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Waiting to feel better

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    Waiting to feel better

    Hello all... this is my 2nd round with My Way Out... Back in October 2009 I attempted moderation but that didn't go so well. I guess I am an all or nothing sort of gal.
    About 2 weeks ago my DH and I decided that it was time to get matters under control for both of us (we were both up to about 1.5liter of wine per night, most nights and both have family history of alcoholism). We have both been AF since 4/21/2010, although not very happy about it!

    Right now, I am experiencing a lot of fatigue and headaches and irritability, and stress (4 children, blended family etc..) definitely makes me want to drink, but I have not given in to that reaction as of yet, and don't intend to.

    When can I expect to feel better though??? I thought most of the physical symptoms of withdraw would have passed by now.

    I am doing all of the supplements but not any prescription meds for cravings etc. because I am already on other meds for other health reasons and didn't want to add anything else in just yet.

    AF since 4/21/2010

    Waiting to feel better

    :welcome: back, Curious!

    I was quite miserable for 2-3 weeks... a lot of mood swings, tired, listless, etc... but AFTER that...Whoohoo! Hang in there... this is just your body adjusting back to 'normal'.

    And congratulations on your 11 day AF! Awesome!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Waiting to feel better

      sunshine_gg is does take a while for the body to adjust. Once it does, the rewards are well worth it!


        Waiting to feel better

        Thanks Fennel and Sunshine. Patience definitely not one of my virtues.
        Now, if DH and I can make it through this, we can do anything!
        I say "if" mostly jokingly. I do feel a bit unfit to be around though, so I have been keeping to myself, putting myself in time out if you will.
        Just SO irritable.
        Looking forward to brighter better days ahead.
        AF since 4/21/2010


          Waiting to feel better

          Every one of us on this forum knows how difficult the "now" part of the here and now is...but once you get through the "now", you're invincible. Drink some herbal tea, or ginger ale...go to bed early with a really good book. You will get through this. We all have. Every one of us on this forum have gone through what you are going through tonight. Please, please, hang in there, and get through this. Trust me, this is the absolute worst night.


            Waiting to feel better

            Woowoo Keep it up.

            Think of it as "growing pains". Something that I'm sure you share with the kids.

            Seriously: It takes a while. Years of habit doesn't just disappear in two weeks of being good. (Again, something more I'm sure you share with the kids).

            Best plan: Replace the habit. For me it involved starting some elaborate desserts. I replaced my drinking habit with a bowl of: non-fat ice cream or pudding, whipped cream, fruit, nuts, wheat bran, with optional crumbled cookie. You can actually do quite a nice treat without a lot of calories if you just work on it a bit. Also special reading, family time, attention, meditation, and focus. Focus on "being there" in the evening, and "being there" in the morning. Before too long there won't be time for a drink.

            Good luck. You are feeling the right things for this phase. Keep it up.


              Waiting to feel better

              hi curious. good on you for giving this another chance. i agree with all the advice given. it does take a little while for the body to adjust after the abuse we gave it. sounds like you have a lot on your will be so much easier to cope with sober when your body sorts itself out. i suppose its different for everyone. i had terrible trouble sleeping at first which in turn caused headaches. i can promise you, it really is worth it. just tough it out a little longer, do whatever it takes to feel better (apart from drink of course). hope you feel better soon
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Waiting to feel better

                Hi Curious, congrats on 11 days does get better, I am on Day 68 and finally feeling really, really good. Take all the advice here and especially replace your AL time by doing other things. The hardest part of being AF (to me...) is realizing that AL is not a reward, or a way to feel good - it is toxic and will wreak havoc on you physically and mentally. So stay strong and we are here to support you!


                  Waiting to feel better

                  Hi Curious, and everyone else.

                  I've been wondering how long it takes to feel better about things too. I've been here off and on for years, but I get so many 'Day 1 agains' I'm beginning to think I'll never do it. I just want to stop, and I want to stop thinking about alcohol - wine especially. I'm up to about 5 bottles a week - and drinking secretly if I can, and having issues with getting shot of the bottles - so definitely a problem drinker !!
                  Are there others here who are successful, but had to try over and over before it finally struck home - I despair sometimes, yet, I know that this thing is going to wreck my life if I don't get a hold on it,

                  How long does it take? Oh dear. Here we go again,


                    Waiting to feel better

                    Hi Curious, and congrats on your two weeks being af. I, like you, seem to only have one switch for booze, on or off. Moderation does not work. Like the gang has said above, the symptoms take time to work through. Like you say, one would expect you to be almost through the forest, in terms of the worst withdrawal. Yes family life can give us many good reasons to want a drink. Since I have been sober, I have noticed that at the same time my kids have given me so many more reasons not to drink. All the best,
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Waiting to feel better

                      tylyr;848668 wrote: Hi Curious, and everyone else.

                      I've been wondering how long it takes to feel better about things too. I've been here off and on for years, but I get so many 'Day 1 agains' I'm beginning to think I'll never do it. I just want to stop, and I want to stop thinking about alcohol - wine especially. I'm up to about 5 bottles a week - and drinking secretly if I can, and having issues with getting shot of the bottles - so definitely a problem drinker !!
                      Are there others here who are successful, but had to try over and over before it finally struck home - I despair sometimes, yet, I know that this thing is going to wreck my life if I don't get a hold on it,

                      How long does it take? Oh dear. Here we go again,
                      Yep it took me 7 years from first approaching my GP, 3 private treatment centres, ?16k, just about every AL charity/advisory service and many attempts at AA. My final GP (different to the first one) in the last year just told me to keep trying as one day I would stop for good. I must have tried a hundred times.

                      I'm not doing to badly right now.

