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I'm here!

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    I'm here!

    Hi all, I've just joined you and still finding my way around the various part of this site. I'm on day six today of AF. I have tried cutting down/back, drinking on 'special occasions' but none of this works. While I don't binge drink or get myself into any obvious messes with my drinking I am unhappy with the fact that every night I polish off 3/4 bottle of wine. Drinking has become a huge part of who I am and how I react socially. I feel like I am cutting off one of my arms or something but I know that this is the right decision for me. I'm glad I've found you all as I live in a really isolated spot in the country and it's pretty lonely at times. All the best to you all.:new:

    I'm here!

    Welcome you have come to the right place. You will find alot of very supportive people here with tons of knowledge. What helped me alot after joining this site, was reading the boards, posting alot about what I was going through, reading the Tool Box thread (I dont know how to link it, but I'm sure someone will do it for me hint, hint), going into the chat rooms, reading the MWO book, taking the supplements and listening to the CDs, and having a plan of action. My original goal was to moderate my drinking, it didn't work, so I set a new goal of abstinence. No matter what your goal is you will find lots of support and help here. Best of luck to you on your journey.
    You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


      I'm here!

      Thanks for all this. It is really helpful just being in touch with people who are in the know. Like you, I think I believe now that abstinence is the only answer. Day by day at the moment, but I guess that's how it will be for a long time.


        I'm here!

        I promise it gets better! Recovering is not easy, but if you hang in there it will be worth it. To have my dignity and self respect back is such a freedom. It doesn't have to be for "a long time", it only has to be for today! The days eventually add up and I can live happy joyous and free. I had a really hard time with that concept because I was always too full of fear about the future and living in the guilt, shame and remorse of my past. When I was detoxing, it was minute by minute. I can go entire days now without even thinking about drinking. Alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful and I believe that my alcoholism centers in my mind, but as long as I don't give in to the thought that "it will be different this time", I don't have to detox again. Trust me the thoughts to drink do come, but today I don't act on it. I have had many many relapses in my quest for sobriety and I don't know if I will stay sober for the rest of my life and I don't have to, I only have to stay sober today, I can drink tomorrow if I choose to. Be kind to yourself and take it easy!
        You can be who others think you should or who you were called to be. The difference is that who you were called to be is the real you.


          I'm here!

          :welcome:Just for me, you are doing great so far and have come to an incredible place to get support and some wonderful insight. My own drinking became out of control in small isolated communities too. I think staying tuned in to MWO could have been a big help for me if I would have know about it when I was so isolated, so I think it could really help your journey too. Great to have you on here and keep posting and reading! :l
          AF since April 19, 2010
          NF since Nov 10, 2000

          "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
          -Lady Nancy Astor


            I'm here!

            I will join in with the welcomes!
            You have come to a great place to get some help and support with your drinking.. though you said you don't "binge".. some ppl might say that 3/4 a bottle of wine is indeed a binge! anything more than 2 drinks (for a female) is considered binging.. it is here in Oz anyway.. im not judging you, as I do admit I am a binge-drinker.. I can go weeks/months without drinking but when I do, I drink a fair amount.. anyway.. read and post as much as you can, as I found that really helped me.. I have come so far in the last 3 months since being here.. im sure you will find this place just as helpful!
            Katie xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              I'm here!

              Hi Justforme

              Along with everyone else welcome to MWO. My downfall is wine only with me it would be 1 to 1 & 1/2 bottles a night and sometimes more. I started by staying clear of red wine as I think that is when my drinking took a turn for the worse. Now just started day 18 AF.

              I try to visit here at least once a day because I can relate to other people and feel I do not have to live in my secret world anynore. Here we can speak openly and honestly about our addiction knowing we will not be judged.

              Looking forward to you being around

              Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                I'm here!

                hi just for me

                im on day 3 and the support ive found here, even after a slip, has been incredible. we all have faith in each other as ultimately, we want the same thing. to be al free xx

                good luck and welcome honey xx:l
                The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                  I'm here!

                  Hey Justforme, and welcome. Congrats on your six days af, that is awesome. Read and write lots in here, we know how you feel, and we are here for you. All the best,
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                    I'm here!

                    Welcome Justfm, I can only 'ditto' everything Godschild said, every word is wisdom, and yes alcohol is very cunning, that makes the battle trickier, but 'know your enemy' and realise just how potent he is!
                    Just today!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      I'm here!

                      Glad you found us! Stick around this site, read, and post, you will find lots of inspiration. What you won't find is judgement, or criticism...we are all only human, and slips, falls and other things happen. Good job on your 6 days!! Keep us posted on your progress. I look forward to getting to know you.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        I'm here!

                        Wow! so amazing to turn on my computer and have all these kind words waiting for me. Thank you all. It was helpful to get that comment that 3/4 bottle every night could be classified as binge drinking. I am still having the voice in my head telling me that there is really not much of a problem here but in my heart (and brain) I know that there is. So thanks again everyone. I will be staying connected 24/7!


                          I'm here!

                          Morning all - I'm still getting the hang of using this site and don't seem to have mastered it yet as I posted a reply earlier this morning thanking you all for your support and it doesn't seem to be showing up anywhere?? So, this is just again to let you know how helpful it was this morning to see all that encouragement waiting for me when I turned on the computer. It just reinforces the knowledge I have deep down inside that I am doing the right thing for once.
                          Wishing you all a really happy AF 24 hours.


                            I'm here!

                            Well done you - just keep going,

                            Loved the comment about AL being a 'HE' LOL.
                            Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                              I'm here!

                              Hi Justforme,
                              Glad to hear you are doing well and found us again.. both your posts have shown up from this morning so not sure if a post did indeed get lost? but its just great that you are back.. this place has been my lifeline for the past 3 months, through the highs and the lows.. everyone here has been amazing.. the term 'my way out' is so true.. we all just find our own way in this battle, most of us are still learning.. i wish you the best in your journey,
                              Katie xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


