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Made it through the weekend

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    Made it through the weekend

    without drink. Yay me. The first time in a while. I am leaving for vacation in an hour. I hope I can manage to hold out. You know how you do so many stupid things when you are drinking? Well I get overly helpful and so now I have my husband's cousin staying in my basement. He was down on his luck and tipsy me told hubby to give him a call & he can stay here. No job or anything. I do like him and he has been helpful around the house so far. I'm just kicking myself though. Sober, I would have thought things through a little better.

    I need to try and stay in touch while I am gone, so I will try the internet cafe at the hotel.

    Happy NO Drinking everyone!

    Made it through the weekend

    Congrats Xwino. Don't worry, we've all done stupid things when we were drunk. Happy mothers day to you. Enjoy your holiday.
    Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
    AF since 04th May 2010
    Fell overboard on the 8th July!
    My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


      Made it through the weekend

      Well Done xwino on making it through the weekend AF - that's fantastic!
      Sorry to hear about the "mistake" you made with inviting your husband's cousin to stay when tipsy.. but at least he has been helpful around the house - and you have earnt extra karma points by doing so! maybe you can show him ad's for jobs in the paper, or get him to look on the internet.. help him find work.. then he can look to live with flatmates maybe.. I know how you feel though.. the things I have done when drunk! i often think I am Mother Theresa too.. and jump in to help when not wanted alot of the time! luckily i dont get that drunk anymore (only til recently LOL!!!) .. take care,
      Katie xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Made it through the weekend

        Well done Xwino and have a great holiday. Sorry but had to have a little chuckle about inviting your cousin to stay - I have done so many similar things and more and always lived to regret them, I was always wanting to be helpful and sort everybodys life out - I have even paid for peoples holidays because I felt sorry for them :H:H:H!! Keeping sober is going to save me so much money and heartache.
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Made it through the weekend

          Nice one XWino! Don't worry about cousins in basements or anything - you're sober - that's what counts! A brother of a friend of mine was coming home from Brazil on a flight during the ash cloud from Iceland volcano and (long story) ended up with a Bishop in his spare room for 10 days!!!
          Happy sober Sunday
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Made it through the weekend

            Well done XW - you are doing just brilliant.
            Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


              Made it through the weekend

              Good Job X......have a great sober vacation
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Made it through the weekend

                xwino, great job on being af throughout the weekend, keep up the good work. On vacation, you will be out of your routine, and the urge to drink may be triggered by lots of things. I usually try to think about this ahead of time, so I can expect it and not get blindsided. Have a great vacation,
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Made it through the weekend

                  I did it too!!

                  Yeah us!! XWino, we did it!! My first AF weekend in over 10 years. Unreal. I had a really nice mother's day too. I remember one mom day I felt really HO and tired. Took our kids to the beach and I pretty much slept all afternoon. Nice one mom. I'm feeling like those days are done, now that I realize I do have some semblence of willpower. The supplements and the forum are really helpful. Have a great vacation!!
                  ps. AF since 5/6.


                    Made it through the weekend

                    Hi XWino,
                    At least your drunken moment was something nice, mine were always stupid, embarrassing, mean, etc. I don't think I ever once offered to help somewhen when I was drunk! I hope it all works out for you. Have a great vacation!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Made it through the weekend

                      Congrats I wish I could say the same!!! Have a great holiday
             My Story

                      AF - 08/06/2010


                        Made it through the weekend

                        well done xw

                        have a great holiday xx:h
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          Made it through the weekend

                          Not making it through vacation too well

                          Not doing well staying AF this week. I need help seeing an impulse when it happens and waiting it out. I don't have the L-Glut or Kudzu with me. Then the hotel has a reception each evening with wine and you know that little voice, this is your vacation keeps flashing in my mind. I am not overindulging though. Still, I think its best for me to be AF. Drinking there will always be the chance I will overdo it since I lean towards being a binge drinker. When there is unlimited alcohol, I don't know how to stop. Will shoot again for this evening AF. I know when I get home, I will be almost back where I started from fighting the urges.


                            Made it through the weekend

                            Xwino try starting with a coke and see how you go on. If you do have another glass of wine then again have another soft drink after that :l take care sorry to hear your struggling hope it does not spoil your vacation too much :h
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                              Made it through the weekend

                              XWino;855055 wrote: Not doing well staying AF this week. I need help seeing an impulse when it happens and waiting it out. I don't have the L-Glut or Kudzu with me. Then the hotel has a reception each evening with wine and you know that little voice, this is your vacation keeps flashing in my mind. I am not overindulging though. Still, I think its best for me to be AF. Drinking there will always be the chance I will overdo it since I lean towards being a binge drinker. When there is unlimited alcohol, I don't know how to stop. Will shoot again for this evening AF. I know when I get home, I will be almost back where I started from fighting the urges.
                              Make plans to do something really awesome in the morning, so you will want to feel GOOD when you wake up so you can really enjoy the activity. If I were in your shoes right now I think that is what I would be telling myself.

                              Good luck and remember, it's true, we're gonna feel 10% more shitty with each drink we take so consider the morning..... hope that helps.

