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I'm slowly getting there!!

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    I'm slowly getting there!!

    Hey Panno,
    So pleased to hear how positive and happy you sound! Well done for chucking that wine away!! I felt the same way yesterday - I had one glass of wine with lunch, then did not want any more at all.. just the thought of it put me off.. I am improving, and so are you! This place is fantastic, it has helped me so much too.. keep going as you are, we can do this!
    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      I'm slowly getting there!!

      Panno, you did so well. It's great isn't it? That feeling of "I can do anything because I don't drink anymore?" So proud of you. Love Pan x


        I'm slowly getting there!!

        Hi Panno and everyone

        Well done!! isn't it amazing ( to me anyway ) how so many of us have the same tricks. One or two drinks, then a bottle on the way home - I've done it so many times. Over and over. I like that idea that something clicked - I hope that that'll happen to me this time.

        I've been meaning to post to thank so many people. Mario - wonderful and inspirational story - and to UK Blonde who answered me and a few others who have given advice, I really need the support, and need to be part of the 'family' here. I keep losing where I am on the boards, and can't find the correct post - any advice?

        I'm on day 4, again. Hoping it will work, as I really need this. I'm not a great, great drinker, but it's definitley a problem, and I really want to stop thinking about alcohol, wine especially. I find the constant thinking quite draining.

        Thanks everyone. Tylyr


          I'm slowly getting there!!

          tylyr,what is it about wine.I,ve been on here a few months now and thats the picture i get,wine is the new gin.If i didnt like wine so much im sure i wouldnt crave alcohol so much


            I'm slowly getting there!!

            Hi Panno, Im new here - only joined today - but Im loving that you wrote that 'something just clicked'. This is exactly what Im after - a lightbulb moment. So pleased for you.

            And there is no way I could pour a bottle down the sink and if I did, Im sure that 10 mins later, Id have my cost on and be walking out the door to buy another. Im just so predictable, it hilarious.


              I'm slowly getting there!!

              tictak;851288 wrote: If i didnt like wine so much im sure i wouldnt crave alcohol so much
              sorry to hijack this thread but can I just say that this is me to a tee....

              I dont really like beer that much, the odd lager here and there and once or twice a year, I have a mad night on Rum and ginger berr but thats all and I never have cravings for it. But the Wine - Im with you 100%. Its just so nice and yummy.



                I'm slowly getting there!!

                This is where I'm a little different. I really don't like the taste of AL full stop. I drank for effect. I will admit I did get a taste for St Helier fruity Cider towards the end and do sometimes have a craving for the taste, but the rest of it?No thank you. Can't stand wine, vodka, strongbow, Scrumpy yack but I still went through phases of drinking the stuff. I sometimes partake in the odd AL free lager - Erdinger do a very nice one but I don't really think about it apart from the very occasional glass, which is about once a year.

                Took me a long time to realise I only drank for the AL influence.


                  I'm slowly getting there!!

                  I just need to look at a glass of wine and my mouth waters .... literally!


                    I'm slowly getting there!!

                    It is the wine. I love the taste, and I don't really think I go for the effect. I just love it. Good to hear that there are others here who feel the same. I read so much about drinking to control stress, because you 'deserve' it, for the effect - for me it's the taste of it. Simple as that.

                    I've just noticed too how long I've been here, and I'm still struggling. As I said in another post not a terrific drinker, but definitely too, too much. I hope too that something clicks. If it can happen to those who drank more then surely I / we have a chance. Thanks for support. Tylyr


                      I'm slowly getting there!!

                      With you on that UKBlonde, couldn't be bothered about the taste I would 'drink it off a scabby leg' for the affect, taste wise sparkling water hits the spot much better. Hey Tylyr, yeah we did seem to loose you there for a day or two. Go to 'Just starting out' after you log on and scroll up and down the various threads, the most recent posted will be at the top, doesn't really matter where you post, anyone here will welcome you but the 'newbies nest' is probably the best for us rookies - with you on 4 days - feeling good!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        I'm slowly getting there!!

                        Rubyblu, sod going down the road to buy more, I'd just get under the sink and lick the pipes he he!!
                        Welcome as well, roll on the lightbulb!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          I'm slowly getting there!!

                          Panno!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!
                          Yay...we were organizing search party........
                          You had us worried last week....don;t ever do that again bad girl
                          Seriously, I am glad you feel better and stronger...
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem

