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where to start

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    where to start

    as i have registered to My Way Out, i have admitted finally to myself i have a problem ! i think im hoping someone out there will help with support.

    where to start



    Glad to have you here, soulmate. Admitting we have a problem with alcohol is the first step in getting help, and a HUGE step for most of us! Congratulations! There are many friendly, supportive people on this site who have a lot to offer you.

    My best,


      where to start

      Welcome soulmate! You have come to a great place. Stay connected. We all help each other.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        where to start

        your replies are welcome, what do i do now - im not one for opening up - but there must be a reason why im this way


          where to start

          I posted my first message yesterday so I too have at last admitted I have a problem. In my opinion there is a deep rooted problem why I drink and in your case this may be the same, I had extensive phychotherapy 2 years ago and it helped my understand a lot and although my drinking improved it certainly stillcontinues .. I need to know why I just cannot stop like everyone else at 1 bottle of wine, I always seem to have to drink until I have drank every last drop and then some ... at least we are here for each other, even typing this makes me feel a little better and also its killed some time and stopped me thinking of having a drink .. Good luck x


            where to start

            i had therapy a lot of years ago, because i got depressed, i did not drink as much then, the outcome was there are alot of people worse of then me. i was told i have a loving husband great children, and did not really want for anything - but i knew and still know that inside i am so lonely and do not think highly of myself.

            my drinking if im honest has got out of control over the last year, i to cannot put the cork back in the bottle, i drink more when i am on my own, and sneak what i can when my husband is around.

            my children are grown and i have grandchildren when i have the grandchildren i do not drink.

            so if i can go without when they are around why not other times.

