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Why does MWO make me late for work?

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    Why does MWO make me late for work?

    Just cannot stop away and I am going to be late to work again. I care about all of you so much and the help that I receive - just cannot stop away. Just as well it is overtime.

    Have a good day

    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment

    Why does MWO make me late for work?

    Self control m'dear, same sort we use to not drink. I know how you feel... I so often get caught up in the threads and posts, I spend hours here.


      Why does MWO make me late for work?


      It's hard to put down isn't it.

      I always have it on in the background when I'm at work and send off a couple of messages through the day, I know I need to be careful not to let my productivity fall off.

      Then when I get home I usually don't log in again until after dinner,
      that's not working too well either cos It's before dinner now and I haven't even prepared it yet.

      What a Rebel I am today!!!
      Happy to be back


        Why does MWO make me late for work?

        It is hard! MWO takes up alot of my time too! I too like to help as much as I can, though I know I am no where near as wise as most ppl on here.. I too just find it so darned addictive! Plus it takes me away from any thoughts of drinking, I would much rather chat on here sober, than go out, buy AL and drink on my own..
        Katie xx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Why does MWO make me late for work?

          Well said Katie. I feel exactly the same. I've got it on my phone. So i'm always on the site. It just help me keep focused on what i'm doin here. It's awesome. You're all a great motivation and an inspiration. Post poetry on my Angel n Demons poetry Corner thread
          Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
          AF since 04th May 2010
          Fell overboard on the 8th July!
          My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


            Why does MWO make me late for work?

            Just be careful you're aware of your intentions for spending long periods here too. What is it you're getting from MWO when you're here? Any forum, social networking site can be dangerous to addicts if it's filling a need or a void in your life.

            I've been having serious withdrawals from facebook over the past week and I also limit the time I spend here now as it was becoming unhealthy and unproductive. We are social creatures by nature and we need interaction with other human beings but that mustn't come at the expense of isolating ourselves in cyberspace.

            Many Blessings
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Why does MWO make me late for work?

              hippie37 - well said.. though im not avoiding anything myself though as I work from home.. so this place actually connects me with other people!. :H
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                Why does MWO make me late for work?

                hippie37;849412 wrote: Just be careful you're aware of your intentions for spending long periods here too. What is it you're getting from MWO when you're here? Any forum, social networking site can be dangerous to addicts if it's filling a need or a void in your life.

                I've been having serious withdrawals from facebook over the past week and I also limit the time I spend here now as it was becoming unhealthy and unproductive. We are social creatures by nature and we need interaction with other human beings but that mustn't come at the expense of isolating ourselves in cyberspace.

                Many Blessings
                Wow...well said...I question myself sometimes. We are indeed social creatures by nature and have to face our fears and get out there sometimes. I am actually getting myself out more and loving it. I live in a small town and thought everyone knew what was happening in my life ... so I isolated with alcohol which only intensified my feelings of shame and upped the isolation factor. Thank you for that valuable insight.

                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                St. Francis of Assisi


                  Why does MWO make me late for work?

                  I need to start limiting my time on here too, I find myself logging in here ALL day at work, that's not good. I'm still getting my work done, but I find myself rushing back from lunch to see what's going on. What can I say? You are an interesting group of people. On that note, I better get back to work. LOL
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Why does MWO make me late for work?

                    K9Lover;849966 wrote: I need to start limiting my time on here too, I find myself logging in here ALL day at work, that's not good. I'm still getting my work done, but I find myself rushing back from lunch to see what's going on. What can I say? You are an interesting group of people. On that note, I better get back to work. LOL
                    We are aren't we What did you do with that pool boy K9???

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      Why does MWO make me late for work?


                      The lesser of two evils.... For myself I'd say MWO is a healthy alternative to the hell most of us lived through when we were in alcohol induced states for pretty much all our lives.

                      With that said though, yes balance is the key to a healthy productive life. I can see tapering my time down on MWO but right now in this early stage it is like a life-line some days to my survival. I don't ever want to go back to the old life I lived....but yes having balance is key. :thanks: everyone!
                      AF since April 19, 2010
                      NF since Nov 10, 2000

                      "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                      -Lady Nancy Astor


                        Why does MWO make me late for work?

                        wow what hippie said is so very true, mwo is filling a void in my life right now, and as k9 does I do log on at work, hell I am even writing this from work, I removed facebook a week ago cause it was doing my head in.
                        But yes, I discussed this briefly last night in the chat room, but the conclusion is we do spend a lot of time together, us people reaching out, helping and supporting each other, I believe it is for a reason we all found each other.
                        Happy MWO'ing

                        Psssssst day 4 for me!


                          Why does MWO make me late for work?

                          I agree with you Hippy, but I think at the beginning of becoming sober it is an invaluable tood, lets face it the first weeks, months of sobriety are a sort of crisis state and anything thats helps maintain that sobriety is acceptable - within reason obviously! I found that after about 3 months I naturally weaned myself away from MWO just popping in for a short time most days, I (erroneously obviously!) felt I was strong enough on my own - have to say at the moment this place is essential!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14

