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migraines, related to quitting?

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    migraines, related to quitting?

    :new: hey guys. I wonder if anyone can help me here. I quit my heavy drinking ways a few months back (still getting cravings and picking up for a binge occasionally- but I guess we've all been there).

    Thing is since quitting, I get a headache most days and a debilitating migraine at least once a week. My doc said this could be due to alcohol withdrawal (not the initial stuff but weeks/months later just having changed a behaviour.) I've never heard of this happening although I've been looking it up on the net, and I've done a few 10-day and 3-week detoxes before previously and I never got this with it.

    Has anyone had this before? And how long before it goes away? It does seem to lessen if I have a drink when I'm having it, but that's probably just due to the restriction of blood flow in the head.

    I don't feel like I can go on with it much longer. I also got concussion in the summer and although my brain scan showed no lasting damage, one of the docs did say I could get headaches and pins and needles for up to a year, but it does seem to have got much worse since quitting the heavy drinking. Any clues/hope guys? Thanks.