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In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

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    In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

    I know that does not sound like much, but it is for me. My story in a nutshell is in 2002 I had weight loss surgery. I did great losing over 160 lbs. I still had a void in my life, so I filled it with men. In Aug 2003, I was upset over a cancelled trip, so I met a man from the internet and had a one night stand. After that I was obsessed with having an STD. I was tested, but told the big viruses you have to weight 12 weeks and retest. I was so anxious, I started drinking. I had never been a big drinker before and had a few drinks after surgery, but had no problem putting the bottle down. The 12 weeks passed and I continued drinking. At one point, I was up to three bottles a day. Eventually, I ended up in the hospital for abusing alcohol. I managed to cut two bottles out of my life. Since, then it is back and forth with the bottle. If I have alcohol in the house, I will drink it, so I try not too and buy one bottle everyday. I became pregnant and went a year without drinking. Now three years later, its returned full force. I am drinking during the day, even sometimes before going to work. I try to stop 6 hours or so before I have to leave and use a little breathlyzer to make sure I am fine before I go, but truthfully a couple of times I was over 08. and went to work. This weekend I went & bought a box of wine, by Monday it was gone, so I bought another so my husband wouldn't say how fast I went through the box. I was also taking massive amounts of kudzo. I woke up drunk yesterday morning and had to go to work in the late afternoon. I started drinking again. Stopped by 11: 30a.m. at 5:00 p.m., still drunk. I made up something so my husband would drive me to work. The worse part is that I talked to a couple of friends and I believe they could tell I was drunk (in the afternoon). They are the types that will not keep it to themselves. I tried to make up a reason why I sounded drunk (fell & hit head) *rolling eyes* My rep as a drunk is complete. I need to stop. I am going to lose my job, my family. So, I have talked to my husband that I need to stop and I ordered some books and audio CD's. I don't want to say I will drink in moderation. I can't. I am a binge drinker. I have to stay AF. Alcohol will ruin me. I have to do it this time.

    In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

    :welcome: XWino,

    You've taken huge step today just by reaching out for help. You're in a safe place, where no-one judges.

    Clink on the link below to help you get a plan started. Keep it simple at 1st and doable.

    Believe me when I say that we have all walked in your shoes at one time or another.

    Keep reading, keep posting and let us get to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF


      that is fantastic! well done. i am only on 36 hours myself, but together lets do this eh? xxx:l:welcome:
      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

        forgot to say i am a gastric bypass patient. someone on here told me that 40% of bypass patients end up addicted to alcohol! there are four of us on here alone that i know of and i only joined mwo three weeks ago!
        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


          In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

          Good on ya Girly Wirly.

          We all started with a Day 1 at some stage.

          You are almost now Day 2. :goodjob:

          Abstinence from November 01 2009
          Relapse New Years Eve 2009
          Totally alcohol free since January 01 2010
          TSM from May 11 2010


            In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

            The first 24 is a great achievement. Keep checking in!

            Bets. X
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

              Hi XWino, I ended my alcohol use when I woke up still drunk Monday morning from what? a box of wine! usually drank wiskey, but as I was preparing to start the MWO program I thought wine would be less risky, fat chance. I too am post bariatric and alcohol hits us harder and is very dangerous. Been drinking for 32 years myself, with brief periods of sobriety. I am really looking forward to a life that is AF. Started the full program yesterday. Hope to find lots of help here. Hang in there!


                In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

                Pretty tempted...

                Thanks, all! I guess it is officially 24 hours for me. Will try my best to make it through the next 24 hours. I did read that former weight loss patients have problems with alcohol. No one ever said anything before my surgery. Not that it would have stopped me. It was the best decision I ever made in my life.

                Now to get by the next 24 hour, I will use L-Glut, possibly Kudzo, stop binge drinking CD tonight and benadry to help me sleep. I am afraid I am running on shame right now which will definitely not help me. I know having a drink will relax me and help a little with the shame of yesterday. Drunk on my ass at noon. I still have some of the box of wine. I thought about pouring it out. I know I should. It's so tempting right now. I know in the long run this is the wrong thing to do. I have told myself if I am tempted to drink it, I will pour it out.


                  In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

                  Good job. Day 1 was the hardest, mostly in my mind, wondering if I could really do it. I still have my AA chip for 24 hours and I keep it with me to remind me that at one point I felt alcohol controlled my life. It really gets easier as you go.

                  Wishing you the best.

                  PS: I couldn't have wine in the house for several months when I started managing my drinking. Its too tempting.


                    In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

                    :welcome:Xwino and SleepPro, it all starts with the first 24 hours for all of us so you are now part of a team. This is a great place to get kind and honest support, keep posting and reading and get ready to enjoy a great new life!
                    AF since April 19, 2010
                    NF since Nov 10, 2000

                    "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                    -Lady Nancy Astor


                      In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

                      Well done! Keep it up! It will become easier with each day that passes..Remember - One Day At A Time, Keep It Simple and resist the cravings - they'll become less powerful and you'll 'learn' how to cope with them. We're all here for each other - you're in the right place.

                      Peace and Strength to you, XWino. xx


                        In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF


                        You are in the right place here, get stuck in and keep posting.

                        I posted a while back about eating disorders. I wouldn't think it's the band operation per se that leads to AL problems, more that anyone with an ED - which I consider over or comfort eating to be is using food as a crutch and when you take that away AL takes it's place quite nicely. I have known people go the other way i.e. have to have a gastric band after they stopped drinking because they then turned to food.

                        I was bulimic and my drinking started to take off as I reduced the binges. Perhaps they should be treating obesity as an addiction.

                        Just my 2p.


                          In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

                          uk you are absolutely right, it's swapping one addiction for another. but the difference between a gastric band and bypass is quite radical. after a bypass alcohol goes straight to your small intestine and gets patients drunk straight away. its a pretty crappy buzz as it wears off very quickly too, leading to an instant hangover if you like. so to compell this you carry on drinking, quickly, until its blackout time. its awful!
                          The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                            In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF


                            Live by your handle you are an ex wino. Sending lots of positive vibes and thoughts to you.

                            Keep going.

                            Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                              In 3 Hours I will be 24 Hours AF

                              Welcome xwino.
                              I'm struggling too. It's not easy, but I believe it's worth the effort. There is a lot of help here, and plenty of support. My problem is staying off the wine - wine again! - after a week or so. Be aware, and prepare. Tylyr

