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    hello im new here
    over 2 weeks abs
    and hanging in because of ill health
    its going to be a battle
    but i know this is a good website to go on
    over the last few days had the urge to have a drink
    tottaly and utterly stressed out due to moving house
    blood pressures sky high,not sleeping or eating and anxiety
    panic attacks etc etc
    benny my best friend


    Welcome Springer!

    Lovely pup, you got there!

    Can you go for a walk, check out some online free self hypnosis, take a bath, etc... something to CALM you?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013



      :welcome: springer,

      Just adding my hellos and well done on your 2 weeks alcohol free.

      Check out the link below to help you get a plan of action together. Just for today keep the plan simple and doable and be gentle with yourself.

      Keep reading, keep posting and let us get to know you.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009



        Hi Springer,
        I know all about the stress you are going through - I am moving house too! and it is hard and annoying.. but drinking won't help at all.. I am pleased to say I kept a clear head today and managed to get half my house packed.. I like to write lists of things to do and tick them off as you do them.. gives me a great sense of achievement!
        Very well done on your 2 weeks AF.. I now see AL in a totally different light since finding this place.. you need to keep vigilant and know your triggers.. that way you can tackle Al head-on!
        Katie xx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"




          HI SPRINGER. keep at it. all the things you mention get so much worse when drinking. it can be tough at first but it really is worth it. your health problems will improve.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows



            Hi Springer, and welcome. You should be very proud of yourself for your two weeks without booze. The urges do come hard and strong in the early weeks - unfortunately. You can ride them like waves, and they will pass. Knowing that, has always given me strength - I was taught that concept in here. Hang in there, and keep up the great work. Perhaps you can slip out to a pool, and have a hot tub or sauna as a way to try to de-stress, or a walk? All the best,
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



              Hi Springer, just adding another welcome!!! this place is amazing, there hare literally hundreds of people all over the world so you have 24 hour support!!! Shout when you need help ...........

              I have suffered terrible panic attacks and anxiety and can honestly say that when I stopped self medicating with AL they went away .........

              Be strong and stick around, its a good place to be.

              BB xx



                ive managed through the w/end especially with all thats going on im tottaly moved in now need to stay abs though
                doctors orders before last orders im afraid
                the years of abuse have taken there toll
                feel alot less stressed but the anxiety and panic attacks high blood pressure still come and go
                just glad i got through that w/end especially whilst going to a funeral on saturday
                will stick around
                betty i envy you abs since 3rd aug 2009

                thanks for welcoming me to the site
                benny my best friend



                  Hang in there - you can do it. Love your pup!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.



                    Hi Springer just wanted to say welcome and great going on the weekend, keep it up, it does get easier.
                    Benny is gorgeous btw.
                    Keep safe
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

