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Did It Again

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    Did It Again

    Made it to Day 6 then Sat night arrived and I ended up going out to the pub drinking and then on Sunday night again.
    I have to be honest I enjoyed myself to a degree but do feel guilty and a bit upset with myself that I couldn't manage doing what I had promised myself I would do and remain AF. I did same thing as usual Pub/club/back hone with a girl I don't even really like - on relfection its all getting very tedious and unfulfilling.
    I have to try and think of another plan of attack. I'm fine during the week but once Saturday arrives my head starts racing about going out ion Sat night. While I do want to break this relentless weekend drinking cycle I'm struggling to come to terms with what else I can do as I have been doing this for 18 years and its a hard habit to break especially when all my friends and family do it too.

    Did It Again

    IanRankin, I know it is very difficult but until you start doing the things that are uncomfortable... go against the grain so to speak, things will not change for you.
    You HAVE to make new HABITS and that requires a lot of hard work and time.
    Wishing you all best along your journey!

    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


      Did It Again

      Hi Ian

      This battle is a real tough one. I now find I can go to the pub and not drink AL. At first it seemed wierd coz any opportunity to drink and I was there. Dinner at the in-laws Sunday and I turned down the wine, totally unheard of unless I am driving.

      It is much harder to say no - all of us on this site know that but we are all here to support each other.

      Go for it and it will get easier.

      Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


        Did It Again

        Hi Ian, the pub is such a part of Irish society as you no doubt know, everything from christenings to funerals and everything in between. This makes it extra hard if we are trying to change years of ingrained habits and make a break from AL. The only way I could manage any decent AF time was to decide to not go to the pub. This I did for a couple of months until I felt strong enough to be in that enviroment again. Personally I think that putting yourself there in the early days is just too hard so try and give it a break till you feel stronger and better able to say no to AL in a pub setting. This will come if you give it time. I wish you strength.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Did It Again

          Staying in watching a film with a hot drink is a lot easier than all that charging around in town - no I don't say that because I'm getting well into my 30s. I say it because it is. I cringe at every Sunday I've missed in the last 10 years through my drinking. So much I've missed because I thought I had to go and get drunk.

          I'm an attractive, young looking woman who loves clothes, shoes, music and dancing as well as being very much single. I managed to stay in the the first weekend as well as this last weekend - and made great use of the day after. I'm actually finding nicer and more suitable guys are gravitating towards me, especially as I'm looking better than ever due to being AF for so long.

          Apologies for this rather boasting, vain post - I have posted it to make Ian realise he can have just a good life, and just as much success with the opposite sex WITHOUT AL.


            Did It Again

            Hi All,
            All very good points which I will take on board. Disappointing thing was on Sat one of the guys was ordering and I asked for a soft drink then at last second I changed my mind and ordered a pint - think it was fear that made me do it.


              Did It Again

              IanRankin - I agree with all the advice. Try to stay clear of the pubs for a while. It does get easier and I can hang out with friends and not drink now without having too many thoughts about just having that one drink...Find something else to do on Saturday nights for a while that doesn't involve a pub or drinking!

              And you go UKblonde, good for you - I'm glad you are feeling so good about yourself and I bet you shine!


                Did It Again

                Oh IanR
                I've more or less done the same thing, felt the same remorese for letting myself down and continuing the cycle, which as KTAB says is part of the culture. Give yourself time, allow yourself the time to settle down into a slightly different routine, and allow drinking to become less and less a part of your routine. Learn to say nothanks. It does become easier, but takes effort.
                And, is UK blonde throwing you a bit of a hint?


                  Did It Again

                  Hi IR,
                  It is hard to break the habit.. weekends are difficult for most of us on here.. its difficult to know what to do with yourself! I have tried to come up with some strategies, such as keeping busy and distracted - writing a list of things you could do.. i.e going to the cinema or rent movies, grab a takeaway and just chill out at home.. sorry I cant think of anything else as that is what i mainly do when i have some spare time without my son!
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Did It Again

                    Stay in is my advice for a Saturday night and guess what?You then have the whole of Sunday to do a myriad of things you would otherwise have missed.


                      Did It Again

                      Thanks for your comments which are all really helpful. Apolgies if it comes across if I want to be spoon-fed this but any tips for staying. As I said I am fine Mon-friday and I say to myself I won't go out this weekend but once Sat comes around I struggle to stay in. I know the downsides of going out but I just can't seem the lure of the pubs/clubs etc despite knowing deep down how futile and damaging (for me) it is.

