trying to find my house with a friend in the car, telling my kids I'm going to church while in the meantime I was going to buy wine and DRINK IT IN THE CAR while driving. The list go on and on. Horrible things that was caused by AL. I too cringe.
                  Good luck on your journey.
                  make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                    The times we prefer to forget

                    Btw - none of what you wrote is that "bad".. most of us have done similar things, or worse.. I remember drinking out of a "water bottle" which actually had vodka in it, on the way to my son's hospital appointment.. he was only a baby.. i was drunk when they came to take blood from him.. my husband was there too but still..
                    On my son's birthday last year, we went for a picnic, and I had already drunk a whole bottle of champagne.. on the way home, i asked my hubby to stop at the shops so I could use the loo.. whilst he was waiting in the car outside, i nipped to the bottle shop, bought 4 bottles of mini-wine's and skulled them in the toilets.. though I ended up vomiting them up.. see? you are so not alone.. my list goes on and on.. but at least we are here getting help..
                    Katie xx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      The times we prefer to forget

                      Thanks all, its nice to wake up to this (yeah sorry I am just awake now, there were some good movies on last night)
                      I said I was going to write 20 a day, but its very very difficult to do and I see we all get the message what the poison does to us.
                      So I am just going to move on, upwards and onwards.
                      Got some news today regarding my separation and child, I need to do some work, but its very slow, her solicitor is going away for 12 days now so there wont be any progress for at least a month, but I decided to use this month to be with myself, work on my problems and go to the mediation relaxed and confident. But it's some news and its better than none.
                      Yes drink is bad, very very very very bad, I wouldn't mind if I could do it in moderation, I simply can't. No matter what I have in the fridge I make sure its gone before going to bed, no matter what time the pub closes I make sure I am last to leave.
                      So here goes! Not even a social drink for me from now on.
                      A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a hair


                        The times we prefer to forget

                        Well done ijustrealised,
                        At least you have.. just realised! that you cannot just have one.. like most of us on here.. sounds like you have a great plan to concentrate on yourself, get yourself sorted.. then you can concentrate on your son and getting some access..
                        All the best to you,
                        Katie x
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          The times we prefer to forget

                          This is a massive step for you - so many cannot link their drinking to the consequences, I couldn't for years. It's only now I am able to see clearly most of the issues in my life were caused by drinking, or at least affected by them.


                            The times we prefer to forget


                            That is a painful yet couragous list. I certainly cannot follow your example and post mine. I may be able to write things down and keep them privately though.

                            I applaud your courage, honesty and determination to move forward.

                            Spam xx

