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day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

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    day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

    hi all,
    day 4. i'm soooo tired. wondered if it's the antabuse as i have been sleeping heavily? or is it the combination of my back meds and antabuse making me drowsy??

    fridays always been the day i fall off the waggon, however that can't happen today.i am so grateful to the antabuse but as i got it online i'm still worried about the meds im mixing with them.(morphine, fluoxetine and thyroxine). i feel it's my only way out though.

    i have enough antabuse for 3 months supply and i was wondering does your desire to drink lessen over time? for example, if i stopped the antabuse now, i'd more than likely drink next week, but as i'm staying on it for 3 months will i naturally no longer crave al 3 months down the line?

    thanks peeps sorry for rambling x
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

    Hi Girly,
    My first couple of weeks on Antabuse I was sooooo exhausted! I think it is just a side effect, but it does eventually go away. I say take advantage of it and catch up on your much needed rest. As for your other meds, as far as I know, Antabuse does not react to anything other than alcohol, so you should be fine. But keep in mind I am not a pharmacist or doctor...just going by the research I have done.
    What are you going to do on your sober Friday night? The chat room gets busy, so maybe you should hop in there and join us. Or watch a movie then read a good book. I was just saying in another thread that I STILL get the "friday night pull" and I am going into weekend number 6...I guess old habits really do die hard. But dont worry, it does get much easier. As far as cravings go, yes they do subside after time. You just get used to NOT drinking. Ok, if you've read this far, I apologize for going on and on. Just want you to know I'm rooting for you. Hang in there and keep us posted.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

      Hi Girly
      Don't know anything about the other meds so please find out from someone who knows but I did use Antabuse - twice. I took it for about 10 days back in January and it really kick started my sobriety. I think it made me tired as well but that could have been the bod recovering after all the abuse. It doesn't in itself stop cravings but the AF time you gain while taking it really contributes to the longings to subside. I gather they never fully go away but I was AF for 4 months and definitely the cravings eased big time. I crumbled last Tuesday (long story) and took 1 Antabuse yesterday just to be certain that I was safely through a week, I gather you should leave at least a week between taking Antabuse and drinking.
      Again I think you should check the combination of meds with a professional?
      Well done on 4 days
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

        ooh i'm gonna watch a few soaps on tv cuddled up with the hubby. i fancy some ice cream and then i'll take my book off to bed. happy days xxx

        you know what? the thought of my night tonight makes me smile much more than the thought of getting so drunk i black out, followed by a whole wasted day off tomorrow recovering.

        i could get used to this nice way of living
        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


          day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

          sorry dont know much about the meds .. but be careful taking so many defrent meds at one time.. talk to your oc and great job on being af friday .. keep it going
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

            girly wirly;850551 wrote: ooh i'm gonna watch a few soaps on tv cuddled up with the hubby
            Ok, now you're just rubbing it in to us single gals! Just kidding. Enjoy your night
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

              Great job going into day 4 Girly

              hi Girly,

              I too am on day 4Af going into the weekend.

              Sounds like a wonderful cuddly night. Ice cream is a great idea to curb the AL.

              Have a great sober night and catch you tomorrow on Day 5! :thumbsup

              I work tonight so I know I'll make it till day 5.
              Then I'll be really working hard to beat off the cravings Saturday and Sunday night. Yikes.



                day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

                Wish I had a cuddlable husband - he's a shit!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  day 4, my 1st sober friday in.....forever.

                  GO GIRLY. this is the new friday feeling. AL FREE FRIDAY FEELING. and you will feel so good on saturday morning.
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows

