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Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

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    Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

    Anyone want to join me? My plan: Start L-glut & kudzu this morning. Go to the store & pick up something nice like sparkling rasberry lemonade to drink by the fire tonight. Not buying any wine. I was trying to figure out a way not to feel uncomfortable with our guests since I am a little shy, but maybe its better to realize that I will probably feel uncomfortable, but its just the way it has to be. Any suggestions? Perhaps keep my hands busy with some type of distraction? I can go to an arts & crafts store & maybe buy a latch hook kit. lol Seems silly, but will keep one part of my brain occupied while I am making conversation and keeps my hands busy.

    Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

    Thats a good idea XWino, I smoked a crayon for 6 months after I gave up cigarettes! So as my darling Mum used to say 'whatever floats your boat'! Be careful tonight and if you feel a bit shy and uncomfortable - so what, my mistake is that I think I have to be life and soul of the party and take centre stage which I could (or thought I could) do drinking, let someone else be the muppet and just take a back seat. Hah listen to me - maybe if I just practiced what I preached? Good luck XW let us know how you get on
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

      Hi XWino,
      I would love to join you for an AF Friday night! The latch hook kit sounds like a great idea...not silly at all, I love those things!
      I've been recently trying out new AF drinks, one I really like is orange juice, grapefruit juice and a splash of grenadine, you can add 7up if you want to be fancy and make it fizz!
      I am on day 36 AF, and I STILL get the "Friday night pull".....I guess it takes our brains a while to catch up...but believe me, it will eventually, just ride it out and take it easy.
      Have a great weekend and let us know how you are.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

        hehe nice one, I was gonna post something like this myself cause it's friday and I know how I feel on Fridays, it's day 4 for me, ok ok I know I am going on and on about it all day like a broken record but hey, I am proud if it. I have the auld cravings though, so what I am going to do is drink some water with a slice of lemon.. got that from some post here last week, haven't tried it yet but by golly I need to try it tonight!
        I am going to then smoke about 20 cigarettes, watch 20 episodes of Father Ted, chat in the chat room till 2am then hopefully sleep.
        Oh keep away from the cola, trust me - no sleep! haha I had 2 liters the other night.. not good
        So yeah, I am with you!


          Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

          Hey Wanna!
          I'll probably see you in the chat room tonight if I can wrestle the computer away from my teenie-bopper child. Friday nights in chat are quite entertaining!
          Keep up your good work and be darn proud of those 4 days.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

            XWino... ditto on what already has been said. I think you have answered your own question... learning to deal with situations without alcohol is uncomfortable at first but as we learn to cope... those are the skills that we take with us to live a AF life.
            I'll gladly join you, weekends are still the hardest for me. Wishing you the best on your AF journey.

            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


              Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

              im right there with you peeps!

              and xwino- latch hook your ass off! think how fantastic you'll feel in the morning. you'll have a big smile a clear head and nothing to berate yourself for!:l
              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                Sounds like every one has a good plan of action put together. I've just finished a huge cross stitch and am knitting baby clothes like they are going out of fashion. ( not for me I hasten to add)
                I stayed up all night watching the UK elections so my sleep pattern is all over the place.
                I may pop into chat too.

                J x
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.


                  you boast my friend, you so deserve it, then tomorrow, boast about day 5 all day!

                  i sooo wanna hear about it! that way, you get to listen when i show off lol x
                  The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                    Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                    Hi Xwino, I'm in. Today will be day 2 for me and I'm determined. Just heard my plans for tonight. Nieces graduation then out to a restaurant/bar. I'm confident we can do it!! bom79


                      Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                      Wow! Such a nice response! I am actually in tears! Its funny how my resolve can be so 100% one minute and oh, a drink won't hurt you the next. I want to be able to say to myself I did it and come in here & say I did it. I want to wake up with a smile and not berating myself.


                        Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                        Have a grand evening, x... stick to your guns!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                          Yeah, well done xwino. I am on day 8! Said to my husband this morning: it's day 8 today. Yes and tomorrow it will be day 9, was his reply. Why can't he say something like, I'm really impressed or that's great or something. Why do I need his approval. Maybe that's another part of this giving up situation. I am doing it for myself and if I am thrilled with myself that this is day 8 AF then shouldn't that be enough. It's Mother's Day here tomorrow. Would normally throughly enjoy my wine but not tomorrow! I can do this! Love to you all in getting through the weekend. I think it's going to be my most important mother's day ever.


                            Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                            always in for a good Operation and hey maybe try a board game or pictureary to keep everyone busy sorry maybe bad spelling but hope you know what i mean
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              Operation: Get through this Friday w/out alcohol.

                              Day 3

                              Well, I did it. Went to a restaurant after my nieces graduation. Had 2 big diet cokes instead of 2-3 double Jack Daniels followed by wine with dinner. No one in my extended family seemed to notice, and that's ok, I'm doing it for me and for no one else's approval. I actually drove home (my husband had the 2 double JD's). That never happens, usually too sloshed to drive.

                              To "just for me", your husband's response sounds like something mine would say. I haven't even discussed with him that I'm doing mwo or am abstaining for a few weeks and then try social drinking on weekends. Kind of my own little secret. I want to see if he even notices, my guess is probably not. Like I said, I really don't care because his initial reaction to everything is negative. I gave up trying to make him happy a long time ago and now I'm focusing on making myself happy. He has always been one of those people who says "I'll be happy when...." the kids sleep through the night? done. business is successful? done. build my dream house? done. I've come to the conclusion that he will always be a chronic, negative complainer. Very draining to live with. I can't get sucked into it anymore. I'm focusing on living everyday positively and being liking who I am, "warts" and all. His opinion really doesn't matter anymore, because I always know what it will be: negative. I actually feel bad for him and pray that somehow he gets the message from somewhere, cause god knows he doesn't listen to me.

                              Sorry everyone, I didn't intend to ramble, it is very liberating for me to be able to say it in a safe environment. We have been married over 20 years. Therapy off and on for most of it. My drinking has been one of our many issues, I guess I'm going to severly cut back without him knowing, see if he notices or reacts positively. If not, I can say that I've pretty much done everything he wanted and then I would honestly be ok in saying to him: Look, we are both nice people and we both deserve to be happy maybe we just aren't meant to be together anymore. The kids and our wonderful facade keep us together. I worry about how it would affect our kids 14 and 17. We don't scream etc, more of a "cold war". My dad left my mom after decades of marriage and my siblings and I had to clean up the carnage he left and deal with our basketcase mother. Plus the absolute dread I felt having to visit him and his new wife (who we had to take to court after he died because she ripped off his estate). I don't want to put my kids through that. So I'm in limbo, but I'm ok. Hang in there "just for me" and keep up the good work. It will be worth it.:goodjob:

