day 4. i'm soooo tired. wondered if it's the antabuse as i have been sleeping heavily? or is it the combination of my back meds and antabuse making me drowsy??
fridays always been the day i fall off the waggon, however that can't happen today.i am so grateful to the antabuse but as i got it online i'm still worried about the meds im mixing with them.(morphine, fluoxetine and thyroxine). i feel it's my only way out though.
i have enough antabuse for 3 months supply and i was wondering does your desire to drink lessen over time? for example, if i stopped the antabuse now, i'd more than likely drink next week, but as i'm staying on it for 3 months will i naturally no longer crave al 3 months down the line?
thanks peeps sorry for rambling x