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Okay, here we go..

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    Okay, here we go..

    This is about the thousandth time i've been here. Hopefully this time i'll get it right.

    I think i actually want to stop drinking this time. All others was me just thinking i "should". The reason is i've been getting aches and pains. The aches and pains go all through my shoulders, into my right arm (i have an injury there), and sometimes create miagraines. I've realised now, it's the alcohol that is creating my muscle pains.. All this time, i thought it was other things, such as bad movements etc. I am in so much pain today!

    Anyway, i've got to work out strategies for not doing it. I was feeling fine until a friend came over for dinner and bought 2 bottles of wine. I'd been AF for four days.

    Oh yeah, and i got so much more done when i wasn't hungover all the time. I don't know why i drink, it's not worth it. It's nothing but trouble.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Okay, here we go..

    Hey its so easy to slip up. Its a mindset thing. I find myself not getting into situations where i will end up drinking as i know im not strong enough to say no. Hang in there.


      Okay, here we go..

      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Okay, here we go..

        Welcome back Change, sounds like you are ready to take your life back. Lots of great support here for you, big hug to you.
        AF since April 19, 2010
        NF since Nov 10, 2000

        "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
        -Lady Nancy Astor


          Okay, here we go..

          Hi Change, nice to meet you. I too have lots of aches and pains, particulary in my shoulder and lower back. I have also starting having problems with my feet. I thought it could be arthiritis but I am concerned it could be the start of polyneuropathy - this is a vitamin deficiency through alcohol (not checked it out yet it was a good friend who told me)
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Okay, here we go..

            Panno;850151 wrote: Hi Change, nice to meet you. I too have lots of aches and pains, particulary in my shoulder and lower back. I have also starting having problems with my feet. I thought it could be arthiritis but I am concerned it could be the start of polyneuropathy - this is a vitamin deficiency through alcohol (not checked it out yet it was a good friend who told me)
            Omg, i get it in my feet too. I thought it was from a lack of exercise, or an injury. Scary stuff.

            Thanks for your kind words everyone
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              Okay, here we go..

              Hi change. Welcome back. In glad you really want to quit this time and not just think you do. I also had my Aha moment just 4days ago. I've got hectic pains in kidneys, lower back, my head, my entire body. My muscles cramp, my blood circulation isn't good. So i am never drinkin again. I'm too scared i may push my body too far next time and end up killin myself. Remember, be honest with people. If you told your friend you don't drink, and she new your problem, maybe she wouldn't bring wine around when she visits. And i say, if your friends leave you cause you don't drink, then they were never really friends to begin with. All my friends know about me, and they support me all the way. And stick to the one day at a time thing. It really works. Use the Toolbox and get a plan together. Imagine how proud you'll feel when you hit your 21days target. Love, Peace and strength
              Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
              AF since 04th May 2010
              Fell overboard on the 8th July!
              My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


                Okay, here we go..

                Hi Dizilizid,

                That is scary that you were getting all those pains. I thought mine were to do with gym injuries etc., but now i am pretty sure (almost 100% certain) that it's alcohol. That is some pretty scary stuff.

                I am starting tonight, cutting out on sugar too. I've just lost my job, so everything's going on around me!
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  Okay, here we go..

                  Why the hell do we keep doin this to ourselves. That's what thought eventually got to me. I was like, HELLO, do i like having problems, or would i prefer a happy sober life. I want to enjoy the forests, and mountains, and take my family on holidays, and take my boys fishing etc. I don't wanna be a lump of drunk. I want my life back. That's what's different for me this time. And nothin is goin to distract me from achieving the life i want. I'm also goin to start tryin to get my music out to the world. And my poetry. I wanna write a book. There's so much i wanna do, but being PISSED all the time has never done anythin good in my life. It's only ever caused problems. I wish you well. You can chat to me or pm me anytime you like. Peace, love and light
                  Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
                  AF since 04th May 2010
                  Fell overboard on the 8th July!
                  My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


                    Okay, here we go..

                    welcome change

                    well done for the moment of clarity! good luck honey xx
                    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                      Okay, here we go..


                      You're right. Nothing good can come out of alcohol. It's good that you realise that. What's really strange is that this time, i actually don't want to drink.
                      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                        Okay, here we go..

                        Welcome Change and hold that thought! You've had the AHA moment so now get moving on it. The friends arriving with the wine etc are potential minefields at the beginning, I avoided any situations like that, pretend you're sick, pregnant(ha ha not really), anything, just get yourself through the first few days till you are strong enough and with a few days AF behind you, enough to loose by drinking. The break with AL for the first few days is quite bewildering - I am there again, and the brain isn't always fully cooperating so like DoggyGirl always says 'get a plan' and put yourself on semi-automatic for a while
                        Best wishes and with you all the way
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Okay, here we go..


                          OMG.... It didn't connect with me until reading all these threads, that my aches and pains are related to the alcohol withdrawal. My arms, shoulder and feet are sore too. All the more reason to wait out this terrible storm!!


                            Okay, here we go..

                            Panno;850151 wrote: Hi Change, nice to meet you. I too have lots of aches and pains, particulary in my shoulder and lower back. I have also starting having problems with my feet. I thought it could be arthiritis but I am concerned it could be the start of polyneuropathy - this is a vitamin deficiency through alcohol (not checked it out yet it was a good friend who told me)
                            Wow. I had a MAJOR foot problem before I quit drinking. I actually thought maybe I cracked a bone or something. It went away gradually when I stopped drinking and started the full complement of MWO recommended supplements. Even through an 8 month relapse I kept taking the All One and thankfully, the foot pain did not reappear. I suspected it was all AL related but this is the first I've seen an actual name put to it.

                            So thanks!

                            To be successful getting AF and staying AF, I had to make my sobriety my #1 priority each and every day. I still do. If that means telling the friends they are welcome to come over without any booze, so be it. If they won't hang with me and not drink, then they aren't the kind of friends I can have in my life any more. I have had to draw some really tough lines, but it's been SOOOO worth it. I was ready to kill myself and now I have a life that I enjoy. (well, most of the time I enjoy it! Mine has ups and downs just like everyones!)

                            Strength and hope to you..


                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

