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my brand new goal.

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    my brand new goal.

    hiya everyone.

    here i am, back again with another week of solid binge drinking under my belt. disgusting how much i drank i tell you. but thats gone and it's done, time to move forward.

    my new goal is to make it to 30 days af. i have done alot of reading on here and other sites today to gain motivation, including watching all the raining in my heart episodes on you tube back to back. what an eye opener that is.

    so here's to day one for me and anyone else who is at square one today.
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    my brand new goal.

    Welcome back, Girly... with renewed determination. Good for you. Stick close, ok?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      my brand new goal.

      Go for it Girly

      Once you get past that first week you just want to make it a 2nd. You CAN do it. We are all behind you.

      Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


        my brand new goal.

        Congratulations for coming back and making the decision to try again, that takes alot of strength and courage. No guilt, shame or remorse allowed!! As someone told me on here when I came back after my binge, Hang in There and Fight the Good Fight!
        You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


          my brand new goal.

          Welcome back Girly!
          Good job on moving forward, no use wallowing in the past since it can't be changed. It's also good that you've been doing some reading and watching the Rain In My Heart Documentary, yes, that definitely is an eye opener, and also very sad. have a new goal, what is your new plan? How do you intend to get past those sticky situations this time? Just do whatever it takes, make sure to keep yourself busy...and never forget how lousy you feel after a binge. Stick close to us, and reach out if you need help. You CAN do this, I have complete faith in you!!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            my brand new goal.

            Glad you are back girly, keep trying and we are all here for you :l
            AF since April 19, 2010
            NF since Nov 10, 2000

            "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
            -Lady Nancy Astor


              my brand new goal.

              i made it. not much sleep due to back pain but i made it. here's to day 2!
              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                my brand new goal.

                You just keep at it. Remember how good your head feels after waking with out that groggy foggy feeling in your brain. Sorry to hear your back is playing but AL will not cure that.

                Looking forward to hearing you are on day 3.
                Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                  my brand new goal.

                  Hey girly. I'm on day two today. Also had a fall. But all that i've read is also helpin me, plus the fact that i've lost my wife and kids and house, and barely hangin onto my job. So i can't stuff up again. I hav no choice but to stay sober now. So well done to you, we can do this. Alcohol can't hav such control over us. We must be stronger than this crap. Hava great day
                  Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
                  AF since 04th May 2010
                  Fell overboard on the 8th July!
                  My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


                    my brand new goal.


                    That's the attitude if I can do it you can surely too.


                      my brand new goal.

                      good on ya girly. you can do this... one day, one hour, one minute at a time. it is sooooo worth it
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        my brand new goal.

                        Go Girly.......right there beside you
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          my brand new goal.

                          thanks everyone. my antabuse arrived today. i've taken one, so therefore taken away the choice. great!
                          The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                            my brand new goal.

                            Girly wirly - I'm one who falls by the wayside too. I posted somewhere here asking if there are others on the site who have tried, and tried and finally made it. I get despondent sometimes, thinking I'll never crack it - yet, the solution seems so, so simple! Just not drink! If only it really were that easy.

                            I would like to know if there are folks who have fallen, but finally managed it. I find the whole thing so difficult, and yet I want to do it. I don't think I'm a drinker of vast amounts, but it's getting worse.


                              my brand new goal.

                              Hi tylyr,

                              Have a read through mario's story, just click below. Here is a man who has truly turned his life around.


                              J x
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

