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Sudden Motivation

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    Sudden Motivation

    I was just thinking yesterday how in my first 2-3 weeks of being AF I was SO unmotivated to do anything! On weekends I basically laid around all day on the couch (similar to when I was nursing a hangover!). I totally neglected my house, laundry, cooking, etc. I am happy to say that this too DOES eventually pass. The last week I have been a cleaning/organizing machine! The feeling is wonderful! I just wanted to let all the Newbies out there know that it's unrealistic to quit AL and then wake up suddenly feeling changed. Don't get discouraged if it takes weeks, months or even more before the good feelings kick in. Treat yourself kindly for as long as it takes and just focus on sobriety, everything else will fall into place. Best wishes to all :h
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

    Sudden Motivation

    GREAT post K9........Glad you are feeling good hon x
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Sudden Motivation

      sounds great k9, i look forward to the good times!

      keep at it hun you are going great guns x
      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        Sudden Motivation

        Enjoyed reading your post K9 I was just looking round my house thinking how I have let it go and I have no motivation inside me to do it!! Tonight through my witching 5 hours !! my oven broke and my tap broke, I came here and your post was the first one I have read - you have made me feel so much better :h
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Sudden Motivation

          K9 you are so right, it does take a while to start feeling really human, I think the key is as you say be kind to yourself - whatever that involves (without AL I hasten to add!!!!) I am open to chocolate, hot baths more chocolate if thats what I want, anything that makes this whole bloody thing easier and I know it will get easier - just hard to see that at the moment
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sudden Motivation

            K9Lover;849774 wrote: I was just thinking yesterday how in my first 2-3 weeks of being AF I was SO unmotivated to do anything! On weekends I basically laid around all day on the couch (similar to when I was nursing a hangover!). I totally neglected my house, laundry, cooking, etc. I am happy to say that this too DOES eventually pass. The last week I have been a cleaning/organizing machine! The feeling is wonderful! I just wanted to let all the Newbies out there know that it's unrealistic to quit AL and then wake up suddenly feeling changed. Don't get discouraged if it takes weeks, months or even more before the good feelings kick in. Treat yourself kindly for as long as it takes and just focus on sobriety, everything else will fall into place. Best wishes to all :h
            well said
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Sudden Motivation

              I really hope this is true


                Sudden Motivation

                I enjoyed reading this post too K9 - i am so pleased to hear you now have motivation with the everyday tasks!
                I have never actually suffered with demotivation when becoming AF myself.. normally only when hungover did I not feel like doing any household tasks.. but its good to hear that the feelings will pass for those that feel the same as you did..
                Katie xx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Sudden Motivation

                  Good encouraging post K9. Glad you're feeling better every day. I had to do majority of housework and cleaning when I was a kid and of course a when I was a Mom. I've rebelled ever since. There just never seems enough time. I am taking better care of myself and business though and that is rewarding.:goodjob:

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi


                    Sudden Motivation

                    mollyka;849851 wrote: K9 you are so right, it does take a while to start feeling really human, I think the key is as you say be kind to yourself - whatever that involves (without AL I hasten to add!!!!) I am open to chocolate, hot baths more chocolate if thats what I want, anything that makes this whole bloody thing easier and I know it will get easier - just hard to see that at the moment
                    K9 and Molly, this is a great thread! I just got my motivation back the past few days and it was a huge relief to know I could still function! Like Molly, I agree with the chocolates, and luxuries that it takes to get through the first while, do whatever it takes! She is so right!.

                    Totally landscaped my deck with flowers and cleaned up my yard tonight after work, first burst of sober energy I've had and it felt GREAT!

                    Again, great post!!!
                    AF since April 19, 2010
                    NF since Nov 10, 2000

                    "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                    -Lady Nancy Astor


                      Sudden Motivation

                      Hello all,

                      I have been AF now for 25 days (and counting)

                      I've noticed that my husband and I are getting along a whole lot better than before.

                      He's a whole bunch more relaxed and happier with me.

                      Think maybe before I was an uptight bitch.
                      Happy to be back


                        Sudden Motivation

                        Thanks for posting this. I'm 2 weeks af n i'm really struggling with motivation, each day I feel worse:-( I'm hoping it'll creep up on me if I hang on in there.


                          Sudden Motivation

                          Please do hang in there Shambles. Like I said earlier, my motivation really didn't hit me until about 4 weeks...and I really don't know why it took so long, it just did. Just hang in there with your sobriety, you will start to feel better eventually. Keep us posted on your progress.
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Sudden Motivation

                            Hi K9, and everyone,
                            I remember being a bit tired for weeks and weeks after stopping drinking, but feeling great sober also, of course. From what i read, feel, and understand, I think our bodies take a while to rebuild and recover, and a lot of energy is used within us to repair our internal systems. Re-wiring our brain, and teaching it new habit's takes a while too. Healthy eating, nutrition, exercise (just get out the door and walk if you're a blatant non-exerciser, it may save your life), good brain food (consider L- glutamine), not to mention a crucial element.......our THINKING........will all help with motivation. We've got to be gentle and kind with ourselves in recovery, but absolutely ruthless when it comes to our sobriety.
                            Sugar is another issue, and worth educating ourselves about. Too much = not good for our mood stability, and possibly down the track, our af stability. But i agree, we have to do whatever it takes to firstly just get off, and stay off the sauce, then 'fine tune' our plan as we go.
                            Best wishes all!

                            (Now, where's the mudcake)

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Sudden Motivation

                              That shift in thought is very very important for it is then that we realise that there is life after AL.....sometimes it can be an ever so slight change...noticing something that otherwise you would not have, doing something that otherwise you would not have had the energy or the inclination to do...for once, facing a night without alcohol and realising that yes, indeed, you will make it thru and be ok.

                              That feeling does not come took me a while to realise that...I stopped drinking and expected my life to change overnight...I felt cheated and hard done by that I had suffered so much and sacraficed my one crutch..that surely I should feel the benefits just does not work like that..

                              It took time for the alcohol to leave my system

                              It took time for me to be able to cope with that

                              It took time for me to get thru another boring day without self medicating

                              It took time for me to understand that I was better off without it

                              It took time for my body to heal

                              It took even longer for my brain to even begin healing

                              It took time for me to fill my nights with anything other that my "little reward"

                              It took time for me to realise that drinking was a "bad thing"..I had the misconception that I was "denying myself" of something good.

                              It took time for me to switch from Deprivation mode to Gratitude mode (Deprivation mode = It is so bad I cannot drink...I am missing it so much..Why me...Life is soooo boring...).instead of...Is'nt it wonderful that I don't need a drink....Wow....the weekend had passed and I did not need body and mind are healing now because I am no longer poisoning cool is that....Every uncomfortable feeling is a sign that I am healing...

                              The long and the short of it is...IT TAKES TIME....but you can get there, the only way to think about it it is...ONE DAY AT A not think about tomorrow for it is not here yet...just think about today..I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY....tomorrow is another day and you will face that when it comes.

                              Guitarista is right..there are a lot of factors to consider aswell, eating right, hydration..getting out there and moving...

                              Do what it takes in the early days and as time goes on...slowly but surely make the small changes to make life even is dooable...not easy but dooable....

                              Be good to yourself, focus on your goal and always ONE DAY AT A TIME....
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

