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Starting over again

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    Starting over again

    I did something stupid, ugh! Just started antabuse, and it was working so well for me, then I decided hey why not go off it so I can drink. So back to the beginning again. Tomorrow will be day 1 for me. Hoping to really make it this time! I just need to focus on getting that pill in me every day. And remember all the reasons I do NOT want to drink.

    Starting over again

    Good for you Ziv... for starting over. You know what works for you - stick with it!

    I say this from experience... perhaps replace 'hoping to make it this time' to 'this time I will make it!'... small change in mind set - could make a big difference with the outcome

    Wishing you unbridled success!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Starting over again

      Yeah, I know I need to be more positive. I just haven't made it to 30 days yet, in a really really long time. I was feeling so good on the antabuse, so motivated and had it all together, but then I just kinda lost it. I WILL make it this time though! I just need to remember how I feel when I let myself slip. Not so good.


        Starting over again

        Welcome, Ziv...
        You know what really works for me? A list of pros and cons. Make yourself a list of the pros and cons of drinking. Rest assured there will be more cons on the list than pros. Whenever you feel a weakness coming on, pull that list out and read it. It will really bring the reality of the cons back to you. Right now, I'm moderating, but the more I'm getting into it, the more I'm seeing I don't need alcohol at all. I just had a fantastic, alcohol free vacation...who ever thought I could have a great vacation without alcohol? I strongly urge you to make this list and pore over it. :welcome:


          Starting over again

          Thanks for the suggestion, that's a great idea. I'm sure my cons list will be huge, and I think most of the pros are just all in my head. I will do that, and carry it with me.

          As for moderation, yeah I kinda wish I could do that, but it's not possible for me. Once I get one drink in me I can't stop. So it's AF for me for sure!


            Starting over again

            Ziv, the key with slips is to just get back up.

            The key to getting up, is to do it one more time than you slip. Get it?

            For me, the dependence to alcohol was/is a bond thicker than blood or water. It was my secret and private passion, and my undying and eternal lover. Not my spouse or dog could interact on this level.

            For me, it took a lot of tries, and I bet through the rest of my life will continue to take a lot of tries. But I feel success when I gauge my long term progress, and realize that when my slips decreased in count and severity, I have indeed eliminated a 30 year habit. It is possible.

            Grab the pill. Grab the reasons why. Make up a new life that is 3 hours a day LONGER than your past life. That's a lot of time to fill, so get working on a hobby or an interest. Be aware for people, listen to their words, and involve yourself in what they share. These are all the new things I've found to do in my post AL life.

