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Just starting out x

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    Just starting out x

    Hello, Im new here. Ive been lurking around for about a week and have finally plucked up the courage to post.

    My drinking is now ruining my life. I have the hangover from hell and have been in bed awake looking for help since 7am. In the pits of my hangover and almost every day, I have flashbacks and images from my past where Ive been drunk and made a fool of myself ot hurt others or had realisations that my drinking has ruined things for me.

    Im now 36, have been single for 13 years and sick of being alone. This is the 2nd phase of problem drinking in my life and its much worse than the last one 13 years ago - oh look theres a pattern! Its been slowly getting worse since 2007 and now iM at the end of my tether. Ive alientated my freinds, argued with one of them about being sick of her picking on me for things I did ages ago. Im embarrassed when I see them knowing they know I have a drinking problem, have put on 2 stone from anti depressents and have a lot of emotional problems

    I only drink wine, dont like spirits and drink between 1 and 2 bottles per evening. I can only manage one day off of drinking and Im just sick of it running my chance of a happy life. I know I have a lot of painful emotions I need to process and have had therapy using CBt and talking therapy but the anti depressents suppressed the feeling so I didnt actually deal with them. I stopped the meds 6 weeks ago and felt amazing for like 2 weeks - havent stopped drinking btw - then the depression pushed me back down 3 weeks ago.

    Im seeing my normal doctor on Tuesday to go back on the anti depressents but I saw a young dc and locum last night and asked him about using Naltexone and he said that the surgery had to refer me to the local drug and Al service. I got rather frustrated as my other doctor told me it wouldnt be a problem getting a prescription. Anyway he sensed my frustration and commented on it and then we had a heated conversation. He is a doctor and didnt once try to calm me down, other some understanding or options and he didnt really help me at all - there was a trainee dct in the room too so it was all quite embarrassing.

    The reason why I was frustrated was I contacted the service last summer and they after visiting them they told me they could only see me during the day which meant taking lots of time off work which wasnt an option for me. AL counselling was in the day too. Im a professional manager in a full time job. I also contacted another charity last summer and again they told me they couldnt help me as all appts are daytime.

    Anyway, sorry to ramble. I just feel like Ive been really trying and reaching out for help but no one is helping me or helping me to help myself with other solutions. Im seeing my normal dc on Tuesday so he can help I hope.

    So, Ive ordered the supplements - many which I take anyway - and will see how it goes with my doctor on Tuesday. If he wont prescribe me some Nal, I will have to buy off the internet. I will also get mwo book and CD.

    Ho hum, the good news is Im off to see an old work colleaugue tonight which is great but I have the hangover from hell and she will be ready with wine when I arrive and will be expecting us to have a few bottles as normal.

    Thanks for reading and I will look around to get a feel for the topics to post in. I think this site is going to be a life saver for me and I just want to thanks and send love and big vibes to you all. Its giving me a lot of strength to quit and I know Im not a alone.


    Just starting out x

    :welcome: Rubyblu,

    I know nothing about the meds, I'm afraid. When I went to my GP's practice the young doctor admitted she didn't have a huge knowledge of alcohol problems. The more senior partner came in before normal surgery hours to see me. He was fantastic.

    For now just keep reading,then reading some more. Make yourself comfortable.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Just starting out x

      Hi Ruby,your drinking habits sound just like mine and im not to far from london either.Ive been to the docs a couple of times in the last 5 years for liver function tests and because they have come back normal they dont offer me any other help.But im going back soon and demanding some help this time.Through this site i have reduced my drinking and have gone 6 days at a time without AL,so it is definetly a positive site and has helped me


        Just starting out x

        Thanks guys, its just really frustrating as I know I have a problem and want o address it but I need some help. I will keep reading and posting and remain positive and smiley.

        Hi Tiktak, sorry to hear your surgery couldnt help you either. I reckon lets both be firm and demand that they help us. He who shoutds the loudest hey!!



          Just starting out x

          Basically Ruby i think they look at me and think maybe im overeacting.But i dont think 7 bottles of wine a week is the norm.... lol... well you have to laugh.I say 7 bottles but i dont drink everyday so most times its 1.5 to 2 bottles.... till i pass out really


            Just starting out x

            Welcome Rubyblu!

            We're glad you're here. By all means, if your doctor won't prescribe NAL, buy it from River Pharmacy. I have only been on it 3 days and I will tell you, it works miracles! I take a 1/2 pill (25 mg) before I drink, and yesterday, I couldn't even finish my first glass of wine. It changes the way our brains perceive alcohol.

            We all know what you're going through and we are here for you. Feel free to private message me if you need to.

            Also, someone is always online and you never have to feel like no one cares....this has been a lifesaver for me and I have made several wonderful new friends.



              Just starting out x

              tictak;851273 wrote: Basically Ruby i think they look at me and think maybe im overeacting.But i dont think 7 bottles of wine a week is the norm.... lol... well you have to laugh.I say 7 bottles but i dont drink everyday so most times its 1.5 to 2 bottles.... till i pass out really
              That sounds just like me, though its getting up to 9 or 10 bottles now. I normally manage to get to bed work nights but passing out is pretty common. Horrid isnt it waking up on the sofa at 3am - errggggh.

              UK doctors, dont you just love them. Well done on the 6 days AF aswell, thats a massive achievement and must feel really great. I hope I can manage it as some point xx


                Just starting out x

                Rusty;851298 wrote: Welcome Rubyblu!

                We're glad you're here. By all means, if your doctor won't prescribe NAL, buy it from River Pharmacy. I have only been on it 3 days and I will tell you, it works miracles! I take a 1/2 pill (25 mg) before I drink, and yesterday, I couldn't even finish my first glass of wine. It changes the way our brains perceive alcohol.

                We all know what you're going through and we are here for you. Feel free to private message me if you need to.

                Also, someone is always online and you never have to feel like no one cares....this has been a lifesaver for me and I have made several wonderful new friends.

                Hey Rusty thanks for the reply, it means a lot. I will do some online shopping research tomorrow and see what I can find - very excited.

                and I agree, this site seems like a wonderful place to make new freinds and learn to be sober. I'm so glad to be here.

                Heres to kicking Al in the big butt. And good luck with the Nal, sounds like its doing the trick for you, long may it continue xxx


                  Just starting out x

                  Rusty,is Nal ok if your liver is damaged.want to order it but not sure what state my liver is in... ta x


                    Just starting out x

                    Ruby,ive started taking loads of suppliments
                    milk thistle
                    vitamin b complex
                    omega 3
                    these all help with your liver


                      Just starting out x

                      Hey Ruby,
                      Another UKer responding here.
                      Welcome to the site!!
                      So glad you happened across this place of support.
                      I can so understand your frustration with the NHS!!
                      Can't really respond at any length because I am at work....but, WELCOME!!
                      Will keep an eye out for any posts from you. Any questions, just PM me and I will reply if I can (really busy at the moment.).

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        Just starting out x

                        Tictak, thats a good list and thanks youve reminded me to take my Milk Thistle again.

                        Im a supplements junkie at the moment. I have a Vit B defiency so take high strength Vit B complex with Vit C, Omega 3, 6, 9, Kudzu currently ( not working though judging by lasts nights consumption!), magnesium and 5HTP for my depression. I also have LGlutamine on order and GABA

                        I think I'm starting to rattle every morning when I take my supps



                          Just starting out x

                          Haha,me to.Im also taking glucosamine for my joints and a general multivitamin.... i gag most mornings taking them.Im not taking any of the anti drinking meds at the mo,thought i could do it on my own


                            Just starting out x


                            I'm in the UK and been through a lot of the same things as yourself. Right Doctors here. Thing is we don't realise how lucky we are to have the NHS - our Doctors are free and prescriptions a fraction of their true cost. Any hospital treatment also doesn't depend upon whether or not we have been able to afford to pay several hundred pounds a month in insurance or have pre-existing conditions. This means they don't dish out drugs willy-nilly and are pretty restricted for good reason - OK cost is one of those but we do get a lot very cheaply.

                            I too was frustrated by the system but it was only when I went into the private health service I truely realised why this was - drugs/treatment cost hundreds and thousands.

                            Moving on yes GPs have to really refer you to the Drug and Alcohol Team. GPs are General Practitioners and not all have special training in addiction and I would guess they have to refer like anyone who gets referred for specialist treatment eg orthapadics to an orthopaedic surgeon etc.

                            GPs might write a prescription privately but I doubt you'll get the NHS to pay for Nal off label (although I have heard of some who have managed it). There is also the fact many alcoholics go back time and time again without really wanting inside to change - this makes GPs very reluctant to prescribe once again as we could end up with all sorts of drugs floating around, building up in folks cupboards. Plus of course meds aren't the magic pill for this condition.

                            So that's our health system it's limited but still very much worthwhile and useful.

                            So where to now. The DAT can instruct your GP to prescribe from Campral to lots of other drugs once they have you assessed as suitable so still worth following up and yes there is a wait because it's free.

                            Counselling is during the day because most places only get funding or workers for a 9-5pm day. I'm with a private counsellor/psychotherapist and the latest she works is 5 or 6pm - and you have to travel to see her.

                            Frustrating yes but over the years I used all these excuses to avoid the real problem, and delayed getting well as a result. I wasn't going to ask for time off work because it could affect my job, I wasn't going to take up the offer of free rehab because I didn't want to put my job at risk. What happened?I started taking time off work sick because of my drinking and eventually get the sack. And yes work would have understood if I'd asked.

                            Here in the UK companies HAVE to treat addiction as an illness and as such will give you time off to attend counselling, AA as well as rehab. Heck I've seen some pay thousands for treatment too. If you don't want them to know your GP can write sicknotes for depression or other non-obvious reasons, which will then make visits to 'counselling' plausible as well.

                            So all is not lost.

                            My experience here?I've tried most things not Nal, but a lot of other meds/treatements and I finally stopped when I realised it had to be within me - I had to change my whole approach and put my sobriety first. This means turning down work (self-employed) and relaxing because if/when I drink I don't work or lose business as well as spending lots of money drinking.

                            Appologies for the lecture but there are reasons behind some of your frustrations. I think we struggle over here because we are used to this 'free' NHS, where we have services available no questions asked and medication for ?7.20 a time.


                              Just starting out x

                              tictak;851366 wrote: Haha,me to.Im also taking glucosamine for my joints and a general multivitamin.... i gag most mornings taking them.Im not taking any of the anti drinking meds at the mo,thought i could do it on my own
                              Why the I think you should be proud of yourself. youve managed 6 AF days which is a lot to be proud of so big smiles please. I can only manage about 2 days which is rubbish.

                              I used to be fine and not drink in the week at all, I was so disiplined and thats where I hope to get back to. I like my wine but would like a healthy relationship with it.

                              Good luck with being AL free today. I dont think I will manage it tonight at my freinds but will try tomorrow xx

