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I have a very big job with huge responsibilty, to keep many people alive and to get them home safe. I have a beautiful son (12 months) and good wife that is very high maintenance. She is a very negative person. I drink 6-12 beers a night. On the weekends I drink more. I need to slow down, I do not have the willpower or the family atmosphere to stop completely, but I need to slow down. Please help...Tags: None
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You can download the book for about $9; it is really a good read - helpful and you will probably relate to what is said. Order the supplements and start as soon as possible. Become active on the MWO forum and people here are encouraging. If you try, your drinking will decrease if not stop. Mine has decreased. I have to try harder to stop.
Good luck!
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Welcome pogmathon, I was desperate to quit drinking when I found MWO. I'd been drinking for over 30 years and had big responsibilities too. I have not been able to moderate but maybe that will be successful for you. For me it has to be alcohol free for good.
If this is very important to you as it sounds like it is, you will have to put yourself first, especially for your sons sake too. This is a great place to come for support. Keep reading and posting, it really does help!AF since April 19, 2010
NF since Nov 10, 2000
"One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
-Lady Nancy Astor
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There is lots of good people here that can help here pogmathon...that kind of negativity is toxic to anyone...its not surprising you need some relife...many of us have gone through similar big issues and are getting great support here...sounds like you love your wife and son...its a hard place to be when communication breaks down...and as many of do here we drown or try to dull out the pain with alcohol and then it becomes it own set of problems...just keep posting and I'm sure more people will post to you as well...theres a lot of ground breaking help for alcohol struggles here and we all are compassionate as we have all have had to deal with alcohol becoming a whirlwind that just complicated our entire life's....many people have turned there lifes around...theres no doubt in my mind you will too!!!
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Hi Pogmathon
Welcome to MWO. Lots of good advice already given.
Ask yourself - Do you want your son to be a drinker like yourself? Our children learn from us their parents. Your son will see this way of life as acceptable and will most likely follow his Daddy.
Just keep coming to this site reading and posting, and like already suggested read the book.
QQSuccess is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment
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Hi Pogmathon, and welcome. This is a great place for you to find great people to give you some thoughts and help. Your story does sound a lot like mine. I really started drinking too much when my wife had about 3 years of P.P. depression after our children were born (17 months apart), and she is a negative person like your wife. What is different between us, is that I went on to almost lose my license, my dignity, my marriage, etc from things I did when bombed. In addition, that much beer most certainly was decreasing my effectivenss at work, and killing me - literally. You don't have to think of it as finding the willpower to stop forerver, all you have to do is stop for today. One day at a time, and add up those days sober, that is the key. You can do it. Perhaps you have an off switch, but I have always known in my heart, that moderation is not an option for me. I tried to lie to myself for years. All the best to you, and I hope you - and all of us - can find the willpower to stay sober.
HillSober since Feb 7, 2010.
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You are in the right place here. One thing you will find is that it's never the right time, place nor situation to stop your drinking. Do you know what?Everyone has stress, responsibility in their lives. I don't have a spouse and child, those like me who live alone say they drink because they are without those people. It's the AL telling you these things and no situation gets worse by giving up infact the majority of things only improve.
Stick with here, you are in good company.
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Hi Pog. I've already lost everythin, and i really believed i could just control it. I too cannot control my drinkin. I must never drink again. So you'll know what's right for you and what's not. Just remember, honesty is the best policy. Good luck my friend. We've all been through hell and back a lot of times. Over and over again. I've tried controllin over 50 times. It's never worked for me. And forget what others will think of you. Do it for you and for your son. If you're drunk all the time and causing problem and throwin your name away, then people are already probably thinkin bad about you. Maybe the people that love you will be proud if you decided to quit. Cause nobody likes a drunk. Not even alcoholics like drunks. Lol.Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
AF since 04th May 2010
Fell overboard on the 8th July!
My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.
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Hi Pog and welcome
We are all strugglers - that's why we are here. I am like Dizi, I cannot moderate, it all just kicks off again and I know 100% the only way for me is to abstain. Keep posting and listen to the 'olbies' they have been there, done that and have brilliant advice.
MollyContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14