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Women - sigh

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    Women - sigh

    No, I don't blame women, it's men, being one myself, we are so so weak!
    Went out for a coffee with a friend, a girl, that I hadn't seen in ages, she looked so pretty this evening.
    Anyhow, being in Ireland and all, the barman looked at me funny when I asked for tea, and she looked at me funny when I asked for another tea while she had a beer, 2 by now.
    She was asking me all types of questions, but you are not an alcoholic "Wannachange" you are you, I know you for years, go on have one, ah go on, go on, go on, go, on, go on.
    So guess what? I did, it didn't change anything, just had the one, felt weird and left.
    Told her I was sick and went home, I feel so anti-social in this country! Not a place for a MWO 'er, it doesn't help.
    Any advice?
    I know Katie had a similar experience this week, and I said "Bah I would never do that!" and a day later I did.
    Not sure how many more 1st days you guys are gonna give me

    Women - sigh

    Hi Wanna,
    Don't worry about how many more 1st days we are gonna give you. Worry about whether this is something you are committed to doing. We all find ourselves in situations where it's going to be a trigger, or we feel pressured. Do you really care if the barman looked at you funny? If you want to do this, then make a resolve to yourself, and stick to it. You can do this.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Women - sigh

      Not sure how many more 1st days you guys are gonna give me
      As many as it takes, my friend
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Women - sigh

        Hello Wanna
        Sounds like she has her own issues there...!
        Refocus, decide on a tactic for if that happens again. Then back in the saddle bud. The af horse is ready to take you places!!
        Gold xxx


          Women - sigh

          Wanna, can so relate to your situation,hang in there,we all have had more than one first day! You can do it!!!


            Women - sigh

            Yes I can and will, some news tonight put a lot into prospective for me, very glad for the support and love here. Was just off to bed, catch you all tomorrow.


              Women - sigh

              Hi Wanna,

              We all have more than one 1st day. Just learn something from them. You know know how to handle this situation if it somes up again.

              Sleep well,

              Spam xx


                Women - sigh

                Hey Wanna, we have all had so many 1st days, don't worry. I have been trying to cut back, and quit for years. I understand how you feel in regards to a non-drinker trying to just fit in and not make a fuss in what sometimes seems like an alcohol culture; I am still trying to fit myself in there too. Your're back in the saddle, that is what matters. You can do it.
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Women - sigh

                  Wannachange, you sound like you actually did really good considering the situation so I wouldn't be so hard on yourself....take as many first days as you need, heaven knows I've had to give myself thousands over the years.
                  AF since April 19, 2010
                  NF since Nov 10, 2000

                  "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                  -Lady Nancy Astor


                    Women - sigh

                    HI wanna,
                    Definately don't worry about 1st days.. everyone here is supportive regardless.. its your opinion of yourself that counts.. peer pressure or any pressure is a tough thing to deal with.. most western society's social time does revolve around drinking.. but by chatting to ppl on here, you will find ways of coping with the situation, and it does need a strong resolve - one I haven't gotten around to getting yet! Any improvement is a great thing.. i think more about the amount of AF time under my belt than the number of 1st days.. hang in there, we are here for you!
                    Katie x
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Women - sigh

                      wannachange;848439 wrote: Any advice?
                      Maybe morning tea at a non licensed cafe is better than an evening at a bar. Just a thought.

                      The only time I go to a licensed premises now is with my fianc? who would not buy me an alcoholic drink even if I got down on my hands and knees and begged.

                      All the best with Day 1 again when you wake.

                      Abstinence from November 01 2009
                      Relapse New Years Eve 2009
                      Totally alcohol free since January 01 2010
                      TSM from May 11 2010

