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    I am seriously questioning how an AF life is better than one with AL right now. I will be very upfront right now: I'm on my 5th glass of wine and have no intention of stopping and I don't really care how bad I feel tomorrow. Basically tonite was my first "free" nite in a very long while that piggy backs with a day off tomorrow. By "free" I mean that I came straight home from work-no errands. I did take the pups for a short walk as soon as I got in the door.

    Since I made the decision to go AF 2 months ago I've experienced a ton of emotions. The first month was filled with elation as I completed each day and nite AF. I was on top of the world, taking my supps and had finished the book. I let my family know what I was up to and 2 of my doctors. I was so proud of myself. The only thorn to all of this was some troubling sleep problems that no amount of natural remedies could help. My only solace was that everyone said this was only temporary and that my body would regulate itself very shortly.

    Fast forward to 2 months AF with one slip in the middle of April. I have never been so depressed for such a long time in my life. This is bone crushing no way out depression folks. Never ever have I felt this before. The sleep issues have become rediculous. I finally convinced my MD to prescribe Ambient CR only to find out that my ins. co. won't cover it so I paid for the first Rx myself (10 days worth which I extended by cutting the dose in half). This worked in that it definitely helped me fall asleep although I still kept waking up during the nite but didn't stay awake. Unfortunately I can't afford to pay for this anymore and I know that it can't be used long term. I thought my MD was going to refill it with the generic brand but CVS informed me that the RX was never called in and that there is no generic brand of Ambient CR. This was the day I was leaving for my weekend agility trial so I was pretty pissed that the Rx hadn't been called in. I called my doc's office and using the staff as go between, she (the MD) called in an Rx for Trazadone. I was assured by the pharmicist that side effects were minimal. Ha!! If you call extreme dry mouth during the nite, horrible grogginess and a headache the next morning minimal then yeah, you speak the truth. I spent most nites drinking water because I seriously could not swallow without drinking water. Needless to say I was not in my best form the next morning.

    Right now I feel like I can fall asleep with no problem. My hearburn is on the attack so I know I am not doing myself any favors but if I pass out and stay asleep for the whole nite it will be worth it. I also was really happy with the mellow feeling I had after 2 glasses. I felt more relaxed than I have in over a month.

    Am I being impatient? I had all these visions of what my life would be like once I quit drinking and so far none of them have come true. Does it take longer than 2 months for the sleep issues to right themselves? What about the depression? It is the pits and I don't want to deal with it anymore. I have nothing to be depressed about so these feelings are alien to me. My biggest fear and I know this sounds trite is that I will end up like Michael Jackson-nothing helped put him to sleep but an overdose of something.

    I'm not suicidal so please don't read that into what I'm writing but MJ had to be desperate and I'm afraid of getting to that point.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


    I'm 42 days AF and had to ask for help to get this far, could not do it on my own. Have you talked to your doctor about anti-depressants?
    My body has been the opposite of yours; I slept like a rock for the first 35 days, now, not so well. When I drank, I slept for maybe 5 hours.
    Others in my group are like you, they can't sleep for crap! From what I've heard it takes time, usually dependent on how long, how much, and how often you drank in the past. Your body can go into a tail spin when you take Alcohol away; it has come to depend on it for a long time. There is no absolute, one size fits all answer to what you are feeling!

    Anyway, just my 2 cents.



      Hi Papmom,
      I'm so sorry to hear about your sleeping issues and depression.. I have had both before so understand what it is like.. however I am in Oz where presciptions are cheap.. as I would suggest maybe a different type of sleep medicine to help in the short term.. actually maybe a type of anti-depressant? I am taking "mitrazapine" which is an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication.. so far it is working wonders.. I sleep really well every night, I have no depression and have no side-effects at all.. apart from the first couple of days I started taking it, i did feel quite tired. but that soon passed..
      As for non-medication ways of helping you sleep, can I suggest is that you eat healthlily and drink lots of soft drinks during the day (such as water, juice) - but not too much caffeine - minimise your coffee/tea intake..
      Also, physical activity during the day helps - if you are really worn out and tired, you should sleep better.. switch your brain off at night, minimise stimulation (such as TV, conversations that stress you out etc..)at night, and try to relax.. meditation may help too - maybe get some books out on this? I am still learning these methods myself..
      AL on the other hand will not help with either depression or sleep issues - yes you may drop off to sleep easily but AL minimises the quality sleep you will get.. and drinking will lead to depression.. it may make you feel good briefly but that does not last..
      Hang in there! You have been doing so well...
      Katie xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"




        AF vs AL. Right. No problems with getting pulled over for drink driving. No problems with staff in any establishment smelling stale AL on your breath, or oozing out of your pores. Waking up feeling refreshed instead of hungover. Waking up at a reasonable hour - not halfway through the morning. Actually doing things that need doing during your life. Remembering what has been going on in your life. Not wrecking relationships in your life. Being proud of yourself.



          OOh Papmom, am flying out the door to work so just a quick response to you. I did and felt the same thing, threw it all there after 4 month - albeit 4 months of feeling somewhat deprived at times and very uptight, also with big sleep problems. I drank last Tuesday and I can honestly say I have never felt so low in my life since - perking up a bit today - its not hangover low just what a wretched waste to think alcohol is a solution to ANYTHING. I truly know how you feel and will be back later with more time to read your post again but please, don't think it will be better with booze - if you have a problem with drink it can't be.
          Thinking of you now its 9AM and am goin to run late for work
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



            Right I think we all get a rose-tinted view of how 'fantastic' our lives will be once we stop drinking. Reality is that we have ups and downs just like anyone else - and we need to accept that sometimes we will feel shitty. My sleeping has only just started to sort itself out after over 5 weeks AF, but I kept going knowing it was the after effect of AL followed by going completely AF. Yep I feel tired during the day sometimes and also wake several times during the night - however I still feel much better than if I were drinking. AntiD's can be useful however I wouldn't advise anyone to think they are their only hope or fixate on meds as such. Sometimes fixating on the 'fix' or lack of can make people depressed because they can't get the magic 'fix' - I've seen it in other care situations as well as residential treatment programmes (someone can't have the meds they think they should have so decide they are going to be grumpy, moan, whinge and not get into the programme properly). It's very easily done.

            AL is not going to fix anything especially as you are now taking a known depressant. This is hard work but I'd say it's worth it - life with AL was awful almost every minute of the day, well it was for me anyway.



              o papmom, im sorry you're feeling this way. its tough enough anyway and when your not seeing the benefits it must be double tough. i can only say keep at it. some people take longer than others to feel better. your real feeling are now getting a chance to come to the surface, maybe depression is an issue, perhaps you can get some help for this, either meds or therapy. please keep at it, you are well on the way.. there is a light at the end of the tunnel
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows



                thank you to everyone who replied to my desperate and gloomy post last nite. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. It is now 11am EST and we are in the middle of a nasty thunderstorm but i am going to make my way into the nest again, strap my self in and get all comfy cozy.
                No surprise but did not have a great nite of sleep. woke up multiple times badly dehydrated of course and all stuffed up. I knew full well this would happen. This morning I've taken my all one, had some breakfast and I'm resting with my boys trying not to think of my pounding heart and my restless legs.
                The newest sleep aid my MD prescribed for me is an antidepressant but I won't take it during the day unless i talk to my MD.
                I negleted to tell you all that I did follow the program almost to a T for the past 2 months. Supplements, read the book, put on the sleep CD every nite. The only thing I haven't done is listen to the Clearing and Hypnotic CDs as I haven't been able to find an hour or so to listen without interruption but it's something I need to prioritise.
                Katie B-I've done all those things-I now read before bed, put on the sleep CD and have cut way down on my caffiene. I also have upped my water intake. I guess it really will take more time than I had hoped. Thank you for weighing in. It hasn't been easy for you at all and you always learn from your step backs. Thank you for sharing. This morning I turly believe we will both ultimately achieve a sober life.
                UKBlonde-your observations are priceless. I was definitely focusing on the "fix" and was getting myself all worked up over not sleeping instead of trying to clear my head and figure out why this depression all of a sudden. I've always been such an optimistic upbeat person. This came out of the blue (sorry).
                Sheri-Funny you should mention Seven Weeks. I ordered it a few weeks ago on an interlibrary loan and I never heard that it was in. I'll look into it today. Thank you for all your other comments too. You made feel a little better about the sleep issue.
                Pan-you're right you're right. Thank you for the black and white no nonsense reply.
                Mangrove-thank you! What kind of group are you in? Is it AA?
                MollyK and Spuddle-thank you for feeling my pain. I'll see you in the nest.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!



                  PapM, just in from work and have re-read your post and also your new one this morning. Yes there are loads of issues, we all have them, as UKB says nobody said this was all going to be fantastic and easy just in most of our cases, unavoidable. THE most important thing is that you are back on the wagon - I'm with you - we can start over together, and after a couple of days you'll feel grand again - I'm on Day 4 and besides having to negotiate a very cross uncommunicative husband I'm feeling great again and so will you.
                  Was thinking about you and this whole business on my way to work and as I was actually drinking so recently I analyzed just how much of it was good. First 2 drinks ( 1 hour?) really nice, relaxing, buzzy even. After that, fuzzy, and sort of out of it, not nice at all. Now I ask myself was that hour worth the misery I felt afterwards -NOT ON YOUR NELLY!!!!
                  I can live without that nice hour and so can you
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14



                    Yes the first hour thing is exactly it Mollyka. Feels great then it's all very much straight downhill. If you think about it a craving doesn't even last that long!



                      Papmom, I don't know how old you are, but I began having serious sleep disturbances as I moved into my mid-forties. Perimenopause is notorious for causing this sort of problem. I'm now taking supplemental hormones and my sleep problems have disappeared. If you're not in this age group, please disregard- just a thought.



                        Hi Fennel,
                        I'm 53 and apparently past menopause now. My doc never put me on HRT-i guess my mones were never that out of wack. the only perimenopausal symptoms I ever had were horrible migraines the first 3 days of my period and some hot flashes. Because I was drinking so heavily (one large bottle of wine almost every nite), I never knew if sleep issues were part of the whole thing. I just figured I was sleeping horribly because of the AL and I'm pretty sure that was correct. One of the things I thought would change dramatically once I stopped drinking was just that-I would have better sleep. It's been really hard to have the sleep issues get worse.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!



                          Back to the sleep thing, to me its really big, all my life I've been a feeble sleeper and booze definitely knocked me out (literally unfortunately!!) and was a big disincentive (sp?) to me giving up. I've sort of given in on the medicine front (don't usually take anything much) and I got a prescription when I started all this back in Jan for 28 sleeping pills, I now take a half one every night and also a Valerian based herbal sort of thing called, bugger just went upstairs to find out the name and I'm out of them! Anyway Valerian is the herb and between the two I am sleeping really really well, don't know which one works but they do, am now down to 4 sleepers so will have to venture to Doc next week and will have to own up to my 'indiscretion' - he has me nagged to go to AA and I don't want to (just me, nothing wrong with AA folks!) and of course now I've given him ammunition, anyway don't know if thats any use to you, this post is so long I reckon you're asleep already - who needs sleepers!!!!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



                            What sleeping pills did he give you?
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!



                              Pap, As I started reading your posts, I thought "hormones?" too - just like fennel. Doctors vary WIDELY on their views of HRT v. BHRT and what's normal and what's not. I had horrid sleep problems when I was still drinking (would "pass out" for a few hours, then once I wasn't completely drunk any more, would be restless) and after I stopped drinking. I read a book by Suzanne Somers - Ageless - that has changed my life almost as much as getting sober. I had all kinds of hormone imbalances going on. As she discusses in the book, it took some digging to even find a doctor in my area who "gets it" with bioidentical hormones and I was also low thyroid (but within a range most doctors would consider "normal.")

                              Just wanted to throw in two cents that it might be worth taking a read at that book and see if you relate.

                              One thing is for sure - drinking isn't the solution. But it seems you have already figured that out, which is fabulous! (oh the mind games we play...)

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

