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my brand new goal.

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    my brand new goal.

    Day 2 for me too and a new plan

    Hi Girly,

    Yes I am worn out. My supps and Cd's arrived yesterday. So I will be right there with you fighting this AF battle.

    Good job. Let's not let the AL Beast win. You can do this, I can do this.

    this is AF2 for me. Be strong and determined. Sober is always better.




      my brand new goal.

      wow, Marios story is amazing. Sad, but with a happy ending at least.
      I'm going to stop before i lose everything.
      I've been drinking since i was 15 and i'm 31 now. Heavy heavy drinking, and i don't want to anymore.
      Once you really make up your mind, and once you're honest about your situation, thats when a true change can happen.
      I feel i have had my bottom moment, but i'll keep coming on this site ten times a day just to keep me focus and to help me remember what i'm doing and why i want an AF life.
      Thanks Mario and thanks to everyone of you out there.
      Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
      AF since 04th May 2010
      Fell overboard on the 8th July!
      My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


        my brand new goal.

        I agree. Great story Mario. Thanks for the link JC.

        Postive ending. That will help us all stay on track. I find myself thinking I can never be that success story, I don't have the strength and determination.
        And I have had a darn good life so far, not near the struggles Mario had to face.

        So I ask myself "Why on earth can't I be a success with AF".
        Lord knows I want it. I have just not tried hard enough. It's sooooo much easier to give in and reach for the bottle. Hopefully I am ready.

        Tylyr, Dizilizid, Mama, Girly I think you are ready for a change and a successful one too.

        Hugs and support to all


          my brand new goal.

          Hey Girly, Tylyr, Dizi and Meech, can I join your gang - I'm just starting out as well?
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            my brand new goal.

            tylyr;849045 wrote: I would like to know if there are folks who have fallen, but finally managed it. I find the whole thing so difficult, and yet I want to do it. I don't think I'm a drinker of vast amounts, but it's getting worse.
            As already linked, Mario is a great example of someone here who has totally turned his life around. I was suicidal and couldn't go a single day without drinking for YEARS until I found MWO and AA and finally got sober. (and there have been BUMPS!) There are so many others here. Look for posts by Marshy and Catch22 and retteacher and Lavande and LVT and Leelou and Determinator and Kate and and and the list goes on and on. Getting sober is really hard but it CAN be done. Don't give up. BE WILLING TO GO TO ANY LENGTH TO GET SOBER. AL is a formidable enemy. If whatever you are doing isn't working, be willing to try something else.

            WE CAN.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              my brand new goal.


              join right in! xx

              waking on day 3, sober = yay!

              but im in agony with my back and cannot take my liquid morphine because of antabuse - not so yay!

              catch 22!
              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                my brand new goal.

                Thanks Jackie Claire, Doggy Girl - I'm going to read the story in a minute. Mollyka, keep with us, I'm going to do it. Have been reading a lot here this time, and there are folks who manage it, even after falling by the wayside. Determination, and positive thinking. Away to go!


                  my brand new goal.

                  Hi All,
                  How is everyone doing today? girly your back sounds real bad if you need morphine for it, what happened, did I miss that? Tylyr, there are heaps of success stories around here and if we carry on in a year or so we will be successes too, its all in our own hands. Definitely determination is the key and not to get careless I reckon.
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    my brand new goal.

                    hi mollyka

                    i have 3 prolapsed discs and a 2 discs with whats called spinal canal stenosis. im waiting to see a surgeon to see if there is anything they can do. hpefully they will operate. its another reason ive been drinking so long, to numb the pain, but its not the answer. the antabuse won today so i took it. hopefully i wont be in too much pain.
                    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                      my brand new goal.

                      That sounds really crap Girly, mind yourself
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        my brand new goal.

                        ok so... day 5

                        can't quite believe i'm going to make a sober weekend, but i gotta say. life feels better with each sober day!. i really enjoyed myself lastnight. some nice blue cheese and crackers, a magnum ice cream and blackcurrant juice. some easy watching tv, cuddles and a blissful sleep. i do need to lose alot of weight but getting rid of al is my priority at the moment, so munching on treats is the lesser of two evils. i reckon i'll be cutting my daily calorie intake by around 1300 a day so in hindsight, cheese and ice cream aint so bad is it?

                        my hands aren't shaking, i don't smell of drink, i'm not dehydrated or in a foul mood. i remember everything i said and did lastnight. why the hell have i seen/ do i see al as a better alternative to that? i know thats how i feel now and at some point the evil withdrawal/ temptation will kick in and when it does, i'll be at you lot for a talking to!

                        yay me and yay to everyone who also had a sober day yesterday/today.

                        thanks for the support again mwoers xx:thanks:
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          my brand new goal.

                          ok day 6.

                          in alot of pain today with the old back, but filled with elation as the last time i had full sober week was in 2007, when i was in hospital having gaulstones removed!

                          i am one fifth into my 30 day challenge!!!!!

                          have a lovely sober day everyone!:h
                          The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                            my brand new goal.

                            Hi Girly, sorry you're in pain but great on the booze from yipee, we're survivors!!! Just reading back over the thread you say you need to loose weight. I weighed myself yesterday (never do that cos weight was a BIG issue in our house when I was growing up) out of the blue, and I now weigh 35 lbs less than I did in December when I started this kick in earnest. I have not eaten less, if anything more cos I get sugar cravings now which I NEVER used to get when drinking (booze provided all the sugar). If anything I would like not to loose any more weight but it seems to keep coming off. I reckon I was inputting up to 1000 calories a day in alcohol so 'do the math'!!
                            Good on you Girly, Day 5 for us both - and counting!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              my brand new goal.

                              girly, well done.. you have a double battle with your back pain as well. what is causing it, can you get any help other than morphine. i have a niggly back... just the general aches, not like yours. ive recently got a shaiatsu massage machine.. its fantastc. i dont suppose it would help you but its really nice. keep up the good work. you're doing fantastic
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                my brand new goal.

                                Hi Girly - will your stretching excersises help!! I have 3 bulging discs and I can only imagine the pain you are going through with prolapsed discs and I'm not sure what the other condition does. Take great care of yourself hope you get to see the surgeon sooner. Great that you are battling through the alcohol showing great strength :l
                                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

