Day 2 and not so good!
Hi Everyone,
The reason for embarking on the program is I want to cut back drastically on the amount of wine I drink usually a bottle each night sometimes going into a 2nd - if I put my mind to it I can go a night with a glass but I don't often put my mind to it

On the outset I'd decided to moderate rather than abstain.
Started Weds 5th May 2010 by using 25mg Topamax, 3000mg Kudzu, 1000mg L-Glutamine and B50 - I can't do all the other supplements, I find them just too much to swallow (pardon the pun!!) I haven't bought the hypno tapes but do use a CD that I've got for relaxation.
Weds started well, felt abit tried during the day, but managed to go without any wine and found it really easy to keep the little nagging voice in the back of my head (no I'm not nuts promise!) quiet. Thought this is going to be easy...
Day 2 Thursday - decided to have a glass of wine around 8.30 pm normally I'd have started around 6.30pm - my decision to test the water... well it all went horribly wrong! Although I did drink more slowly and I was very aware of what I was drink I drank almost not quite a whole bottle...this IS NOT going to be has easy as I first thought:upset:
As anyone else been here? I thought the meds were supposed to switch off those I want more indicators for moderators? Didn't for me - looks like I'll need to abstain for a couple of months until I kick the habit and then try moderation.