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Why am I getting sick when af?

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    Why am I getting sick when af?

    I have been af for a week now and I again caught a cold. Did anyone experience getting more colds when af? I rarely get sick and the only three times in the past two years that I got sick was when I was sober for a week or more. Maybe it is just a coincidence... Anybody had similar experience?

    Why am I getting sick when af?

    No sorry! I seem to get hit by colds/flus more when I drink!
    Just guess I am generally run down!


      Why am I getting sick when af?

      Hi Keyners

      I have been AL free for only 14 days now, after 2 solid years of drinking every 2 - 3 days. I have been suffering from tiredness, moodiness, and feeling generally unwell.
      I think its the body working out the poison and going through the process of cleansing our systems.
      My only advice is keep your nutrition fresh and healthy, exercise as often as possible even walking 30 mins a day is great, get plenty of rest and realise that poison takes awhile to get out of your system.

      Congratulations on making the first week. I know it takes a bit of doing when your a regular drinker.

      All the best
      Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


        Why am I getting sick when af?

        Do you actually get a cold with runny nose and the works, or just feel like it's coming on?
        Apparently flu symptoms can be a withdrawl symptom for Al for a while.
        I usually feel as if I have a cold coming on about day 5AF, but it doesn't eventuate and goes away after a couple of days.
        If you keep getting real colds you might want to take some Vit C, echinaecia or something. Eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise and rest.
        At least you aren't poisoning your body anymore, but I agree that it sucks to feel ill when you're doing the right thing by your body. :goodjob:


          Why am I getting sick when af?

          Google PAWS, may find some answers there.


            Why am I getting sick when af?

            I had this same phenomena too....when I sobered up I caught colds and some flu's and I did notice and wonder why however I came to the conclusion that it may have been while drinking my immune system was aways in overload working to to kill the alcohol overload hence I never hardly ever got the usual virus that others always got but always fighting numerous hangovers...I can say it was not a better way to be...once we drop the alcohol after so many years of abuse it takes awhile for the bigger detox of all our organs and the affects on our central nervous system ( not to forget some emotional pater-en we a build)....most people usually take at least 6 months to a year to start to feel better...course nothing wrote in stone everyones situation is helps a lot at this point to heal...our bodies have to out for sugary foods now and try to curb them down.....good luck!!!


              Why am I getting sick when af?

              I asked a Dr about this and this is the explaination I got;

              When you are drinking you are under a cloud of anaesthetic most days (or quite a lot), and when you stop you start to notice 'normal' aches, pains, illnesses.

              Most of my tonsilitis bouts have been after a heavy drinking binge when I happened to sober up. I never thought it was the sobering up to blame, merely that the drinking had lowered my immune system.

              Just as we miss the seasons and life in general I believe we also miss everyday physical complaints too. Just my twopenneth!


                Why am I getting sick when af?

                Keyner.........It might withdrawls.....try taking the herbals MWO has to offer. They help you heal and cope. Contact me and I'll tell you what I take. IAD
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Why am I getting sick when af?

                  I am on day two and I can feel my nose start to block. Yes I seem to get sick as well. It is all to do with the detox stage. Hope you are well and I don't get sick as I have just started a new job. I am scared I am going to become oversensitive as well. Wish me luck.


                    Why am I getting sick when af?

                    That happened to me too - I think it is our bodies fighting us because they want the AL or addiction. It makes sense what UKblonde is saying also. Maybe our bodies are so used to being numb that we don't notice all the normal stuff until we are AF. This will pass, give it time.


                      Why am I getting sick when af?

                      Hi Keyners, everyone above have made good points for sure. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I don't believe that while drinking we have more immune potential, but the other way around, we have less. Physiologically, once withdrawal can be ruled out (over time), being af, will increase your chance of staying healthy. Also, from a "germ encounter" point of view, the odds of us sharing germs, or touching them etc are better when drunk and out about town doing drunk things I would say.
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

