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Boredom is the killer...

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    Boredom is the killer...

    Hi, I'm new here.

    I think boredom is the killer for me. I'm bored with my job, so I come home and have a couple of drinks. Suddenly, the stuff I read on the Internet is interesting.

    The weekends are the worst. Many weekends I end up by myself and bored out of my skull. I drink to make it interesting and nap away the weekends so I can get back to work on Monday. Then, Monday afternoon I realize my job bores me almost as much.

    Oddly, when I'm with my friends at a party I drink much less, because I'm not so bored. It's weird to see them drinking - and some of them getting smashed - and I'm enjoying myself enough that I don't drink much at all.

    It pretty much became a habit during my previous relationship, I'd drink to escape and drink to get away from the boredom. Problem is, it followed me along afterwards. I also have suffered from depression so I know there's a biological thing going on there as well. I've found that when I work out in the morning and the evening the rush from the workouts makes me want to drink less and puts me in a good mood.

    I want to quit because I'm experiencing physical side effects from it that I hadn't before. Like shakiness in the mornings, and severe nausea after long weekends. I've kept myself to 2-5 drinks nightly, but on the weekends I 'indulge' more and experience alcohol withdrawal. The shakiness, like a severe caffeine high, is awful. I've read where when experiencing AWS that going cold turkey is a bad idea, so moderate reduction is the key. I've been able to do this every other week or so, but the weekends kill me, especially if I've got nothing going on. So I moderately taper during the week, then blow it all on the weekend. My calendar is full of me tracking my progress during the week, then nothing for the weekends.

    I don't think I'm an alcoholic - I have alcoholic friends and I've never done anything close to what they have - but I'm definitely an alcohol abuser. Or maybe I am an alcoholic, I don't know, I just don't crave the stuff like I've read. If I could get a string of weeks together where I'm AF I think I could pull this together. I'm trying different herbals - passionflower is really good - and just picked up some kudzu to see if that works.

    Any advice? Once I get through a weekend of withdrawal - which I've done a few times in the past months - I'd like to be able to keep it going and gain some momentum. The longest I've gone is 5 days just recently, and the key seemed to be workouts. But I'd gotten to the point that I was stressing out my joints and ligaments and had to put the weights down, and that killed the momentum.


    Boredom is the killer...

    Sounds like me too! Total boredom. I don't know if I'm an alcoholic. I've never done anything embarassing when I've been drinking and I don't get totally bombed. I just seem to like to keep a happy flow going... I just don't like to feel like I need the beer to keep me entertained.

    The other thing that's bugging me is that it makes me feel lazy. And unhealthy. So even if I'm not doing anything really stupid or embarassing, I want to feel better than that.

    I'm also feeling shaky at throughout the day if I don't crack one open, and I sure don't want to continue down that road.

    What does the passionflower do for you?


      Boredom is the killer...

      same here

      Hi there. I'm with you guys. I've never made an ass of myself, my husband thinks I'm totally fine, I can read kids books every night (although sometimes that have to tell me what they are about the next day, never have trouble getting up. But it really does feel like a boredom thing. When I go out with friends, I don't get bombed, and it's not that I want to and I don't, I just don't enjoy being with people that much if I'm tipsy and I hate being around drunks. But I have to admit, I look forward to the times at night--and it is every night-when I put on my pj's and make a martini. I have a stressful job, am active in a ton of things, and it's like a mini retreat. And I worry if I don't think alcohol is going to be available to me. I feel terrible guilt, particularly if I forget a detail about the previous evening. "Okay, what exactly did the Girl Scout leader tell me about tomorrow's badges," that sort of thing.... so I'm wondering where I need to go with this. So confused. If I read the literature, I am definitely a heavy drinker--definitely more than one drink a day-- but it doesn't feel that way. But maybe I just don't know any better.Anyone else feel like that?


        Boredom is the killer...

        oh me. that's how my prob. started. way back in the girl scout days. it creeps up on u year after year.
        try to not drink during the week days. enjoy the martinis on the weekends. trust me. over the long haul. u will be glad u paced yourself. i wish i had of.


          Boredom is the killer...

          see how good i look now?????????????????


            Boredom is the killer...

            Gateway LOL!!! I think you win award for the scariest avatar!!!! I agree with the others here. Boredom is a HUGE factor in why I continue to drink. When I am busy I really do not spend my time obsessing over a drink, but get me home with nothing to do and that is the first thing to pop into my mind. Habit, habit, habit. Keep making small steps, you will be proud of yourself.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Boredom is the killer...

              yup, unregistered same here girl...

              Sounds like we're the same person... the kiddie thing and everything. Except I do Mich Ultras instead of martinis. I'm handling everything around here as a single parent and doing quite well with all of it, so I feel justified in some way to catch a buzz every night. I'm just scared about it getting worse. Have you thought about that topamax idea?I haven't tried it yet, but I'm thinking about it.


                Boredom is the killer...

                Habit, habit habit is very true, lush. When I'm doing something out of my normal routine, like a children's party or something, I don't even think about it. But when I'm home at night, I can't imagine not cracking open a beer and going with that for the rest of the night.

                Any suggestions on the "small steps" idea?


                  Boredom is the killer...


                  Gateway, I'm trying to imagine you in a Girl Scout uniform....not getting there

                  Want2be, I don't think I want to go the topomax route just yet, sounds kind of scary. But I may try the hypnotherapy and the herb stuff. About 10 years ago, I quit smoking using an herbal formula and I never looked back. Very weird because I LOVED cigarettes. However, I will say that just as I was about to cave in and start again, I found out --I'm not making this up--that my friends had a betting pool as to how many days it would be before I caved. Well, that did it!! I wouldn't give them the satisfaction

                  I look forward to talking to you all more. It is so refreshing just to have a conversation about this. Very freeing.


                    Boredom is the killer...


                    hi i like to know there are same likenesss people out there like me


                      Boredom is the killer...

                      Hi Want2,

                      Part of the small steps for me is going AF (alcohol free) 2-4 nights a week WHILE AT HOME since that is where I usually drink. I have managed to do three nights some weeks, some weeks none but anything is an improvement. Even one night a week is a start in the right direction. Any tips you come up with, let me know!
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Boredom is the killer...

                        hi who is responding


                          Boredom is the killer...

                          lush wrote: Hi Want2,

                          Part of the small steps for me is going AF (alcohol free) 2-4 nights a week WHILE AT HOME since that is where I usually drink. I have managed to do three nights some weeks, some weeks none but anything is an improvement. Even one night a week is a start in the right direction. Any tips you come up with, let me know!
                          havent come up with any yet trying to help self


                            Boredom is the killer...

                            i am different have a prob but not affecting life


                              Boredom is the killer...

                              so i think any tips help

